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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Not all of them are usable. Most are expired. Some are used by US army for training. Realistically about 1 or 2 million tops.
Source please on why you think only 1/4th is usable and how you knwo that from sitting in your apartment in Canada (according to your location). Does this mean only 1/4th of China's army is lethal and the rest is useless?
It's a Lexus.
You will be surprised. Ukrainians seem having higher living standards than Russians. Many as refugees here arrived in Germany (almost 1 million now and rising) drive Mercedes, Audi, BMW.
Ukraine have the same access to Germany social programs like other privileged groups. Free housing, free healthcare, free public transports, free schools, free kindergarten.
Yes, their PGMs, which are barely used these days. I was accurate, once again.
My God, dude you were talking about their cruise and ballistic missile quantities. You said they were running out of them when we saw a dip in the amount of CM and BM they launched. On top of that you said they were running out of arty ammo posting bs sources saying the same thing. You were wrong then and most likely wrong now.
Interesting stuff

Ukraine army deploys robot tanks.

40 mm grenade launcher
30 mm automatic cannon
anti-tank missile system
81 mm mortar rounds to provide rear support



one thing is clear though. Ukraine is very active on social media and Russians are either suppressed or are not uploading content compared to Ukraine. Could be the reason why its confusing to conclude what is the actual result of UA Offensive.

He used to work for Russia Today so he is saying what Kremlin is saying.

Nothing independent about "The Duran".
let compare it with USA spending in Iraq with 15 time more sortie / day , use a lot more use of advanced and modern weapon . and those ridicilous amount the military contractor charged them
We are alot richer than Russia. Make that 20x richer. or maybe 50. :usflag:
The Russian invasion army is caught pants down by Ukraine surprised attacks on northern and center fronts.
Putin just anticipated Ukraine offensive at the southern front towards Cherson.

We are alot richer than Russia. Make that 20x richer. or maybe 50. :usflag:
its not the question of you are richer or poorer, the comparison only concerned about how much Russia spent on the war . at least look at what the discussion is about

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