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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Funniest thing about this whole thing is that Russia fanboys still believe that Russia has the second best military.

Russian air force hasn't managed to achieve air dominance in seven months against an opponent whats right next their country and is numerically much weaker. :coffee:
Wait for it...

Mr. HanPastry will spew his Russia 'total war' at ya...:lol:
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I'd like to see someone explain why Russian Su-30's and Su-34 aren't providing CAS to Russian troops.

RuAF is unable to provide even basic "services".
I commented on the VKS months earlier. Use keywords search 'airborne artillery' to see why I think the VKS essentially failed in Ukraine. As far as the Ukrainian Air Force goes, they are too numerically inferior in proportionate to the entire Russian Army campaign to matter. So given the limited war doctrine for the Russian Air Force and few numbers of the Ukrainian Air Force, this war is essentially a ground war, we Air Force guys are nearly useless. See @jhungary for details on the ground war.
Let's point and laugh at the russians some more.

Seems Putin spends more money on propaganda and yachts than on basic military hardware for the fighting troops.
Even Ukraine tanks are more protective than Russian tanks of same type.
Look at protective shields at turret and wheels.

Ukrainische Panzer: Den Russen die Initiative entrissen

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Ukrainische Panzer: Den Russen die Initiative entrissen

Foto: Ukrainian Ministry of Defence / AFP
I thought Hassan al whatever was full on copium but seems like someone's taking the first prize. If 200K Ukrainian soldiers were killed Russia would already walk in Lviv. :lol:
Not with:

a) A population of ~40 millions and that many mobilization waves. They are now even forcing old people and women to the front. Why is the Nato-Regime in Kiev doing this? Because they are simply running out of soldiers. So 100k dead is even a very low estimate.

b) The huge support of the whole Nato + other angloid countries like Australia. Ukraine had a huge reserve of tanks, APCs etc. and they are all destroyed + all the old soviet stockpiles combined the ex-warsaw Pacts countries had left are nearly destroyed too, so they are switching more and more to western weapons. So the human loses had to be horrendous.

The rest of your garbage i will not even try to comment. I will not wasting my time with Nato NPCs. I suggest you milk the tactical successes from this offensives as much as you can, because at the end the reality will kick in.
Mmmm, the entire war. Yeah, sure, sure. You are even parroting this copium nonsense, which you can read on reddit.

The number of dead ukr. soldiers for the entire war is somewhere around 100k - 200k.

Again our "military man" is failing on elementary school math. The whole world knows, the american education system is pure garbage, but this? We have a German word for it: Zum Fremdschaemen.

Or are you simply a parrot, a propaganda NPC who will parrot every nonsense from Pentagon and the so called ISW, which is run by Nuland-Kagan? Are you really not embarrassed to prostitute yourself?
That's why i said you know shit about Military.

First of all, you don't even know what the standard kill/wounded ratio is. Usually, you will have 5 or more wounded for every one killed in any peer war, 3 to 1 in general for non-peer. US invasion of Afghanistan have seen 2456 American killed and 20752 wounded for the entire 20 years operation. Of those 1908 killed were from direct action, and 14,000 wounded were from enemy action (ie purple heart were awarded)

If Ukrainian lost 100k-200K there will NOT BE A SINGLE UKRAINIAN STANDING, seeing the entire Ukrainian Military as of now are somewhere north of 600,000, at most 700,000 that is given the war started with 214,000 Ukrainian army reported strength and we add 100,000 fully trained soldier a month, which in itself is impossible to do. For Ukraine to suffer 100,000 KIA, they would have around 500,000 WIA, or may be more seeing Russian military superiority.

As for this operation, you cannot hide the troop in battle, they wear uniform and can be identifiable. Here are the maps.

There are 6 Brigade in Kherson, 9 in Kharkiv, Not all of them are in the push, but let's say they all are, that's 15 Brigade, each Brigade have 4000 men, a quick calculation would see 60,000 troop were use, again, with 5 to 1 wounded to killed ratio, all of those men in Kharkiv and Kherson would have been dead or wounded if Ukrainian suffer 10,000 killed. Because that would mean 10,000 killed and 50,000 wounded.

But then meh, what do I expect? Do I expect you to know the science of Force Regeneration? NO. But then at least you should check the original tweet Illia Ponomarenko made, he had explained in the comment section that he meant the entire operation.

But hey, if you want to be a lazy a$$, that's you. I got nothing to say.

I thought Hassan al whatever was full on copium but seems like someone's taking the first prize. If 200K Ukrainian soldiers were killed Russia would already walk in Lviv. :lol:

You are probably the same dude believing RuMod briefings about how their "regrouping" was planned and was well conducted while leaving hundreds (if not thousands) pieces of equipments in Kharkiv (that are discovered every days) or claiming to have hit a barge full of Ukrainian special forces and killed 2000 of them when they actually hit a German WW2 part bridge lol
@NotSure killed at least that many in his dream LOL
I'd like to see someone explain why Russian Su-30's and Su-34 aren't providing CAS to Russian troops.

RuAF is unable to provide even basic "services".
Before I explain in detail, let me tell you a true story I had when I was in Iraq.

I was part of the first spearhead to the "Race to Baghdad" with the 3d Infantry Division in Iraq, that's back in 2003. What we essentially doing is to roll thru the enemy and let the mech infantry (that's us) to capture the area so the armor and spearhead can keep the momentum.

