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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Putin did it.
He managed to revive Germany’s militarization. Thank you.
Olaf Scholz says Russia is a threat and announcing Germany armed forces must the best equipped in Europe.
Now Germany’s next step is acquiring nukes.

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With what money are they going to do that? The coming energy crisis is going to wreck havoc n their economy.
And who are they going to recruit? A very large portion of their military aged population are foreign migrants who are just there for the free gibs.
Well, seeing I have been saying this since July with @Oldman1 here, it's not at all surprise Ukraine will make this counter attack toward Kupiansk, I mean, if I can see it, people in high ranking Ukrainian and Russian military should have been able to see it too. The only surprise is why they do it so late.

And Ukraine don't need more mechanised armour to continue with this offensive, in fact, doing so will make it harder to consolidate their gain. Right now, Russian is try to make a collective defence, you will expect Russia will retreat some more after they found a suitable location and a balance of troop level to make defence. Also, Ukrainian had broken thru 2 out of 3 exit point toward East of Oskil Rivier, they have taken Eastern Bank in Kupiansk in the north, and they had crossed the Oksil in Borova in the middle, and only Lyman in the south is left with Russian hand, it's not going to be long before they finish consolidating and move on with another offensive with new Troop, according to Zelenskyy, he named 4 Brigades (14, 25, 80 and 92) as part of the Counter Offensive, which mean there are another 5 behind held back, including the battle hardened 93, 81 and 54 Brigade. They don't lack of fresh men to continue with the assault.
Hopefully they can take most of all of Luhansk region north of the Luhansk city prior to winter. And the added benefit of flanking the Russians in Lyman and other cities from the north as well as cripple their logistics directly from Russia in north by roads.
lol, it's different, I can fly a Bell Ranger 50 ft above ground during the morning (I actually can), that does not mean if they give me a Blackhawk and I can replicate the same manoeuvre on it. There are a lot of different factors on flying an aircraft. You have different speed, rate of climb, dimension, power/thrust, avionic and such, all that are going to change when you switch from flying from one platform to another.

Just because Ukrainian pilot can fly low on a Mi-24 or 35, that does not make it able to do the same on a Blackhawk.
So if you few for a whole month 8 hours a day in a Blackhawk simulator provided by the military and then fly the real one for a couple of weeks, you don't think you will be certified or proficient with it?

Polish port can't really handle that much logistic, also you are not going to win a 1,3,5 battle with ship, you need to overwhelm your enemy with supplies and platform, the only way to do it is fly them into Europ and truck them across.

By the time your ship dock in Europe, the list of weapon Ukraine need may have already changed.
I think the Ukrainians will want the Humvees even a month or 2 from now. Better than seeing them in those unarmored vans and trucks they driving around. Saves lives when in Humvees where I see bullet impacts on the windows but no penetration.

Well, some of my source of high position in Thr Southern Military command said Russian in the South is close to surrendering, the news of the Northern Front collapse did not go well with troop in the South.

So probably we should just wait and see, but if Russia decided to fight it out, this would be a bloody battle, may even be Mariupol bloody, The Ukrainian said they are ready for it, so it's just whether or not the Russia is going down that road.
Hopefully true, maybe the winter will get them to surrender as long as their logistics are still being targeted. Not to mention killing more Russians directly with HIMARS and other methods like drones with grenades at night or something. Probably even use them to keep their heads down while advancing on the trenches.

I have looked at the map like 10 times already, and looking at troop deposition in and around East of Oksil, I just can't see how Russia can hold on to any of that. Before or after this winter.

What people don't realise is, the reason why Ukrainian make such a big progress is not just because Russia thinning out their troop, that's part of the equation, another big part is the Ukrainian Artillery and MLRS have pushed Russian Artillery outside the 30 km zone that can support the entire front, some analyst even put Russian Artillery were pushed 20 to 30 km inside Russian border. That's why they buckle without a fight.

Russian without Artillery support is like an ant without any direction, you don't know where to go, and what to do, but if you stay and fight, and you can't call artillery/air support, well, you are going to die....

That has not change as Russian move to the Eastern bank of Oksil, they still are just infantry, and they don't have much infantry to begin with. I wouldn't be surprise if Ukraine launch another Combine Arms Assault into East of Oksil the Russian line would probably buckle again.
Considering they resorted to taking criminals directly from prisons is very telling.

Yeah, but then it also funnel Ukrainian troop. Unless they are blinded like Kharkiv again (Which I don't think they will fail twice) they know how you try to funnel them and they will just choose another spot to attack. Ukraine can't put troop and secure all the border with both Belarus and Russia. Which mean there are going to be gap, if and when Russia round that, they are going to exploit it.

But then that is assume they still have the required combat power to pull this off, most likely, nope.
Hence why the reason for long range drones and cameras and other sensors to watch the borders. And have rapid response units nearby, but mostly the border guards will be watching and waiting with anti tank missiles that can hit the vehicles going over the bridge layers. Not to mention the roads or bridges (obviously they will be blocked just like Ukrainian-Belarus border) that connects to the two countries would funnel the Russians as well.

Apparently, the Russian Official told the people in Izyum and Balakliia that Russia had taken Kyiv.......

That's probably why these people are surprised that the Ukrainian came and liberate their city......
Russians also saying they are losing because of African Americans...
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With what money are they going to do that? The coming energy crisis is going to wreck havoc n their economy.
And who are they going to recruit? A very large portion of their military aged population are foreign migrants who are just there for the free gibs.
Where to take the money? From tax payers from whom else? That means I will pay for Germany militarization, too. By the way Germany current account surplus in 2020 is 230 billion euros.
Instead of investing in China or give loans or make donations to other countries Germany can put the 230 billion per year money into the military that’s no problem with money at all.
As for recruits that’s indeed a problem.
I am all for foreign fighters.

