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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The black guy may have been a normal guy but hes trained in boxing he did a switch halfway through the video which a non boxer would not execute so smoothly.
The man in the blue was not a "normal" guy. He was your typical Street fighter. Queensbury and dojo rules don't apply in street fight.

If you can't even protect your head or flank, your're not really a fighter. The man in the tactical clothing was a poser.

After you have been kicked a couple of times in the face, you learn to hit first, hit fast, hit dirty.

There are no gentlemen rules in a streetfight. Speaking from experience as I have been stabbed in street fight and learned from that experience.
Russia has lowered it's aims since it became obvious that unlike the 2 previous landgrabs this time Ukraine was prepared. So they couldn't take Kyiv and lost men and equipment. Now, with more realistic target they expect the world to believe that's what they intended all along. School playground behaviour.

In geographical terms, Russia has actually expanded its war objectives. When researching a warring party's objectives, one has to look at public statements from political officials, rather than what analysts postulate (especially in this case, where there's a media war going on and certain western regimes don't hesitate to prosecute journalists whose reporting they find issue with).

Based on official statements, the Russian Federation initially believed that crushing the heavy concentration of Ukrainian forces in the Donbas would suffice to fulfill its political goals of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine.

Then in April 2022, Russian general Minnekayev declared that from then on, the goal would be to substract the entire south of Ukraine from the Kiev regime's control and to advance all the way to the border with Transnistria.


There is no evidence (let alone an official statement) to the effect that Russia aimed to take Kiev at the onset of the conflict. In fact it is extremely unlikely given that 40.000 troops would have nowhere enough to conquer an urban center the size of Kiev defended by some 80.000 or more well equipped units, and the fact certainly wasn't lost on Russian decision makers. No professional military planner would envisage such an undertaking, the classic rule of thumb being that an attacking force needs thrice as many men to succeed against entrenched defenders ie Russia would have had to mobilize some 240.000 forces for this battle.
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Footage of the destruction of the Ukrainian armored vehicle "Kozak 2M.1" by the Russian army has been published. The armored vehicle "Kozak 2M.1" was introduced in 2016, depending on the configuration, small arms or a 40-mm UAG-40 automatic grenade launcher can be installed on it. In this video, a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun is mounted on an armored vehicle. Depending on the modification, the armored vehicle can carry up to 15 paratroopers. The price of the armored car is 318 thousand dollars.

Soldiers of the Ukrainian army published footage of the destroyed American howitzer M777 in Ukraine. The M777 howitzer was reportedly destroyed during counter-battery firing by Russian artillery.

The first American M270 MLRS arrived in Ukraine from Britain, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said. In addition, the US and NATO will provide Ukraine with data from their satellite systems to target these MLRS strikes. The installations will also be supplied with ATACMS Block IA missiles with a target engagement range of up to 80 km. The release of the MLRS M270 began in 1982, now it is in service with 17 countries. Despite its considerable age, the M270 retains its high fighting qualities. The MLRS chassis is unified with the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, which simplifies operation. The M270 multiple launch rocket system does not have rocket launchers. Instead, the M269 module is used, made in the form of an armored box with seats for transport and launch containers. The MLRS contains two containers, which makes it possible to fire a salvo of 12 227 mm caliber missiles at a range of 10 to 150 km for new missiles manufactured in 2022. After firing, the container is removed, and a new one is installed in its place. Thanks to this architecture, the MLRS can also launch two MGM-140 ATACMS operational-tactical missiles with a caliber of 610 mm, at a distance of up to 270 km. MLRS preparation time for firing: 2 minutes, cruising range: 500 km, M270 MLRS cost $ 4 million.

In geographical terms, Russia has actually expanded its war objectives. When determining war objectives, one has to look at public statements from political officials, rather than what analysts postulate (especially in this case, where there's a media war going on and certain western regimes don't hesitate to prosecute journalists whose reporting they find issue with).

Based on official statements, the Russian Federation initially believed that crushing the heavy concentration of Ukrainian forces in the Donbas would suffice to fulfill its political goals of demilitarizing and denazifying Ukraine.

Then in April 2022, Russian general Minnekayev declared that from then on, the goal would be to extract the entire south of Ukraine from the control of the Kiev regime and to advance all the way to the border with Transnistria.