So basically, the armor punch thru a line and we dismount from our transport and fight the routing Iraqi. The only thing is, it kind of depends on the Iraqi unit, sometimes they melted, sometimes they surrender, but sometimes they decided to fight on. I remember a village outside of Al-Najaf, the tank of 1st Brigade rolled thru and we are dismounted and try to take that village. We are about a company size, maybe minus a Platoon, anyway, the Iraqi that got rolled melted back into Najaf (which is around 5 click away IIRC) but then they come back with Reinforcement from Najaf, we got basically F'ked and got pinned down because the tanks and IFV had drove off, we are kind of naked. So I talked to my JTAC team (A lawyer and A pilot) and ask for Fast Mover. I know from Mission Briefing there are at least a pair of strike eagle above us. The JTAC team goes to works, come back and tell me that's a no go. Because the F-15 are needed elsewhere, the forward element were hitting stone in Karbala Gap, they diverted all available asset to help them punch thru, all I have is a pair of expanded F-16 coming back from an airstrike or RTBing, they ask me if I wanted them to do a fly-by instead. And quote "Maybe they can scare'em"

Long story short, we were picked up by the trailing 101st Airborne Unit and together we push the Iraqi out, No Airstrike, No fly by and nothing. I think I have 3 wounded because of that.

Now, as for why no Su-30 and Su-34 flying CAS for ground troop? I don't know. I am not familiar with Russian Air Force, but from my own experience, It's not like you can just drag unit off the shelve and use it that way, to call an airstrike you will need to have aircraft loitering in the area first, you know what unit you have when you are being brief on before the mission. But then, that's not a guarantee, because it also depends on whether or not they are in the area you are in, and then whether or not they are armed, and then whether or not they can get to you and drop the bomb. And finally at least for us, we have a very strict restriction or envelope before I can call in an Air Strike, that's why there are 2 officer in the JTAC team, a Pilot, who clear the route and direct the aircraft for the incoming, and a Lawyer, who then preside on the decision on whether or not that is a legitimate target, if you have 1 single civilian within Danger Close (2 km for fast mover) the lawyer will nullify the strike, afterall they are Air Force and it's their asset, we are just using them.

Let's point and laugh at the russians some more.

Maybe they like egg carton so much, they made helmet out of it too, I mean, you just can't put them all inside the reactive armor, right??
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So how many soldiers Kiev has lost for this nato planned offensive? Even the Nazi propagandist Illia Ponomarenko said the number of 10k dead ukr. soldiers.

End except Kherson Russia hasn't even really defended itself or started a counteroffensive. And in few weeks, when the Russian support will arrive in Kharkiv etc. the ukr. offensive will be trapped in cauldrons.
Can you give me some winning lotto numbers too since you can see the future?
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This war has not turned out as I expected. The incompetence and corruption of the Russian military has been exposed wholesale.
You're not the only one. I think everyone is stunned as to how incompetent and corrupt the Russian Army is. We thought they had an extremely well trained/drilled military fighting machine, but turns it out, just having overwhelming fancy weapons does not win you wars. Their Command Structure is extremely rigid, the NCO is largely nonexistent and this is why they are struggling to adapt and think outside the box on the battlefield. The current Ukrainian offensive in Kharkiv where they spotted a gap and acted decisively to exploit it, i don't think the Russians can replicate a quick thinking operation like this.
I commented on the VKS months earlier. Use keywords search 'airborne artillery' to see why I think the VKS essentially failed in Ukraine. As far as the Ukrainian Air Force goes, they are too numerically inferior in proportionate to the entire Russian Army campaign to matter. So given the limited war doctrine for the Russian Air Force and few numbers of the Ukrainian Air Force, this war is essentially a ground war, we Air Force guys are nearly useless. See @jhungary for details on the ground war.
This has been the biggest surprise for me, the Russian Air Force. While the incompetence of the Russian Army is here for all to see, but the incompetence of Russian Air Force crosses all leaps and bounds considering the Russian Air Force has decent equipment. What they did not learn from the US from Gulf War and Serbia is that electronic warfare is now a major force in the aerial battlefield. Its clear that the Russians invested very little in EW and building up a credible C4I. Heck, Pakistan with only a fraction of resources learnt from the Americans how important Electronic Warfare and C4I is and thus dedicated majority of their development budget in creating a credible Electronic Warfare and C4I network. The Russians have a pretty big defense budget for the size of their economy.
Not with:

a) A population of ~40 millions and that many mobilization waves. They are now even forcing old people and women to the front. Why is the Nato-Regime in Kiev doing this? Because they are simply running out of soldiers. So 100k dead is even a very low estimate.

b) The huge support of the whole Nato + other angloid countries like Australia. Ukraine had a huge reserve of tanks, APCs etc. and they are all destroyed + all the old soviet stockpiles combined the ex-warsaw Pacts countries had left are nearly destroyed too, so they are switching more and more to western weapons. So the human loses had to be horrendous.

The rest of your garbage i will not even try to comment. I will not wasting my time with Nato NPCs. I suggest you milk the tactical successes from this offensives as much as you can, because at the end the reality will kick in.
I wonder what bullshit you will spew once kherson falls.
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