Btw: Whats your source for these pics?
by looking at what left behind i'm 100% sure the retreat neither was calculated nor there is any discipline in Russian soldiers while retreating

orderly withdrawal mean destroying what ammunition and armor you want leave behind and boobytrap abandoned fortification , not live everything behind intact and in working conditiion and not even try to mine a single road
Not to mention leaving many of your comrades behind without letting them know why.
It's hard not to get the impression from watching these Russian state tv broadcasts that even if Russia loses this war and is eventually driven out of Ukraine (looking increasingly likely), either Putin will keep his grip on power or he will be replaced by another hardliner. Russia has become another pariah state and will experience a long period of decline as Western sanctions drive the Russian economy back to the Soviet era.

And none of this was necesary, neither the war or Russias antagonistic stance with the West. Putin made enemies out of the West for no other reason than it represented a threat to his own personal power. He resents the existance of a prosperous and stable democratic West, much like his Soviet predecessors who strove for world revolution to destroy a system of government that deep down they knew was superior.

The only enemies that exist are those that the ego creates. And Putin is the individual at the heart of a Russian collective ego that has made the West its enemy (in the same manner as the CCP collective ego), remove Putin and that collective ego still exists. It may become less focused for awhile if the Russian collective ego loses its central figure, but it will simply be waiting for a new one to emerge. Egos are drawn to even stronger Egos, and after watching these Russian state broadcasts, another extremely strong ego is going to emerge from the aftermath of the war with Ukraine.
Very good, sir.

Famous sci-fi author Frank Herbert expanded on the classic 'Power corrupt' adage: "All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

The ever temporary solution, aka band-aid, to this dilemma is to disperse the governmental mechanisms of power that are necessary and available to a leader who know this and tries to consolidate said mechanisms when in office. Russia seems to be the perpetual exemplar of the successful consolidation of mechanisms of power which then feeds that personal ego from one generation to the next.
Very good, sir.

Famous sci-fi author Frank Herbert expanded on the classic 'Power corrupt' adage: "All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

The ever temporary solution, aka band-aid, to this dilemma is to disperse the governmental mechanisms of power that are necessary and available to a leader who know this and tries to consolidate said mechanisms when in office. Russia seems to be the perpetual exemplar of the successful consolidation of mechanisms of power which then feeds that personal ego from one generation to the next.
I remember our friend Suvorov making much the same point about Russian political leadership, whether it was the Tsars or the Bolsheviks or Stalin, and now Putin continuing a Russian tradition of ego-dominated autocrats.

Imagine what Russia could have been like today if instead of Putin someone like Navalny had succeeded Yeltsin. With the oil revenues earned while the prices were high Russia could have truly prospered, diversifying their economy, investing more in infrastructure and a larger manufacturing base and high tech industries. Without the need of an ego creating imaginary enemies, a Navalny type leader could have even made Russia an EU member and possibly joined Nato, becoming a responsible member of the European and international community.

Instead, they have the man who has led them into this mess, and there doesn't seem to be a way out for them
It's hard not to get the impression from watching these Russian state tv broadcasts that even if Russia loses this war and is eventually driven out of Ukraine (looking increasingly likely), either Putin will keep his grip on power or he will be replaced by another hardliner. Russia has become another pariah state and will experience a long period of decline as Western sanctions drive the Russian economy back to the Soviet era.

And none of this was necesary, neither the war or Russias antagonistic stance with the West. Putin made enemies out of the West for no other reason than it represented a threat to his own personal power. He resents the existance of a prosperous and stable democratic West, much like his Soviet predecessors who strove for world revolution to destroy a system of government that deep down they knew was superior.

The only enemies that exist are those that the ego creates. And Putin is the individual at the heart of a Russian collective ego that has made the West its enemy (in the same manner as the CCP collective ego), remove Putin and that collective ego still exists. It may become less focused for awhile if the Russian collective ego loses its central figure, but it will simply be waiting for a new one to emerge. Egos are drawn to even stronger Egos, and after watching these Russian state broadcasts, another extremely strong ego is going to emerge from the aftermath of the war with Ukraine.

Russia made enmity with the west because they are slowly surrounding Russia, the same plan is implemented against China. The only thing is these countries are too weak to respond to the threat and Russia tried to respond and has failed.
Hopefully they can take most of all of Luhansk region north of the Luhansk city prior to winter. And the added benefit of flanking the Russians in Lyman and other cities from the north as well as cripple their logistics directly from Russia in north by roads.
As I said, it's strange that they pull some Brigade in reserve and did not commit them into the war, and these Brigade were all battle hardened, if that was me, I would want them to be on the forefront of my offensive.

Something tells me this counter offensive is not yet over, they crossed the East bank of Oksil at Kupiansk and Borova, and co-incidentally the 3 Brigade I talked about (81, 93 and 95) are all somewhere North/Northwest of Slovinask, it would surprise me if the Ukrainian launch another counter offensive to dislodge Russia from Sloviansk axis.

Kiew presents the plan for post war period.

1) the Ukrainian army is to be equipped and trained for the future, so that it can repel further Russian attacks.

2) Security guarantee by the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Poland, Italy, France, Australia, Turkey, the countries of northern Europe and the Baltic states.

3) NATO accession remains the long term goal.

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