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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Even Nazis allowed free speech. If you choose to live in the West, at least learn some Western values.
Free speech doesnt mean I have to believe what ever some authoritan regime wants me to believe. You live in the west, or atleast pretend to do, so dont waste your time lecturing me what free speech is all about. I know nothing else. I was born here. Maybe thats why I wonder why anyone would even consider the BS you promote as anything remotely close to the truth.

and you are aware that the western journalist don't dare go there not because of Russia but because of fear of prosecution in their own country.

and how come Nato could intervene 12000km away from their land whenever they want but russia cant intervene at its border. since when one become holier than the other one.
Exactly why are you trying to justify russian exapansionism with whatever you claim NATO did or did not?

In order to believe that the Russian forces never intended to take Kyiv, you have to believe that the Russians committed their most elite units to the diversionary battle (rather than the real battle), and that these were intended, fully and completely, as a sacrifice (because there was never going to be a serious effort to relieve them).

Does that sound credible to you?

Is it me or has the media overall toned down coverage of this conflict.
As stated many times the West has completed it goal of keeping Russia engaged, and they've used Slavic's against each other.

In order to believe that the Russian forces never intended to take Kyiv, you have to believe that the Russians committed their most elite units to the diversionary battle (rather than the real battle), and that these were intended, fully and completely, as a sacrifice (because there was never going to be a serious effort to relieve them).

Does that sound credible to you?

For the diversion to be effective, Russia needed to have the Ukrainians wonder whether it was not indeed planning a thrust into Kiev proper. An elite tank division and some special forces taking part in the operation would create uncertainty about Moscow's intentions, ie would raise the question whether further reinforcements were going to follow. Whereas 40.000 regular conscripts alone would not represent a realistic enough invading force against the city of Kiev. The number of elite units Russia lost in the process was not unexpendable.
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For the diversion to be effective, Russia needed to have the Ukrainians wonder whether it could not indeed be aiming at a thrust into Kiev proper. An elite tank division and some special forces taking part in the operation would create uncertainty about Moscow's intentions, ie would raise the question whether further reinforcements were going to follow. Whereas 40.000 regular conscripts alone would not be realistic enough for an invading force against the city of Kiev. Russian did not lose an unreplaceable amount of elite units in the process.
But why they even needed that diversion? Blitzkrieg the donbass??
With the way they were operating. Massing troops…then artillery pounding…
Could have just done that on day 1. And this way be more justified in the “freeing donbass angle” instead of setting off red alarms everywhere in europe and handing zelenski enormous support.

All points to russia thinking they could rush this and suprise an unprepared and generally unwilling to fight ukraine. Then before EU has finished their debates on sanctions/response…war would have been finished.

Crimea annexation gave them this wrong idea.
For the diversion to be effective, Russia needed to have the Ukrainians wonder whether it could not indeed be aiming at a thrust into Kiev proper. An elite tank division and some special forces taking part in the operation would create uncertainty about Moscow's intentions, ie would raise the question whether further reinforcements were going to follow. Whereas 40.000 regular conscripts alone would not be realistic enough for an invading force against the city of Kiev. Russian did not lose an unreplaceable amount of elite units in the process.
Russian paratroopers dropped by 100 helicopters at airports north and south of Kiev while 1/3 of the russian forces were trying to reinforce them.. And it was just a diversion of an attack in Donbass being somewhat succesfull months later when those forces towards Kiev were relocated south… right.
Is it me or has the media overall toned down coverage of this conflict.
As stated many times the West has completed it goal of keeping Russia engaged, and they've used Slavic's against each other.

I agree to, Picking Countries off one by one has been the American way of conducting endless Wars to keep the defence industry in business.. but On Ukraine, nothing to do with cia this one is solely down to Putins own insecurities on kiev

Putin could just pull his men off, sorry, I mean back, game over then and everyone can get on with their lives', the one's that lived anyway..
I agree to, Picking Countries off one by one has been the American way of conducting endless Wars to keep the defence industry in business.. but On Ukraine, nothing to do with cia this one is solely down to Putins own insecurities on kiev

Putin could just pull his men off, sorry, I mean back, game over then and everyone can get on with their lives', the one's that lived anyway..

If Russia withdraws from Donbass, this will be the state of the Russians.

Reuters: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has ordered the generals to prioritize the destruction of long-range missiles and Ukrainian artillery, and this comes after the use of weapons provided by the West to strike Russian supply lines.

A Russian senator sarcastically responds from the European Union: Let them wait for the impact of sanctions on Russia, and we will only wait for winter.

Medvedev: If Ukraine thinks of attacking Crimea, doomsday will come for all of them.

CNN: China has firmly declared that it will help Russia economically and, if necessary, militarily.
The Russian "Gazprom" company informs its customers in Europe that it will not supply them with gas, and will not be able to fulfill its commitments in terms of the volume of supply.

A new and very strong slap from President Putin to the European countries that have decided to ally with America

Urgent Russian missiles destroy the barracks of the Foreign Legion in Ukraine
You can be a democratic or autocratic consumer. China depends on the world for our wealth, not just the West. Did we point a gun on your head to buy our goods? Without us accepting dollars, your money becomes toilet paper. China is autocratic not communist. Do you see billionaires in Communist countries? We are a stateist capitalistic country. The only communist in us is the Party name. Since when am I a communist supporter? I support China not any ideology. Which cat catches mice is a good cat, we coined our ideology as gradual pragmatism
This got nothing to do with the fact that China needs democracy in order to grow wealth even if that democracy is outside of China. Can China grow from non-democratic countries? Sure, but not as fast. So the bottom line here is that the democracy-capitalism pairing is the most conducive, not guaranteed, to wealth. You can call China any label you want, but you need us, not the other way around. Do not mistake the current interdependency between us for being inseparable. Before the Great Collapse, we were already far ahead of you. Today, without you, we cannot merely survive but still grow. But without us, you will regress.
Hahahaha scott ritter…what a joke of a source.

Instead of copy pasting propaganda, do you really believe ukraine is the strongest nato state? britain? France?
Stronger then 30 european countries together?

I assume you can count right? Military equipment and expenditure?

And russia beating whole nato? A joke.
Russia has its nuclear weapons…else it would have been leveled out of ukraine already. All those km of columns stuck on the roads. Would be death highway times 10.
I see that as a troll you've skipped the Ron Paul Institute conference in Houston..

Go ask him..and compare your knowledge with his..
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but On Ukraine, nothing to do with cia this one is solely down to Putins own insecurities on kiev
If its solely to do with Putin's insecurities, then why did Russians give 70% approval rating to Putin and supporting the military operation in Ukraine? why does their consensus vote on the war contradict your lame reasoning here?
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