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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia bombed the village as Mr Zelensky attended the European leaders' summit in Granada, Spain.

There, the European Union's foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, warned that political infighting was threatening the US's ability to fund the Ukrainian military.

A recent budget deal in the US Congress did not include funding for Ukraine.

Mr Borrell said no European countries would be able to make up the gap left by any loss of American support.

"Can Europe fill the gap left by the US? Well, certainly Europe cannot replace the US," he said.

On Thursday, Mr Zelensky asked European leaders for more air defence missiles and said other countries could thank Ukraine for protecting them from Russian aggression.
Patience is running out as the war shows no ending. European economies are taking a hit. World economies are taking a hit. The common man in Europe is frustrated with rising prices. The common European doesn't really care about the war in Ukraine anymore. It is tiring and never ending. Putin is playing the long game here. It is working for Putin.

Ukraine Is Losing Ground in the Crucial Battle for US Hearts and Minds​

I warned about this in February with the solution of daily new stories of Ukrainian victims interviewed - women raped, children maimed, parents that lost their children... Ukrainian victims asking and begging for their support to defeat the Russians. And a nightly reminder that Russia kidnapped 700.000 children. If 700.000 Jewish children were kidnapped by Arab "terrorists" for programming them to hate Jews and worse, it would be nightly news. Russia does it and... which begs the question.
It is us media policy to not cover the true worst horror stories from Ukraine and cover them 24/7 with new horror stories, to get the entire American public to support Biden sending as much arms to Ukraine as needed to crush the Russians. Because this does not happen, instead the media focused on lies for months on Iraq.
And it is too late for the US, not Europe. Europe can do this. If the media does this in the USA starting today, most Americans have already zoned out. This had to be done month ago when the majority of Americans supported helping and aiding Ukraine. If sob stories won't work to get more American support/aid, the US is a lost cause. Cut your losses and have Europe be the global leaders. USA can hang out with BRICS in their "isolationism and populism".
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The Fall | The Rain Of Russian Missiles Paralyzes The Ukrainian Rear. Military Summary For 2023.10.5​


'We're pretty much done': 'Unwavering' support for Ukraine starts to waver​

The U.S. ultimately will provide modest support such as training Ukrainian F-16 pilots for a defensive role "in pretending to protect" western Ukraine while Russia continues to press forward in the east, Myers said.

"The action by Congress is a signal to the world that we’re pretty much done."

The longer the war lasts, the more money is needed than previously to win. If 100% of the aid was sent in the first few months, Ukraine could have won. That matching commitment to Europe is not going to be there. Expect Europe to outdo the US aid. A few billion here and there in US aid is not enough to turn the tide of war.

Europe is at a crossroads, does Europe seek to rebuild the European economy/military and strengthen the European economy/military... or does Europe seek to be battered and used by BRICS, "populists" and "isolationists".
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Russia is calculating their moves. Now Russia has made test of a very powerfull weapon no one has, the Burevestnik missile.

This missile has not limit of reach and it s capable to dodge any ABM in the world with a nuke payload.

I have clear Russia has been enboldened, and the bear will unleash their wrath very soon.US is only wasting millions of dollars and are incapable to defend Ukraine.
Patience is running out as the war shows no ending. European economies are taking a hit. World economies are taking a hit. The common man in Europe is frustrated with rising prices. The common European doesn't really care about the war in Ukraine anymore. It is tiring and never ending. Putin is playing the long game here. It is working for Putin.