There is no evidence (let alone an official statement) to the effect that Russia aimed to take control of the city of Kiev at the onset of the conflict. In fact it is extremely unlikely given that 40.000 troops are nowhere enough to conquer an urban location defended by some 80.000 well equipped units, and the fact certainly wasn't lost on Russian decision makers. No serious professional military planner would envisage such an undertaking, the classic rule of thumb being that an attacking force needs thrice as many men to succeed against entrenched defenders ie Russia would have had to mobilize some 240.000 forces for this battle.

They weren't able to take it on the onset of the war, because Ukraine put up stiff resistance and because Russian Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) and the units within, operated with near tactical independence with underprepared troops.Since they weren't able to take it early on, they could only hope to surround and destroy it block by block (see Mariupol)- and Russia simply didn't have the resources to wage that sort of battle against a city the size of Kyiv
They weren't able to take it on the onset of the war, because Ukraine put up stiff resistance and because Russian Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) and the units within, operated with near tactical independence with underprepared troops.Since they weren't able to take it early on, they could only hope to surround and destroy it block by block (see Mariupol)- and Russia simply didn't have the resources to wage that sort of battle against a city the size of Kyiv

Question is, what evidence is there that Russia sought to take the city of Kiev or thought it could do so with only about 40.000 troops? Moving forces into that direction onto itself doesn't prove such an intention, because diversion is part of maneuver warfare and thus a plausible hypothesis. Moreover with the discrepancy of troop numbers in mind, I doubt Russian planners could be suspected of being amateurs to be point of ignoring the basics (like the 3:1 ratio mentioned above).

Russians 'shoot down their own SU-34 bomber’ in Ukraine​

Own goal - must have been trained by Indians ....
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Question is, what evidence is there that Russia sought to take the city of Kiev or thought it could do so with only about 40.000 troops? Moving forces into that direction onto itself doesn't prove such an intention, because diversion is part of maneuver warfare and thus a plausible hypothesis. Moreover with the discrepancy of troop numbers in mind, I doubt Russian planners could be suspected of being amateurs to be point of ignoring the basics (like the 3:1 ratio mentioned above).
These basics are very often proven wrong when there is a large difference in morale.
Isis took Mosul with 1:20 odds for instance.

Russia took crimea and part kherson oblast on 1:1 basis with losing only a handfull of troops and almost no fight being put up by defenders.
Clearly they expected similar, that is why they hurried their paratroopers, columns, sof towards and into kiev. Despose the government, done in a week. It worked in Cherson…

there is no way this was done as some “chess play distraction” cause the losses were immense and often from elite troop/material.
They weren't able to take it on the onset of the war, because Ukraine put up stiff resistance and because Russian Battalion Tactical Groups (BTGs) and the units within, operated with near tactical independence with underprepared troops.Since they weren't able to take it early on, they could only hope to surround and destroy it block by block (see Mariupol)- and Russia simply didn't have the resources to wage that sort of battle against a city the size of Kyiv
by factual assessments those 40km convoy carried the occupation administration force of Kiew. those delusional folks thought no fighting was needed, they really believed they came and could stage a victory parade on the main streets. that is why they just lined up. well, then came the ukraine artilley fires.
Question is, what evidence is there that Russia sought to take the city of Kiev or thought it could do so with only about 40.000 troops? Moving forces into that direction onto itself doesn't prove such an intention, because diversion is part of maneuver warfare and thus a plausible hypothesis. Moreover with the discrepancy of troop numbers in mind, I doubt Russian planners could be suspected of being amateurs to be point of ignoring the basics (like the 3:1 ratio mentioned above).


In order to believe that the Russian forces never intended to take Kyiv, you have to believe that the Russians committed their most elite units to the diversionary battle (rather than the real battle), and that these were intended, fully and completely, as a sacrifice (because there was never going to be a serious effort to relieve them).

Does that sound credible to you?
Yes I am totally serious. Russia has no business in Ukraine. Its all constructed arguments. A fabrication meant to justify Russias ambitions. The russian government (Putin) doesnt even have the courage to admit to the russian population what they are doing in Ukraine, and the population pretends they are unaware. Its pathetic.

Youre just aware that a few pro-russian puppets, pretending to be journalist, were allowed to report what they were told. No independent media reported any of the russian fabricated stories of atrocities committed by ukrainians.
and you are aware that the western journalist don't dare go there not because of Russia but because of fear of prosecution in their own country.

and how come Nato could intervene 12000km away from their land whenever they want but russia cant intervene at its border. since when one become holier than the other one.
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