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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia is on front foot, Ukraine won't back down.
West trying to use Ukraine, sooner or later they'll have to face Russia directly.
Ukraine's claims are 100% valid in this war and Russia also have it's genuine reasons.

I really do hope trump wins 2024, he might actually do something about this. Sleepy Joe is useless!
No the Amalites and Cannites called it Philistines and they were Arabs there 9,000 years ago

Jews only came after Prophet Jacob less than 4,500 years
There were no "Amalites" they were called Amalekites.

Amalekites and Philistines were enemies of the Israelites, your prophets.

Canaanites called it Canaan, and Canaanites aren't even one people, they're a mixture of people.

Philistines were literally Greek, not Arab.
The name Syria-Palestina refers to Philistines which were ethnically Greek and had nothing to do with today's Palestinians, and was only given to this land by the Romans as a way to insult the Jews which were mortal enemies with them. All that happened way after the Jews arrived to this place.

Russia has 52,000 troops in the bakhmut sector

And over 150,000 in the region

Ukraine has no chance here

"Ukraine has no chance!"
You idiots are saying this for like 600 days already
For west it is last dead Ukrainen. Bravo usa

its hardly a fair fight

63 nations on one side and Russia on its own on the other

but Western nations forgot one thing, in Russia men are real men

in West their men have become women and their women do the mens job

this is why 63 vs 1 is good odds for even for Russia
Lion always fight alone . You know who attack in groups
For the EU elections, the Trump-Putin faction want Europeans to elect "Identity and Democracy" parties to have a take over of the EU. Trump and Putin tried to destroy it with Brexit and dismemberment. The tactic has switched to ID parties taking over Europe.

If more pro-European parties win, expect Putin and Trump to continue to destabilize Europe with migrant crisis, energy crisis, LGBTQ/woke/leftist crisis, war crisis. These crises are there to influence voters to reject pro-European parties and vote for the Putin parties of Identity and Democracy. And won't stop until Putin, Trump, Musk, Le Pen and cronies are defeated.

This is the political takeover of Europe by foreign Muscovites - Putin, Trump, Musk, Kissinger, Bannon, Tucker.

Europe turns into Putin, without firing a shot.

This is the Le Pen plan.

Le Pen wants rapprochement with Russia:

Le Pen wants EU divided against itself, targeting old Russian enemies- especially Germany:

This is the Salvini plan. For the Russian side to cause enough chaos in Europe, for Europe to turn pro-Russia.

For instance, Russia takes the side of the political parties that are anti-immigrant. Then Russia takes part in the sending of migrants to Europe to give Putin Political Parties the opportunity to show that Europe is under siege and "only the pro-Putin political parties of Le Pen, Salvini and other cronies can save Europe" from the crisis the Russians started.

How the Kremlin Manipulates Europe’s Refugee Crisis​

Russian intelligence is detectable in the huge migration wave hitting Europe. What does this mean for Western security?

For instance, Russia tells Europe to stop supporting Ukraine. If it supports Ukraine, expect energy crisis, staged blowing up of pipeline, Russian plans of Europe freezing to death. If Europe licks the boots of Putin and the pro-Putin Le Pen and Salvini, then Europe's problems are over, because these problems are caused by Putin.

Pro-Putin/Anti-Ukraine 5th columnists are the enemies of Europe.
The more inflation occurs, the higher the prices
Called it again, been saying for over a year Europe needs to build hundreds of arms factories. Have been contacting European politicians since the war started telling them to do a grand rearmament. Said previously to do this before inflation hits or else Europe is priced out and can only do a limited rearmament. 2022-2025 were the perfect years to do rearmament, could afford it, could do it with lower prices if capacity is increased, and could do so under the protection of NATO with Democrats.

not only called it and provided the solution, to take advantage of low steel/commodity prices during high interest rates keeping down commodity prices and rearm. And greatly increase capacity of production making hundreds of new arms factories bringing supply up to meet demand and lower prices.

This is demand "inflation" which is easily solved by supply increase. Wait until price inflation due to a growing global commodity demand. Europe would be priced out of a grand rearmament. Presently, Europe can out arm Russia by doing massive orders to their defense industry in a year or two, after the factories have been built. Europe is not taking advantage of this. Don't expect Europe to be in this easy boat in 2026.

NATO wants to increase ammunition production due to rising prices and high demand​

The sharp rise in ammunition prices means an increase in defense spending, which does not automatically increase the security of NATO countries, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer,the chairman of NATO's military committee, said on Sept. 16, Reuters reports.

Bauer called for increased private investment in defense companies.

"Prices for equipment and ammunition are shooting up," Bauer said.

