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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Time to post again these masterclasses.

50 members of Ukraine contact group
Poland, Czech and Slovakia want to step up ammo, spare part production to meet Ukraine needs. Germany supports demining training of soldiers, wants to deliver stuffs for the winter.
All in all however it’s the US that bears the burden.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III sits at a long U-shaped table with officials from multiple nations.

Treffen Verteidigungsminister Ramstein zu Ukraine-Krieg (Foto: SWR)
..and CCP bots wishing fervently that the EU suffers this winter. Newsflash for you, there is 330 billion $'s of frozen Russian money in the EU and US. Another 200 Billion $'s in Switzerland. Plenty of money for the EU to make themselves all warm and cozy this winter. :lol:
Besides careful what you wish for if the EU goes down China will be circling the drain right along side it. That's half a trillion dollars of yearly trade with China that will go up in smoke if the EU goes into depression. Still laughing?
Money is but a piece of paper in countries with resources. So what is Europe gonna do? Burn cash in the fire pit to avoid freezing their balls off? 70k people protesting is no small number mate.

It is the US trying to destroy the current system to reset their debt numb numb. I am not sure if you realise it. The conservatives believes the current ssutem leads to multilateralism and the rise of China. I can't say they are wrong. They want war in both Europe and Asia to reset their economy. In such a world, 500bil trade means nothing, and resources mean everything.

When will you dimwit realise that you can't eat money. In a functioning world trading system, money is important to facilitate trade. But in the current mass destruction scenario, I think this dollar trading system might collapse. The ssutem is only surviving because China and the other resource countries are in it.
Keeping trade going and buying up resources is not what i am talking about.

Military aid will quickly get noticed on frontlines/by western intelligence services.
China has shown to be taking quite a “hands off” role so far.
Smart, considering the western trade is 10 times that of russia and china has its own economic issues (evergrand/corona).

Before the assembly vote, xi will not rock the boat. Why risk so much for russias dream of empire?

1. It is not a perception of threath. Russia has numerously and structurally shown agression against eastern europe and other soviet states. If they dare to move outside of their influence they get the stick.

Proven once again now, with ukraine.

2. Nato is a defensive alliance. europe greatly reduced their armies and sought stronger trade ties with russia.
What “threat/hostile environment” for russia?

Stop annexing/opressing/manipulating your former colonies and they might not run to Nato for protection.

3. Ukraine is a sovereign state where russia vowed to protect its security (in return of getting rid of its nukes). Why are you chinese treating these countries as pure buffer pawns for russia to abuse as it sees fit to “feel safe”???

Us wrongs does not make russia right on this….simple logic.
russia was already full on pressuring ukraine just for seeking closer eu ties. Including russia paying and supporting many EU far right nationalistic elements to try and break up/weaken EU….

Russia is not a passive neutral party in this.
And EU not passive poodles of USA.
Why do you think ukraine and poland fight so hard against russia?? Because Biden said so? Or because of things like holodomir and katyn?

The point is you think it will be a rising china vs Nato. But it is likely that rising china is gonna trample over india/japan/vietnam.

I admired chinas peacefull rise. Much better then USA forever war that is true.
However. Now it seems to backslip into Mao style.
It is pushing claims like the ox tongue, fueling nationalism…alienating neigbours.
Chinese posters here have their mouth full of war….it feels like pre-WW1 europe.
Dude, sorry no time to go through all your points, Mao style? China is authoratarian but comparing our sophisticated technocratic system to peasant style Mao is oversimplication. You have the right to think what you want. The new conflict will be between Russia, Iran, China and Venezuela against the West and their poodles. India I believe will remain neutral with hostilities towards China but there will not be outright war. Notice, Iran and Russia and Venezuela are all the top 3 oil and gas producers, I am saying combined oil and gas to be precise. A new trading system ruble Yuan mix or a basket would really undermine your currently subsidized living standards. Trust me, when your balls freeze, that 2 mil$ house and Tesla car is worthless.

You can send the whole army of China to Ukraine to help your Russia you still loose. End of Story.
Yup Russia had been losing since 6 months ago. I am still waiting. And China haven't even supplied stuff yet. You don't want us to use our industrial might mate, 8 destroyers a year is peanuts in our country. Lololol
With this Russian radars are doomed. With no SAM cover (assume there was one to begin with) will inflict losses many folds.

The kharkiv op was a complet success for Ukrainian forces.

Not sure what Russian forces have been doing since their gains but with such incompetence the fear of Russian might will fade away. I wont be surprised to see more Russian losses after this.
its up to you if you don’t believe it. Also, one or two months before invasion he issued ultimatum to the US and NATO, demanding the withdrawal of US troops from Europe and reversing the NATO expansion. It’s clear to everyone Putin was ready to make his move if the ultimatum was not met. When I read the news in December 2021, January 2022 I knew the war coming.
About neutrality, it’s unrealistic to ask Poland, the Baltic’s and other in the East to remain neutrality.

The thing is it’s Russia.

If you are Swiss, then neutrality is the perfect choice.
Swiss is surrounded by Germany, France, Austria, Italy. If Swiss has a neighbor as Russia, the Swiss will join the NATO.
Yup and you just keep on expanding NATO without giving any fck to Russia. Smart move. Anyway, I am gonna stop this, good luck in winter. Lolol
Ah cool

Germany considers reviving Hitler’s flak bunkers.
Those giant bunkers offer protection against allies air assaults during WW2.

Maybe they still offer some comfort against incoming Russia bombers.

Money is but a piece of paper in countries with resources. So what is Europe gonna do? Burn cash in the fire pit to avoid freezing their balls off? 70k people protesting is no small number mate.

It is the US trying to destroy the current system to reset their debt numb numb. I am not sure if you realise it. The conservatives believes the current ssutem leads to multilateralism and the rise of China. I can't say they are wrong. They want war in both Europe and Asia to reset their economy. In such a world, 500bil trade means nothing, and resources mean everything.

When will you dimwit realise that you can't eat money. In a functioning world trading system, money is important to facilitate trade. But in the current mass destruction scenario, I think this dollar trading system might collapse. The ssutem is only surviving because China and the other resource countries are in it.

I guess you are incapable of engaging in a discussion without resorting to insults.
There is still plenty of energy and mineral resource outside Russia and China - Russia isn't the world. Besides if you think China can survive without the west then you are seriously deluded. Finally, tell me why China hasn't jumped into bed with Putin so far? What's holding China back? What happened to cooperation without limits?
Yup Russia had been losing since 6 months ago. I am still waiting. And China haven't even supplied stuff yet. You don't want us to use our industrial might mate, 8 destroyers a year is peanuts in our country. Lololol
Your China will do nothing to militarily help Russia. Am not talking about buying Russia oil or even make loans to Russia. Am talking making DIRECT military assistance like how China did in the Vietnam War. Will China send even cooks? No. :lol:
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