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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

15 October election in Poland, yesterday another anti-polish move on Ukraine, and that's a big mistake. Maybe soon we will have to start renovation work at the Jasionka airport? 😎👍

What Will Zelensky Get In The USA? War Or Peace? Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.09.19

Oh not again this lame tune „Russia stands against 63 nations, look how strong, brave and whatever Russia is?!!!“

You and the pro-Russian community always ignores, that Russia is fighting Ukraine supported by many nations, but if NATO would take actively part in this war, it would already be over.

This is why Germans are losing

NATO losing because of this rubbish

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Ukraine has expanded control over the Russian trench line west of Verbove

Denmark to donate another 45 tanks to Ukraine​

Denmark will donate another 45 tanks to Ukraine, news agency Ritzau reported on Tuesday citing the country’s Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen.
The donation will consist of 30 Leopard 1 tanks and 15 T-72 tanks
Welcome to Ukraine

Ukraine artillery fring shells on russian troops with Ukraine self made 155mm howitzer "2S22 Bohdana".





Ukraine army breaking thru Russia army final defense at Bakhmut, says Oleksandr Syrskyj, supreme commander of Ukraine land forces.
Russia 31th, 72th and 83th brigades were annihilated.

Ukrainische Soldaten patrouillieren an der Frontlinie bei Bachmut. 

Ukrainische Soldaten patrouillieren an der Frontlinie bei Bachmut.
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