"Right now, we are paying more and more for exactly the same. That means that we cannot make sure that the increased defense spending actually leads to more security."

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You forget global warming. That’s a bigger threat. threats everywhere, it’s just the level of threats. But think about it, why Russia is a threat to Europe but not to Mexico? Iran mullahs are certainly a threat, but only to Israel but not to let’s say Korea. There is a theorem called “prisoners of geography”. Nations make decisions based almost on borders, proximity, mountains, rivers. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine follows that patterns.

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You are not worried about global warming. The poorer countries are reliving disaster after disaster without any help from the richer countries.
do you denounce the killing of Palestinians by Israel ?

you dont because West gives weapons to Israel

so dont start this moral and ethics rubbish when your on the losing side

Do you denounce the Armenian Genocide by Turkey?

Do you denounce colonial Russia for giving Armenian Land (Nagorno Karabakh) to Azerbaijan? (Just like the colonial British Empire gave Palestinian land to Israelis)?
Why do you talk to me like that? I didn't want to open a thread about Saddam,I was only replying to A.P.Richelieu.
Not intended towards you, but its a distraction when any side is taking moral superiority of a battle 30 years ago or other on-going conflicts. This is a War thread in the Defence forum. You may not be originating it, and I know you are knowledgeable, but please don't respond to ignorant out of context conversations.

There is no moral just in war (regardless of how deeply anybody analyzes). Till this thread changes to 'Ukraine-Russia who is right and who is wrong' , please don't respond to ignorant posts that should be on some other thread. Thats my request.

its hardly a fair fight

63 nations on one side and Russia on its own on the other

but Western nations forgot one thing, in Russia men are real men

in West their men have become women and their women do the mens job

this is why 63 vs 1 is good odds for even for Russia
Seems like an S-400 knocked every week is what the men turned into women are doing. ANd Men and Women both win the world cup in soccer. Where the F are the russians. More of the Russian women are looking like men , and that I will agree. May be you will find one for yourself since the men turning into women in the west is clearly not favorable to your tastes

A very competent Russian pilot to have pulled this off. I don't recall an off-runway landing in the last decade anywhere where everybody walked away.

Its clearly a sign that these Airbus A320s are not getting the parts they need to stay in the air and train travel will be more the norm.

Russian airliner forced to land in open field​

    • Published
    • 5 days ago

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Ural Airlines plane with emergency slides deployed in Siberian field
Image source, Reuters
Image caption,
Russian authorities said no one sought medical treatment after the landing
A Russian airliner carrying 170 people was forced to crash-land in a field after a hydraulics failure.
No one was injured in the emergency, which left the Ural Airlines Airbus A320 stranded next to a forest in the Novosibirsk region of Siberia.
Ural said the pilot "selected" the landing site after the jet's hydraulic systems failed while approaching Omsk.
The incident sparked denials from the airline that it was unable to service its planes due to sanctions on Russia.
Pictures showed the plane stranded in an open field, its emergency doors open and ramps down, and people milling around.
Russia's aviation agency Rosaviatsia said that the "unscheduled landing" happened in the early hours of Tuesday.
It added that the landing point had been "selected from the air" near the village of Kamenka. None of the passengers had sought medical aid, it added.
Rosaviatsia said it was investigating the emergency landing, and Ural said the crew had been suspended until the investigation was complete.
Ural Airlines plane cuts trenches into the field from its landing
Image source, Reuters
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From plane to plough
Sergei Skuratov, the head of Ural Airlines, said that one of the plane's hydraulic systems failed as it flew to Omsk from Sochi on the Black Sea coast.
He denied that the plane had caught fire, saying apparent scorch marks above one of the wings seen in pictures on social media was "just dirt".
A catastrophic failure of a plane's hydraulic systems can lead to a loss of flight control.
However, Russian aviation experts said there are back-up systems and disputed the crew's decision to make the landing.
"There are three hydraulic systems, one electric," pilot Andrei Litvinov told Gazeta.ru of the A320. "There is no need to land the plane in a field."
He added the decision endangered the lives of those on board and on the ground.

Russia sanctions hit airlines​

The emergency landing comes as Russian airlines face difficulty obtaining spare parts due to Western sanctions on Moscow over its offensive in Ukraine.
In March, the Russian media outlet Vedomosti quoted Ural Airlines official Igor Poddubny as saying that it had about three months before they began breaking up planes for parts.
However, Mr Skuratov maintained that all of his airline's planes were serviced with genuine parts.
"We will never allow incorrect spare parts to be used," Mr Skuratov said. "It's difficult, with a fight, but all the spare parts used on our aircraft are certified.
"I stake my head on it."
The Interfax agency reported that the crashed A320 was about 20 years old and had an airworthiness certificate to the end of next year.
Reuters reported in August that Ural Airlines and other Russian airlines had managed to bypass Western sanctions on several occasions, using middle men in countries including China and the UAE that do not support the restrictions.
A Ural Airlines Airbus A321 was forced to land in a field outside Moscow in 2019 after being hit by gulls during take-off. Around 70 of the 230 people on board were injured in the crash, which Russian media dubbed the "miracle over Ramensk".
The crew was later given state awards.
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While another pilot almost started an airwar with NATO, sure to bring at least proportional aerial retaliation...

