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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

By that logic Russia army can bomb every toilet in Ukraine because it serves military members.
Even in war, people should have a minimum of self respect.
that's the logic behind it, how effective it is I'm not the expert in that field
Russian forces seem to be on run, with their tails in their hind legs.
Putin army is exposed as giant propaganda show. In some areas of Charkiw Russian troops ran away leaving everything behind, even 2 days before Ukraine army was approaching.

“The Russian army is not the overwhelming force that many in the West have feared. It is the product of Putin's rule: eaten away by the corruption system, he built like a mafia boss, bled dry both materially and morally.”

- Handelsblatt-

Much better then the EU economy as a matter of fact. The hit to the living standards of the average Russian pre-war to now is far less then the a average westerner

While official data in the west has their inflation at 10%. Critical things that people actually need daily to survive like energy and food have seen inflation over 100%. This is crippling the average westerner, and winter is fast coming.

Ps. If your account is 3 months old and youve done. Nothing but spam pro nato propaganda for every single one of your posts (almost as if your on a mission) i wouldnt pull the seniority/ questioning integrity card if i were you
Yes, the rising price of fuel for my car has cost me almost $300 in the last three months which is significantly less than 1% of what I bring in. I doubt bankrupcy is around the corner.
Kharkiv explosion last night..Russian bombing

The former chief of staff of the Italian Air Force, General Leonardo Tricarico, believes that the counterattack launched by Ukraine against Russian forces in the east of the country, will not lead to an imminent defeat for Moscow.

“This counterattack by the Ukrainians is a tactical move that will not lead to a Russian defeat in the medium or short term,” said Trikariko, head of the Institution for Intelligence, Cultural and Strategic Analysis (ICSA). “However, we are at a stage where the Ukrainians are regaining their lands very quickly.” .

He explained that “this is due to several factors: armament with precise guidance, intelligence that allows for better selection of targets, Western training, whether in terms of using weapons or interpreting military operations,” adding: “But there is no justification for optimism at this stage. Be careful".

He added, "It is better to be concerned in terms of such a sensitive stage. Moscow's military capacity is still very strong, and precisely now, because Russia and Ukraine are at a major drain point, and it is time to separate them and lead them to serious negotiations so that Russia does not lose its dignity."

Some Russian POWs
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What the hell are they even firing that rockets at from those jets anyway? The more i watch the more senseless it becomes

Russia has lost. They have no offensive capacity left. It’s all downhill from here for Russia. They can try to defend but the end result will be the same…Russian defeat. I think this war may be over within the next 6-12 months.
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