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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Im sure whites are more like 98% of the russian population. So thats why im puzzled by your post.
Depends on what you mean white, I counted European White when I quote 93%,, that does not include Asian White (like Kazakh) or Middle Eastern White (like Dagestan or Chechen) because those don't earn nearly as much as ethnic Russian and ethnic Ukrainian in Russia.

And I think you asked me before why the White Middle Class will rise up if and when Russian announce mobilisation.
Where is their ARMATA tank? Why aren't they using it?

Without silicon, which the west controls it, by the US, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands to Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Russia military machine can’t make modern tanks. Same for modern aircraft.
Jesus, they arrested Ben Rich (aka Bald and Bankrupt)

How low can Russia goes......That man just want to visit Soviet Mosaic, let him be..

Not funny

From the mainland Russian artillery terror bomb Ukraine civil infrastructure. They do it impunity, without fearing any Ukraine retaliation because Ukraine can’t return fire.

Now Putin and his stooges along with RT threaten with nuclear war if the US delivers long range ammo.

The US should not fear such blackmailing by Russia. Will they really start a nuclear war?
The front at Cherson is a hard nut Ukraine offensive still unable to knack it.
Ukraine spec ops unit trying the breakthrough by drones and precision artillery strikes.

Ukrainische Spezialkräfte in der Region Cherson

Ukrainische Spezialkräfte in der Region Cherson

Maxim Dondyuk / DER SPIEGEL

Ukrainians firing artillery in southern Ukraine
Image:Ukrainians firing artillery in southern Ukraine
An episode of the battle in Ukraine showing the armor of the T-72 tank. In the video, the Russian T-72 tank, having received a blow from the Ukrainian ATGM, continued to move and did not leave the battlefield.

Ukrainian servicemen showed a home-made device for dropping 82 mm mines from drones. The device allows you to equip the drone with six mines.

The defeat of the BMP-1 of the Ukrainian army, moving at maximum speed. The BMP of Ukraine was destroyed in the battles in the Kherson direction, by soldiers of the 76th division of the Russian Airborne Forces.

Footage of the combat work of the Russian crew of the T-80BVM tank in Ukraine. In the video, the crew fires at the infantry of the Ukrainian army through the Sosna-U sight. The Sosna-U multi-channel sight has a sighting, thermal imaging and rangefinding channel, as well as a missile control channel. The tank commander's sight is connected to the gunner's sight by an optical channel and allows the commander to carry out target designation.

A Ukrainian tank and a Russian drone attack each other. Unusual footage of the battle in Ukraine, if you can call it that, appeared on the network. The crew of a Ukrainian T-64BV tank noticed a Russian drone attacking it, the attack was carried out by dropping grenades and ammunition on the tank. The tankers managed to close the hatch of the tank and after a while drove off to the side, after which they got out of the tank and tried to shoot down the drone with small arms.


Putin has ordered the “partial” mobilization.

All men and women in the reserve are called in.

Putin has ordered the “partial” mobilization.

All men and women in the reserve are called in.
The USA should supply ATACMS so the ukranians can wipe out all russian train nodes and the kerch bridge.

Good luck with russia to get all those men and material in place, and warm and fed, during winter.
The USA should supply ATACMS so the ukranians can wipe out all russian train nodes and the kerch bridge.

Good luck with russia to get all those men and material in place, and warm and fed, during winter.
Ukraine must urgently lay mines along the entire border, destroy every road, every bridge, every rail that connects to Russia.

The NATO should put the armies on the eastern flank in high alert.


Putin has ordered the “partial” mobilization.

All men and women in the reserve are called in.
Yeah, as I said, this would not be a full mob.

Mobilising the reserve, that they can do, because those people signed up for it, it's not like they force you to, you sign a paper at the end of the draft you stay on as a reserve member.

But then I don't know how this is going to change the equation, this war for Russia is never a manpower problem, they outnumber the Ukrainian, Russia has a command and control and logistic problem, I don't see how it is going to be solved with them piling bodies in.......
Yeah, as I said, this would not be a full mob.

Mobilising the reserve, that they can do, because those people signed up for it, it's not like they force you to, you sign a paper at the end of the draft you stay on as a reserve member.

But then I don't know how this is going to change the equation, this war for Russia is never a manpower problem, they outnumber the Ukrainian, Russia has a command and control and logistic problem, I don't see how it is going to be solved with them piling bodies in.......

Meanwhile Russia has recognized losing "only" 6000 soldiers in Ukraine.

I wonder how will those "300.000" reservists (numbers are always inflated in Russia) be equipped,trained and most importantely lead.... Expect untrained/unmotivated/under equipped soldiers that will desert within the first minutes if shit hits the fans...
Yeah, as I said, this would not be a full mob.

Mobilising the reserve, that they can do, because those people signed up for it, it's not like they force you to, you sign a paper at the end of the draft you stay on as a reserve member.

But then I don't know how this is going to change the equation, this war for Russia is never a manpower problem, they outnumber the Ukrainian, Russia has a command and control and logistic problem, I don't see how it is going to be solved with them piling bodies in.......
How long do you think it will take for these newly mobilized troops to take the field? And how do you think will they be deployed, in newly formed units or reinforcing depleted units?
Meanwhile Russia has recognized losing "only" 6000 soldiers in Ukraine.

I wonder how will those "300.000" reservists (numbers are always inflated in Russia) be equipped,trained and most importantely lead.... Expect untrained/unmotivated/under equipped soldiers that will desert within the first minutes if shit hits the fans...
Well, it depends on what kind of "Reserve" you are talking about.

I just read the decree, it said male who served in the armed force (Conscript or Not) within the last 4 years are mobilised, and female in reserve unit who had special skill also mobilised. Not sure what the actual criteria was for, but it will take about 4 weeks (for an infantry) to about 2 months (Specialty soldier like medic or armored crewman) if they are following the US National Guard Deployment pipeline.

Well, given it's now very close to winter, and those troop aren't really frontline ready, I can speculate the "Reserve" are going to be mostly light infantry designed to bulk up the defence.

But yes, this is increasingly turn into Russian own Vietnam, the moment you draft on an invasion, that's the moment your motivation dies.

How long do you think it will take for these newly mobilized troops to take the field? And how do you think will they be deployed, in newly formed units or reinforcing depleted units?

Not sure about how Russia Reserve works, but if we were to use the US Army National Guard deployment schedule, it takes around 4 weeks to 2 months to get them deployable.

Bear in mind National Guard serve at least 1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year. See my post above for more detail.
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