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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The Ukrainian Air Force showed footage of the landing of Ukrainian fighters on the highway.

The crew of the Russian airborne combat vehicle BMD-4M showed their combat work and told the tactics of the Ukrainian army units. The armament of the BMD-4M is a 100 mm 2A70 cannon, a 30 mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a 7.62 caliber PKMT machine gun.

Footage of an attempted offensive by Ukrainian troops in Pisky, this is the Donetsk region. In the video, the battle and attack of Ukraine by the forces of a motorized infantry platoon of three BMP-2s supported by two T-72B tanks. After the destruction of one of the Ukrainian T-72Bs by Russian artillery and grenade launchers, Ukrainian units began to retreat.

The crew of the Russian airborne combat vehicle BMD-4M showed their combat work and told the tactics of the Ukrainian army units. The armament of the BMD-4M is a 100 mm 2A70 cannon, a 30 mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a 7.62 caliber PKMT machine gun.

These light tanks seem more useful than main battle tanks. They are easy and quick to build, have sufficient fire power, nimble and more reliable, and are fully amphibious. On top of that, they can carry troops and supplies.
Nobody is disputing what China has in resources. China has come a long way in 25 years and I am not taking away from that.

What I have issue with you and your compatriots claiming China is a set of superhumans or something and somehow with this super human power is going to use its resources to help the Russians.

Xi is not stupid enough to do that regardless of what you are thinking. How would any of the above help Russia.

And don't use childish language like LOLLOLL on a global defence forum. It makes you look pathetic and takes away from the important facts that you are stating
LOLOLOL. Hey numb numb, what superhuman, use some common sense, it's known as industrial capacity, if China decides to help Russia, you guys would be bankrupted. Imagine the amount of artillery we can supply them none stop. Why do you think Biden keep on asking us to NOT help Russia..... Warn us when we shook hands with Putin. Lololol. I don't care you what you think. I will still LOL as much as I want Jose.
Panic and fear? Hardly. Is China a military threat to US? I guess China's strategy is to keep out of wars thereby leaving the world wondering how lethal is the Parade Line Army (PLA) in a non-nuclear war. You guys mocked the US military despite our experience in wars, so why are you offended that I jabbed at your PLA for lack of the same? And yeah, we will see you posting responses containing Korea. :lol:

Is it possible that the Party believe that the PLA is not ready for modern warfare despite all the shiny new toys China bought all these yrs? What if the US/NATO told Xi that if China actually fight with Russia for Ukraine, the US/NATO would get active and we would slaughter the PLA in Ukraine? You do not know and neither do I. But we both know such backdoor communication has happened before.

Back in the Cuban Missile Crisis, SAC CINC General Thomas Power ordered, on his own authority, Strategic Air Command (SAC) to DefCon 2. Then he ordered all SAC units to respond on open radio their combat status. He wanted the Soviets to actually intercept those open transmissions. Within 15 minutes, 75 B-52s reported readied to taxi and about 1400 more assorted bombers will be runway able in 30 min, 40 ICBMs readied to launch and 170 are under fueling status. The Soviets called in that back channel phone and offered negotiations. I am five9s certain Xi got that call and he backed off. He cannot afford to dirty up those pretty Parade Line Army (PLA) uniforms because he need them to glorify himself. Any blood on those uniforms will be that of his political enemies, not of the enemies of China.

So for you to tell us to 'trust' you regarding something you know nothing about, is hilarious. All those PLA soldiers, sailors, and airmen? At least they submitted themselves to a lifestyle that you wish you have the balls and spine to endure. In your case, as well as your fellow PDF Chinese members, being sofa soldiers are shameful but you guys are too clueless to know why. You are cheering for a side that your country is readied to abandon in a moment, and abandon with extreme distaste.
Say that to your generals and msm, keep on China this China that, we are ranked a bigger threat than Russia. We are just 3rd world ppl... Nothing to fear. We only supply pencils to Russia, No worries okay. Lol. Your long post suggest you do think otherwise. Lololol
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Poland wants 500 HIMAR's? why? do they plan to conquer the world?

Have you been to europe? have you seen how people live there? obviously not if you think people are suffering and freezing.
Yes I been there several times. Lol. Your point being?
TTF natural gas futures is quoted $190 (Oct 22 delivery), down 8 percent.
That doesn’t look good for gas prices. The futures breaks thru the peaks in Jan (panic before invasion) and Mar (the shock after invasion). Should the EU economy slow down further, Ukraine regaining more territories, I would bet the price to go down to $150.
Winter coming, price crashing, although Gazprom delivers 0 gas thru north stream 1. Putin gets 0 euros. That hurts.
The only people that laugh loud on the way to the bank is Norway. They are now richer than the Swiss.

That doesn’t look good for gas prices. The futures breaks thru the peaks in Jan (panic before invasion) and Mar (the shock after invasion). I would expect the price to go down to $150.
That price crashing although Gazprom delivers 0 gas thru north stream 1. Putin gets 0 euros.
The only people that laugh loud on the way to the bank is Norway. They are now richer than the Swiss.

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For a long time I hoped EU and Russian relations could normalize vs too much reliance on USA.

With the war grinding on, I thought maybe a land for peace deal (the pro-russian parts only) would perhaps be the wisest way out of this mess (for all).

After bucha, refusing to negotiate, continuing landgrab, gas war…it has gone on too far and too long.

Russia needs to be crushed in ukraine. Its economy needs to be crushed…there can only be normalisation if putin is kicked out and russia agrees to reparations.

If putin remains…russia wil end up like another larger north korea. Putin needs to go.

Humiliated on the battlefield russia takes it out on civilian infrastructure….

Care to explain the strategic value?
They are trying to annex parts of ukraine…and denying (mostly russian speakers!) water and electricity will win their hearts and minds?

This will just turn into more resentment and will to resist. Same why americas “bombs for democracy” failed.
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For a long time I hoped EU and Russian relations could normalize vs too much reliance on USA.

With the war grinding on, I thought maybe a land for peace deal (the pro-russian parts only) would perhaps be the wisest way out of this mess (for all).

After bucha, refusing to negotiate, continuing landgrab, gas war…it has gone on too far and too long.

Russia needs to be crushed in ukraine. Its economy needs to be crushed…there can only be normalisation if putin is kicked out and russia agrees to reparations.

If putin remains…russia wil end up like another larger north korea. Putin needs to go.

Humiliated on the battlefield russia takes it out on civilian infrastructure….

Care to explain the strategic value?
They are trying to annex parts of ukraine…and denying (mostly russian speakers!) water and electricity will win their hearts and minds?

This will just turn into more resentment and will to resist. Same why americas “bombs for democracy” failed.
Land for peace is not an option that would never happen because that means Ukraine must surrender. That’s the initial demand by Moscow. Now Putin’s mad dog Medwedew threatens, Ukraine must submit to unconditional surrender, or else…
Say that to your generals and msm, keep on China this China that, we are ranked a bigger threat than Russia. We are just 3rd world ppl... Nothing to fear. We only supply pencils to Russia, No worries okay. Lol. Your long post suggest you do think otherwise. Lololol
Your China have a chance to prove that the Parade Line Army (PLA) is a legitimate fighting force in Ukraine, but China chickened out. We suggest the PDF Chinese stop using Korea and Viet Nam as proof that the PLA can fight. It looks like Korea and Viet Nam are over for you sofa soldiers.
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