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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia annex Kherson, Donetsk, Luhansk. Why not? Theses cities were once part of Russian empire.

Besides, war is a good thing. Without war, humanity will become complacent and devolve. War breeds the strong and weeds out the weak. War drives science and technology and innovation. War drives advancement of society.

no war:


So China should surrender to Mongolia because China was part of Mongolian land. Owning something in the past does not entitle somebody to reclaim it.

Military might and execution allow you to reclaim it. If Russia were strong enough it would have had those lands.

Are you thinking because after the dinosaurs, it was Russian land, Ukrainians should just put down their arms and give it up

HIMARS is crap compared to Iskander.
How much is the Iskander manufacturer paying you for this? And more importantly what beauty pageant is the Iskander being held back for? Where is it in use at a scale to make an impact
Aviation industry doesn't shut down immediately so you are not proving anybody wrong...First only the aircraft in the maintenance cycle are impacted for not getting spares. Not every aircraft in Russian fleet was due to for significant maintenance.

Then you have cannibalization of parts. Reduce your flying fleet by half and cannibalize the remaining. That will take more than a year to be felt.

Third, overall air traffic is down any way since there are a limited number of places Russian aircraft can fly to. This stretches the time it will take for it to be felt.

And finally, it doesnt say that flights are on Russian carriers (who can fly to very few places), but flights OUT of Russia. They are not one in the same. There are 30 international carriers still flying there.

And the fortess economy as it comes to aviation specifically is shot. Even the Sukhoi Regional jet has Honeywell avionics and Western Engines. Russians can take trains around their country like its the 40s.

So you have all the right to admire Russia, but choose a different axis of admiration.

Nazis were fighting a multi-front war vs. all resources focused on Russia front. Their hegemony stretched them too thin. Plus Russia was fighting a militarily defense campaign. Much easier to beat the Germans when they are invading.

Neither holds true here. It has more of a track record of losing on the attacking side (Afghanistan) and Ukraine plus most of the industrialized world is fighting against Russia by proxy.

Material: sure , lets see if they can crank out more of the advanced equipment vs. rely on countries even further behind than them to supply them artillery.

Unfortunately for Putin, the sort of living in the past confidence and euphoria is the belief that his advisers have been giving him which led to this sort of an incompetent operation. Almost to the incompetence level that you would think that Putin is not former KGB but a current US/British deep operative.

Nobody else would fight this way.
Seems like my sarcasm was too subtle. I was referring to people fleeing Russia and the temporary impact that had on domestic aviation market
New round of sanctions against Russia coming from EU, G7 and NATO in response to Russia partial mobilization.

That will further strangulate Russia.

China has 1.4 billion people. China support more than offsets EU sanction.
Greek tankers carry over 300 million euros of Russian oil every day. Good job komşi 🤌 You say you're in anti-Russian stance, agree with the sanctions, but who knows that, you developed almost perfect oil transfer system.
The Russians rely on Greece for oil smuggling, on Turkey for consumer products smuggling, on China for semiconductor smuggling. Russia economy relies on smugglers. Putin is the mafia boss. Greek tankers transport 55 percent of total russia oil export.
Israel is not part of the NFT.

They are nearly worshiped around the globe.

If you are getting threatened with nuclear annihilation by Russia, Germany and Italy can leave the NPT, and piss off the UK and US who refuse to defend them with their US arsenal of nukes if Russia nukes Germany and Italy.

"Oh, no!" "Only UNSC permanent members and a few other approved nations can get nukes, or else UK dies of a heart attack." "Oh, no"

Germany can't get nukes because they are not on the big boyz table with the UK and US, who decides no more nukes as us and uk.

As I said, you need to read up on stuff.
One of the requirements of the next generation German fighterbombers is the capability to carry the B61 bombs.
Why do you think German Aircrafts needs to be able to carry nuclear bombs?
Start reading, and stop posting until you understand issues, that is my recommendation.
Yes I have seen posts people are energetic and applying for the cause of country whether right or wrong but they are supporting Russia. Just because minor chunk is fleeing doesn't mean whole country is against conscription.

They are until they get Himarsed.

With the so called "mobilization",it's no wonder the US and the west will speed up their military support. Let's wait for those under equipped,under staffed and low morale conscripts how they will feel under constant attack during the winter in the trenches. It's going to be a massacre.
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