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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The west is showing why they are the ruling power of the world for over a century. Russian forces are retreating, Ukraine army and weapons are difficult for the Russians to beat.

The first sign of Russian failure was when they failed to destroy Ukrainian airforce and failed to have air superiority over Ukrainian territory, Russian airforce should have been able to destroy Ukrainian artillery, tanks etc.

2nd sign of failure was when they retreated from Kiev because they could not overtake it

3rd was when Russia with Belarus attacked from the North but quickly retreated back.

4th was when Ukrainian allies are openly funding, training and supporting Ukraine but Russian allies are quiet. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, their central Asian allies, Iran, China, India are all quiet.

This war has been a disaster for the Russians, they exposed their lack of military planning, weaponry, they showed they are not the Soviet Union who became victories during WW2.

Remember when they said HIMARS wouldn’t be a gamechanger?

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