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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

@ZeGerman, Other Germans...

What every Germany should watch... is that for a century, the UK hid UK guilt in the sinking of the Lusitania. This made the British press too.

Watch for a few minutes on how Germany war guilt was manufactured on the Lusitania.

On Lusitania:

On starvation blockade of Germany:

The entire video shows the real culprit of WWI. Meaning the UK was to blame.

This is the basis of why Germany cannot have nukes, which is framing the German war guilt for WWI. If the Germans were right about WWI. That means Versailles was unjust. While Hitler was a Putin figure and a Trump figure. Russia has their own Hitler. US has their own Hitler. This should not disqualify you decades and centuries later from defending yourself with nukes from Russian nuke attack.

What do Russia, UK, US and France have in common. The desire to keep Germany down, militarily, economically and politically. This pre-dates Hitler. UK, France and Russia have been trying to keep Germany down since before WWI. And US entered into this partnership in WWI. WWI was an unjust war waged on Germans. Meaning the Entente were the bad dudes.

UK, France, US, Russia and China are the trolls telling the Germans they should never be allowed nukes to defend/prevent a nuke attack from the Russians with Germany having nukes and keeping the peace for the EU.
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who would assume year ago that the Turkyie and SA would be main diplomatic hubs for mediation and humanitarian efforts.

great job for prisoner swap and release.
who would assume year ago that the Turkyie and SA would be main diplomatic hubs for mediation and humanitarian efforts.

great job for prisoner swap and release.

LMAO you should look at Russian telegram channels and see what they think of this prisoner swap,it is hilarious. Must be hard for them to see Azov commanders and soldiers being liberated.
LMAO you should look at Russian telegram channels and see what they think of this prisoner swap,it is hilarious. Must be hard for them to see Azov commanders and soldiers being liberated.
who give a **** what they think, most important thing that are people freed by Erdogan diplomacy, huge good will win for Turkyie.

correct me if i am wrong, are you salty that it was achieved by them or not by some more established and stronger diplomacy?
who give a **** what they think, most important thing that are people freed by Erdogan diplomacy, huge good will win for Turkyie.

correct me if i am wrong, are you salty that it was achieved by them or not by some more established and stronger diplomacy?

Why should I be salty ? Good for Turkey if they are able to use effective diplomacy to free Ukrainians while major European nations are doing God knows what on this field.
Why should I be salty ? Good for Turkey if they are able to use effective diplomacy to free Ukrainians while major European nations are doing God knows what on this field.
lets hope that this could be sign of ending war despite all obvious odds.
New round of sanctions against Russia coming from EU, G7 and NATO in response to Russia partial mobilization.

That will further strangulate Russia.

We the asians, middle easterns, south americans and africans who have seen so much western propanganda shouldnt believe this media crap so easily there was time when taliban was best friend defeating ussr, saddam was villain and many other cases. Right now putin is hitler figure for the west.

Saying that russians fleeing and trending of breaking arms. This has been case with all countries during wars people try to flee their country to avoid conscription.

You think all russians are coward?

I have seen these protests or sort of here in pak when cat food was banned only then burgers of dha protested. So most probably higher middle to higher classes are protesting in saint Petersburg
Everyone thought that Russia's civil aviation industry will go bust because of sanctions. Putin has once again proved them wrong :undecided:
Aviation industry doesn't shut down immediately so you are not proving anybody wrong...First only the aircraft in the maintenance cycle are impacted for not getting spares. Not every aircraft in Russian fleet was due to for significant maintenance.

Then you have cannibalization of parts. Reduce your flying fleet by half and cannibalize the remaining. That will take more than a year to be felt.

Third, overall air traffic is down any way since there are a limited number of places Russian aircraft can fly to. This stretches the time it will take for it to be felt.

And finally, it doesnt say that flights are on Russian carriers (who can fly to very few places), but flights OUT of Russia. They are not one in the same. There are 30 international carriers still flying there.

And the fortess economy as it comes to aviation specifically is shot. Even the Sukhoi Regional jet has Honeywell avionics and Western Engines. Russians can take trains around their country like its the 40s.

So you have all the right to admire Russia, but choose a different axis of admiration.

Putin has announced mobilization

This means 300,000 extra troops

And up to 30 million if needed

This is Russia, the same nation who defeated Nazi

Simply huge resources of men + material

World war 3?
Nazis were fighting a multi-front war vs. all resources focused on Russia front. Their hegemony stretched them too thin. Plus Russia was fighting a militarily defense campaign. Much easier to beat the Germans when they are invading.

Neither holds true here. It has more of a track record of losing on the attacking side (Afghanistan) and Ukraine plus most of the industrialized world is fighting against Russia by proxy.

Material: sure , lets see if they can crank out more of the advanced equipment vs. rely on countries even further behind than them to supply them artillery.

Unfortunately for Putin, the sort of living in the past confidence and euphoria is the belief that his advisers have been giving him which led to this sort of an incompetent operation. Almost to the incompetence level that you would think that Putin is not former KGB but a current US/British deep operative.

Nobody else would fight this way.
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This is the first forever war in human history. It'll never end.
THere you go again with your forever war. Have you got any historical context beyond the crap you post here and what you learn on this forum? Vietnam/China: not forever warl. Japan/China: not forever war.

Soviet Union (more powerful than Russia) and Afghanistan: NOT a FOREVER War.

@ZeGerman, Other Germans...

What every Germany should watch... is that for a century, the UK hid UK guilt in the sinking of the Lusitania. This made the British press too.

Watch for a few minutes on how Germany war guilt was manufactured on the Lusitania.

On Lusitania:

On starvation blockade of Germany:

The entire video shows the real culprit of WWI. Meaning the UK was to blame.

This is the basis of why Germany cannot have nukes, which is framing the German war guilt for WWI. If the Germans were right about WWI. That means Versailles was unjust. While Hitler was a Putin figure and a Trump figure. Russia has their own Hitler. US has their own Hitler. This should not disqualify you decades and centuries later from defending yourself with nukes from Russian nuke attack.

What do Russia, UK, US and France have in common. The desire to keep Germany down, militarily, economically and politically. This pre-dates Hitler. UK, France and Russia have been trying to keep Germany down since before WWI. And US entered into this partnership in WWI. WWI was an unjust war waged on Germans. Meaning the Entente were the bad dudes.

UK, France, US, Russia and China are the trolls telling the Germans they should never be allowed nukes to defend/prevent a nuke attack from the Russians with Germany having nukes and keeping the peace for the EU.
Lose your way on this forum again and confused this Russia/Ukraine war thread with 'Lets admire how great UK is' debate? Do you know how you can create your own thread without approval from secret police?
That will become ugly. You talking about Russia middle class the other day. until yesterday they don’t care. 2/3 Russians support the war. But now thing has changed. Their sons and daughters are sent to Ukraine. Not all will return home alive or in one piece.

Too bad, they are too young to die in a foreign country.
Artist's Impression of Ukrainian USV
Click to Enlarge. Artist's Impression of the Ukrainian drone boat approaching a Russian landing ship outside Sevastopol. By H I Sutton

Ukraine’s New Weapon To Strike Russian Navy In Sevastopol​

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