Russia has had a lot of time to set up some formidable defenses. Yes Ukraine does not have air superiority but then neither does Russia. Everyone agrees that if Russia goes to Total War status Ukraine cannot win. But what is a victory for Russia? That has changes several times since Feb 2022. Very few pundits are able to intelligently opine on what is the actual and realistic definition of victory for Russia at this time.
Russia has had a lot of time to set up some formidable defenses
So did Ukraine- Ukraine was setting up NATO grade defense fortifications in Donbass since 2014! GFOH!
. Yes Ukraine does not have air superiority but then neither does Russia.
what does air superiority have to do with winning wars? westerns swear by it but they've lost many wars while having it, so this is a dead point.
Everyone agrees that if Russia goes to Total War status Ukraine cannot win.
even without Russia going to total war Ukraine still cannot win, so Ukraine is in SERIOUS trouble regardless. Russia will enter total war status when NATO enters the Ukraine conflict with boots or receives a nuclear attack on its homeland.
But what is a victory for Russia?
Disabling the nazi Ukrainian state's threat to Russia - dont you listen to Russian leaders?
That has changes several times since Feb 2022.
because Ukraine keeps crossing new lines, foolishly.
Very few pundits are able to intelligently opine on what is the actual and realistic definition of victory for Russia at this time.
dont worry, IT JUST LIKE **** (said a US judge once)- we dont know what it is, but we know when we see it!
It's not about party.......It's about the government have absolute power.

Once you formed a government, the government have absolute power to exercise their policy. This is not the case in the US, case in point, Democrats are in power but since the house of rep was taken by GOP in a minimal margin (I think it's 8 or 9) democrats can't push policy into the congress without the other party agreed.

The power in Sweden lies with the parliament, not the government.
The parliament can force any minister to resign by a simple majority vote.
The government can be forced to resign by a simple majority vote.

As I said, even 28 or 30 member of congress can block a bill, that is what I meant by US government not having absolute power.

Again, it does not necessarily mean the illegal immigration is down, it just meant the apprehension number is low, it could well be they didn't catch that many. It does not reflect anything about the true number, the true number could be way up, but if they didn't report or catches these illegal aliens, it would still have a low apprehension rate.

It's like saying arrest is down so crime is down, it is not necessarily the case here. As I said there are no factual or referential figure reliable enough to say illegal immigration is down.

It's against the constitution for anyone to do the 3 things I highlighted. It's protected by 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th amendment. Especially National ID card, the issue with green card is already controversy. It would probably trigger riot second to taking out 2A right.

Which means that people think illegal aliens are not a significant problem.
The constitution is amendable, and would be amended if that had highest priority.
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Which means tbat people think illegal aliens are not a significant problem.
The constitution is amendable, and would be amended if that had highest priority.
illegal migrants are used for "get out the vote". That is their purpose.

Used by Putin to weaken ruling parties.

Russia’s Weaponization of Migrants Hasn’t Gone Away​

For many European nations, particularly those with Mediterranean coastlines, a significant stream of new migrant arrivals has been a constant for many years. The resultant economic, humanitarian, security and social challenges have never been fully met. Russia sits as a gatekeeper of Europe’s southern approaches. The thought of Mr. Putin igniting new migrant flows surely keeps many European leaders up at night.

It is not only in the Mediterranean, however, that Russia’s weaponization of migrants is on display. Even countries like Finland and Norway have seen their share of illegal migrant crossings aided by Russia.

Russia’s hybrid warfare with human pawns also rages along the borders between the Russian proxy state of Belarus and Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. A year ago, when Russia-Belarus first opened this front, I wrote:

“For the past four months, Belarus has been … encouraging migrants from Afghanistan, Africa, and the Middle East to travel to Minsk … and then driving them, via buses and the butt of a rifle, to the border with neighboring Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. There, Belarusian authorities beat the migrants, deny them necessities, and at times physically force them to try to breach the border illegally.”

Republicans embraced Trump's immigration scare tactics and paid a high political price​

In the final weeks of the 2018 campaign, Donald Trump once again went all in on an electoral strategy of stoking fear about immigrants, this time via the so-called caravan.
But this strategy wasn’t just Trump, it wasn’t just about the caravan, and it wasn’t just a last-minute pitch. It was the culmination of a months-long, coordinated embrace of scare tactics by the entire Republican Party.

Without these Soros/Russian migrant crisis, the Putin 5th columnists would have to resort to fearmongering over LGBTQ or another scare tactic. The homeless are a newer scare tactic. The nazi media in the US (fox news, newmax and OAN) were scaring the public over homeless taking property away years ago. That was the early priming about the new cia boardroom scare tactic to keep Republican voters - fear the homeless. Fear the drag. Fear the Trans. It used to be fear the Chinese. I don't miss fear the Muslims. Fear the migrant.
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