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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well, Russia annected part of Ukraine, what were you expecting Ukraine to do?
Russia annexed parts of ukraine BECAUSE Ukraine had been oppressing and suppressing Russian speakers in Ukraine...Russia stepped in to protect those Russian speakers- your order of understanding has dyslexia.
Russia annexed parts of ukraine BECAUSE Ukraine had been oppressing and suppressing Russian speakers in Ukraine...Russia stepped in to protect those Russian speakers- your order of understanding has dyslexia.
bla bla.
"Russia annexed parts of ukraine" this is enough,
Russia annexed parts of ukraine BECAUSE Ukraine had been oppressing and suppressing Russian speakers in Ukraine...Russia stepped in to protect those Russian speakers- your order of understanding has dyslexia.

weird reasoning, does France have the right to invade England to protect French speakers in England? :lol:
weird reasoning, does France have the right to invade England to protect French speakers in England? :lol:
1.French citizens AREN't being oppressed in UK as a matter of fact. so this a fake hypothetical, which cant work, or be considered seriously, because in the real world, Russian speakers in Ukraine were and are getting abused and shelled and killed.
2. False equivalence logic - Russia is the regional hegemon in its region, but France nor England is, so NO, that logic doesnt apply. Bettter logic is Iran stepping in in its region to protect Shiites. Next point?
yes, but did annexed it. This the Problem. Does not matter "bla bla" why.
You just dont do it, it`s stealing.
we were talking about who started it . it started after 2014 specially when in ukraine they banned Russian language in Russian speaking areas
Problem with Crimea is that it was not actually part of Ukraine , an Ukrainian president of USSR separated it from Russia and added it to Ukraine .
its like Belgium ban Dutch or French
Russia annexed parts of ukraine BECAUSE Ukraine had been oppressing and suppressing Russian speakers in Ukraine...Russia stepped in to protect those Russian speakers- your order of understanding has dyslexia.

There were some minor issues nowhere near justifying annexing part of anothers country.

I mean christian minorities in muslim world have it worse then those donbass russians. So i suppose you support we annex everything?

There were some minor issues nowhere near justifying annexing part of anothers country.

I mean christian minorities in muslim world have it worse then those donbass russians. So i suppose you support we annex everything?
Russia didn't annex donbas , Donetsk and luhansk declared independence after their language declared illegal
Russia annexed Crimea , and the problem with crimea come back to some Stalin bad policy .

There were some minor issues nowhere near justifying annexing part of anothers country.
AND Integrating into NATO justified it for sure, especially in Russia's eyes. NATO cowards have their Afghanistan part II in Ukraine. loser idiots destined to get drained for jumping on America's ego imperialist train. sometimes stupidity is costly you know that right? thats what happened to EU in Ukraine. And now there is no way to turn the tide against Russia..or you tihnk there is? id love to hear how u think that woujld happen
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