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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Indians already shivering...

16 Himars are more than enough for Russia. Need 300 for China.
India maybe buying a large number of Himars soon, but the Himalayas cut both ways and can India win in a war or attrition against China when China could just produce more and fly them to the frontlines around the clock.

The US should have recognized the Chechen Republic under Aslan Maskhadov after the first Chechen war in the early 90s, it would have gained another ally like Kosovo.
Exactly whats the point of this pompous presentation of less than a manoeuvre brigade. Even if they somehow reach Ukraine, theyd just end up joining the so called russian regrouping.
Cant wait to see the good people on this forum posting news about Ukraine forcing the russians and its mercenaries regroup out of eastern Ukraine. Fact is only the Wagner group is making small gains in the east, and airborne units keeping the defence in Kherson from total breakdown.
Russia is done in Ukraine. Someone just need to tell them
I understand one thing though.. Russia is committing 150K troops against 350k Ukrainian troops..
They have 1mil under arms overall, sure that number of shock and assault capable troops is much smaller as in all armies but man power is important to posses front lines and free better equiped and trained troops for complex tasks of breaking enemy lines, that was my context of that 1mil army figure

Well, if your context is 1 million men under armed, yes, there are going to be 1 million plus organised and unorganised resistance if you also counted local militia, police and basically everyone in Ukraine with a gun.

The Armed Force number is a lot less, maybe 600,000 to 700,000k trained troop. They started this war with 214,000 reported Military Strength, even tho if we put 100,000 trained and equipped every month (Which is almost impossible to do) they would have 800,000k top, then you will also need to take out the dead and wounded fighting this war..
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The Ukrainian offensive will stall for the same reasons as the Russian advance - dilution of forces in the theatre and the stretching of supply lines. The few gains the Ukis have made could be reversed, as it's unlikely they'll be able to hold ground, they simply don't have the weight in numbers. The front lines are likely to change backwards and forwards between both sides, as it looks like a stalemate to a large degree, with both sides not having the weight and capabilities to achieve their respective objectives. What's interesting from the Russian side is the re-emergence of the O forces, they've been largely absent since Feb/March, and perhaps held back in reserve, while the V forces have done much of the work.
This could go in any direction. But like any asymmetric warfare, a weaker power can make a few gains and look like heroes. A superpower that doesn't meet its original objective looks weak regardless of what few gains from Ukraine they reverse

Chinese surveillance and intelligence capabilities are way ahead of russia and almost at par with US. They have huge number of observing satellites, coupled with AI enabled systems. The only reason Ukraine is inflicting damage on Russia is the accurate US intelligence on russian positions and ammo storages.
They may have comparable intelligence sensors, but more for use in surrounding region. Not project it that far out. And if they could, what were they waiting for? How bad do they want things for Russia to come through with it.

Russia's state craft history is at least as good as China's if not better. But if your battle doctrine is wrong, then not all the intel is going to help.

I understand one thing though.. Russia is committing 150K troops against 350k Ukrainian troops..
If they didn't have the troops why did they go in? Or do they get a pass for not having enough troops. Attacking army is always going to be larger. There is no rocket science here.
HIMARS is good, but compared to Tornado-S it's just garbage in terms of range and fire power.
And the Russians are holding off on Tornado-S till when? Till they really need it? Now was the time to need it. Please get off the high horse and coming up with random baseless facts. And so what even if its superior , its not having an impact in this battle.

Or are you a sales person for Tornado-S and promoting its advantages. If so , this is a free forum (unlike ability to speak freely in China) and start a new thread on Torndao vs. HIMARS. This thread is about Ukraine war with Russia

It's a war. You win some. You lose some. So far Ukrainians have not taken a major city of more than 100,000 inhabitants. We shall see 10 years from now what the battle situation is like.
10 years? What sort of stamina do you think Russia has?

China wasn't able to fight a measly Vietnam (devestated from years of destruction by the US) for more than a month.

USSR (when it was a superpower) was able to barely hold on to Afghanistan for 10 years.

You really need to look at the past before coming up with your typical 'forever war' scenario.

Pls North Koreans send them more of your AK-47s and artillery shells since this poster thinks this will last 10 years.
You can call it anything you want. The bottom line here is that you and your fellow PDF Chinese are clueless about military life in general, let alone something as serious as warfare. You guys treat warfare and soldiering as convenient props for Chinese propaganda never expecting that somewhere along the way, a couple of guys who actually served their country exposed the lot of you for the fools that ALL of you really are. Anything from finance to semiconductor, fools you are. So bad that you guys actually tried to gaslight the world on who invented the internet.

PLA = Parade Line Army.

Your China will do nothing to help Russia. Whatever short term gains do not outweigh the probable international cost.


For every meter of Ukrainian land regained, Xi will take one meter away from Poutine. Russia will never be the vassal to China. We all joked about it, but seriously, Russia have too much nuclear weapons to submit to China. Instead, China will begin to mend rifts with the West over this miscalculation. China will attempt to mollify the Asian regional powers, re SKR and JPN, so that they will not increase their defense spending, but China will fail in that theater. An Asian version of NATO is coming. Taiwan maybe just physically 100 miles away, but that virtual distance is increasing and more countries will be looking at some kind of formal relations with Taiwan. This latest news for Russia is not looking good for Xi. He is still politically safe in China, but now as there are calls in Russia to remove Poutine, Xi cannot afford to go down with him.

So save your faces, just leave this Ukraine thread. You cannot help China any more here.
Exactly, you don't give a fck what my uniform is called, I actually also don't give a fck on what you call yours. But your cheerleadinh woke strawberry thinks it's cute posting 3 pages of crap on uniforms. Lolololol and you posting half a page of bullshit again. Gosh.
This is a war of attrition, and Ukraine has been on a population decline for decades, which accelerated since February. Russians can afford to play the long game. With a population advantage of 4 to 1, 147 million people compared to 36 million people, the balance of power will shift to Russians over the next few years and decades. By 2050 Russians can go on the counter offensive with absolute overwhelming man power advantage of 10 to 1.
This is the wishful thinking you have based on rationale of Taiwan. Taiwan that you consider to be a small portion of the population is the reason China even has a semi conductor industry. Or you would still be working on paper/pencils. Russia's population is also in decline and their BIG population advantage didn't really help their numerical superiority when they started in Feb but somehow in your world, this will play out better later after their humiliation. Good one.

Where are all of these Russian bots and paid spammers who have had a hard on for Russia the last few months?
I wonder too. I am keen to see who the Russia's are advertising this victory (Moscow Bob borrowing from Baghdad Bob).
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