why did lower Poland start getting angry with Germany because of the Ukraine war? y'all got some form of renewed PTSD from WW 2 or something?
They didnt have to be citizens....Russia can write the rules in its backyard, JUST LIKE AMERICA DOES. you're the one who needs to try harder.
its obvious ur in denial, and i understand and ac cept these issues better than u do, stop competing where ur not good enuf on the subject.
ALLSOOO, u need to really should keep quiet on this subject tbh, why? FOR ALL YOUR TOUGH TALK, all you nato cowards have done is supply weapons and money - AFHANISTAN LOSERS MOVIE PART II happening in Ukraine now fopr you guys, just soon after Afghanistan war ended...y'all just cant stop losing wars. lmao
ACtion speaks louder than your pathetic PDF words- on the battlefield, NATO is a toothless octogenarian.