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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It`s not the heartland. It`s a semi-periphery( now more a semi-periphery? ) to the center that is more/less a line coming from London to Milan.
Even, If you cut 5% of the GDP from the Center( now: Energy Crisis ) and 10% from the "Periphery"( now: Sanctions), the "Periphery" would still have a smaller economy.
And don't forget Warsaw as the center of the heartland. Muahaha.
Sorry, I meant 95th Air Mobile Brigade, which is last reported north of Sloviansk, which is the original unit pre-2014. 54 formed after 2014. And was involved in Mariupol, I don't know why I wrote 54, maybe thinking of something else.

All 3 were held at reserve at the moment, their troop strength should be effective as they are not active for months, that's most likely points to a Breakout from the Southeast.
That makes sense. 95 used to be reported northwest of Sloviansk (part of the defence against Izium bridgehead).
Makes you wonder if you have to be a complete idiot in order to join the russian armed forces.

The uncovering of war crimes in Mauripol will be especially horrific. Huge mass graves can be seen there from space.
Go f**k yourself.. you are propaganda itself.. go educate yourself..You are a real ignorant with your pairs.. you should feel idiotic posting argument just to argue fact on the ground..
Just wondering why a canadian is quoting Putins mouthpieces, thats all. Lets not pretend Kremlin propaganda is actually facts on the ground.
NATO isn't united. It is fragmented like never before. Ukraine is in doldrums. A country ravaged by Russian intervention. You can try to paint a rosy picture, but Ukraine is indeed the bigger loser in this conflict. Russia is expected to distance itself further from EU orbit. EU clout over Russia due to energy supplies has already diminished to zero. A Chinese Russian resurgence is a reality.

I have also read the deceiving headlines in Western media when Putin met Xi LOL Trying to twist the positive meeting as a negative one. The headlines reveal how insecure the Western powers are regarding a Russian Sino nexus.
Well if this is how they can kick his *** not united. Imagine what they would do if they were united. Hope for Putin's sake they stay 'fragmented'.

Every body though in a week war will be over and Ukraine will surrender. They proved all wrong including me. I thought Russia will capture entire Ukraine but then some sort of insurgency will start and go for years. Never expected this to happen.
Not just you. This was what NATO had anticipated. Thats why it was just defensive weapons. After the Afghan Govt collapse , nobody expected anything. They thought the Govt will be evacuated and this will be over.

Right, Russians are not even doing it the proper American way, kill 500k civilians and bomb the hell outta Iraq. What do you think shock and awe was about. Its about the lust for Muslim blood okay, after 911.

And that's supposed to be good for the world? One superpower? What happened to equality and freedom. China is fighting for a multipolar world. You dimwits are fighting for the Empire.

What, Iraq was intact right? No carpet bombing, no civilians killed, all using precision weapons OnLEE. US is the good guy.... Lol

You can't explain this to these fanatics. The current mess was created by US and yet they think they are 'helping' Ukraine. These idiots are supporting the prolonged suffering of Ukraine. They are now trying to make us kill our own Han brethren in Taiwan. This is how the empire is maintained, divide and conquer.
Dude, you have complete freedom of choice to start a thread that says 'US is evil and here is why' and we will join that. This thread is about the war in Europe. Just because its going badly for one side doesn't mean that everybody on the other side is an angel or morally correct.
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