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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If you want to unify the entire human race under a single hegemony you gotta be vicious like Chinese. If not, you cannot unify the entire human race under a single hegemony. The US only had one chance in the 1940s when the US had nukes and no one else had nukes.
you are right, Xi has unified all of China where nobody can express themselves, 2 years later big cities still living in arbitrary lockdown, and Xi is ascending to the status of a life long emperor. When do us outside of China get to be under this great leader and system where unless you tow the party line, you are in jail and your every post is monitored.

You went from spewing 'forever wars' to now saying that there is some concept of entire human race being united. Is this what the Mongols tried to do?
Donbas is Ukraine territory. And as such it can bomb 24/7 days and nights until the separatists surrender. It’s better for the world if Putin just tells them to surrender or piss off.

Says who? Donbas is majority ethnic Russian.

Says who? Donbas is majority ethnic Russian.

Saigon’s Chinatown is full of chinese. You mean Xi Jingping can declare the enclave as chinese colony? No way, we will shell them days and nights until they piss off.
Saigon’s Chinatown is full of chinese. You mean Xi Jingping can declare the enclave as chinese colony? No way, we will shell them days and nights until they piss off.

Donbas has been historically Russian land since the medieval era. Only in 1920 did Donbas become part of Ukraine because of Soviet allocation.
Donbas has been historically Russian land since the medieval era. Only in 1920 did Donbas become part of Ukraine because of Soviet allocation.
Don’t fake history. If so then Putin can take all russians and bring them back to Moscow area. That’s the place where they came from.
Anyway that can happen if this war goes lost. Putin will see Russia disintegrate into smaller states of different ethnicities.
NATO isn't united. It is fragmented like never before. Ukraine is in doldrums. A country ravaged by Russian intervention. You can try to paint a rosy picture, but Ukraine is indeed the bigger loser in this conflict. Russia is expected to distance itself further from EU orbit. EU clout over Russia due to energy supplies has already diminished to zero. A Chinese Russian resurgence is a reality.

I have also read the deceiving headlines in Western media when Putin met Xi LOL Trying to twist the positive meeting as a negative one. The headlines reveal how insecure the Western powers are regarding a Russian Sino nexus.
This fragmented NATO and a Ukraine in doldrums brought Russia the humiliation that nobody imagined. Russia till now was considered a near super power and so a counter balance to a unipolar world. At least that was the myth. And that got busted.

Imagine if NATO were not fragmented and Ukraine was not in the 'doldrums', Putin and his cronies would be sweeping streets in Moscow right now
This fragmented NATO and a Ukraine in doldrums brought Russia the humiliation that nobody imagined. Russia till now was considered a near super power and so a counter balance to a unipolar world. At least that was the myth. And that got busted.

Imagine if NATO were not fragmented and Ukraine was not in the 'doldrums', Putin and his cronies would be sweeping streets in Moscow right now

Right now we just counting the clock at Russia's defeat in Ukraine. How bad are they going to lose is still up to guesses,
Right now we just counting the clock at Russia's defeat in Ukraine. How bad are they going to lose is still up to guesses,

Doubt it. Ukraine has a quarter of Russia population. On top of that, Russia has much bigger industrial base. Ukraine compared to Russia = Confederate states compared to Union states.

Putin did it.
He managed to revive Germany’s militarization. Thank you.
Olaf Scholz says Russia is a threat and announcing Germany armed forces must the best equipped in Europe.
Now Germany’s next step is acquiring nukes.


Putin did it.
He managed to revive Germany’s militarization. Thank you.
Olaf Scholz says Russia is a threat and announcing Germany armed forces must the best equipped in Europe.
Now Germany’s next step is acquiring nukes.

View attachment 880155

The best equipped in Europe is Russian army.
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