Glad the systems failed and nothing happened but two observations:
1. What does it speak of Russian air to air weapons when an unarmed airline like speed aircraft can't be shot-down , what chance against an F-16. No wonder Ukrainians want them badly.

2. Incompetence of the RAF to send an unarmed asset to an area where it can be intercepted and relying on Russian's good nature not to interfere when the aircraft is picking up intelligence for Ukrainian targeting. Pakistan Navy did the same incompetent move in the late 90s with an Atlantic which was then promptly shot down by the Indians with everybody on-board killed.

Rogue Russian pilot tried to shoot down RAF aircraft in 2022​

    • Published
Two Russian SU-27s performing during the International Maritime Defence Show in Russia in 2015
Image source, EPA
Image caption,
A Russian SU-27, like those pictured, released a missile near the RAF plane
By Jonathan Beale
Defence correspondent

A Russian pilot tried to shoot down an RAF surveillance plane after believing he had permission to fire, the BBC has learned.
The pilot fired two missiles, the first of which missed rather than malfunctioned as claimed at the time.
Russia had claimed the incident last September was caused by a "technical malfunction".
The UK's Ministry of Defence (MoD) publicly accepted the Russian explanation.
But now three senior Western defence sources with knowledge of the incident have told the BBC that Russian communications intercepted by the RAF RC-135 Rivet Joint aircraft give a very different account from the official version.
The RAF plane - with a crew of up to 30 - was flying a surveillance mission over the Black Sea in international airspace on 29 September last year when it encountered two Russian SU-27 fighter jets.

The intercepted communications show that one of the Russian pilots thought he had been given permission to target the British aircraft, following an ambiguous command from a Russian ground station.
However, the second Russian pilot did not. He remonstrated and swore at his wingman when he fired the first missile.
The Rivet Joint is loaded with sensors to intercept communications. The RAF crew would have been able to listen in to the incident which could have resulted in their own deaths.
The MoD will not release details of those communications.
Responding to these new revelations an MoD spokesperson said: "Our intent has always been to protect the safety of our operations, avoid unnecessary escalation and inform the public and international community."

What really happened​

As the two Russian SU-27s approached the RAF spy plane, they received a communication from their ground station controller.

One Western source told the BBC the words they received were to the effect of "you have the target".
This ambiguous language was interpreted by one of the Russian pilots as permission to fire.
The loose language appears to have shown a high degree of unprofessionalism by those involved, sources said. In contrast, Nato pilots use very precise language when asking for and receiving permission to fire.
The Russian pilot released an air-to-air missile, which successfully launched but failed to lock on to its target, the BBC has been told. It was a miss, not a malfunction.
Defence sources have told the BBC that a row then broke out between the two Russian pilots.
The pilot of the second SU-27 did not think they had been given permission to fire.

He is said to have sworn at his comrade, effectively asking him what he thought he was doing.
Yet the first pilot still released another missile.
We had been told that the second missile simply fell from the wing - suggesting the weapon either malfunctioned or that the launch was aborted.
Map showing flight path of RAF plane

What the UK MoD said happened​

Three weeks later, the UK government confirmed the incident had taken place - after an explanation from the Russian Ministry of Defence called it a "technical malfunction".
In a statement to MPs on 20 October, the then Defence Secretary Ben Wallace called it a "potentially dangerous engagement".
But he accepted the Russian explanation, saying: "We do not consider this incident to constitute a deliberate escalation on the part of the Russians, and our analysis concurs that it was due to a malfunction."

What the US said happened​

However, a secret intelligence leak revealed that the US military spoke of what happened in more stark terms.
In a raft of documents, published online by US airman Jack Teixera, the same incident was described as "a near shoot-down".
"The incident was far more serious than originally portrayed and could have amounted to an act of war," the New York Times reported.
According to two US defence officials, the newspaper said, the Russian pilot had misinterpreted an order from the ground.
The Russian pilot "who'd locked on the British Aircraft, fired, but the missile did not launch properly."
The newspaper also quoted an unnamed US defence official describing the incident "as really, really scary".
In response to the leaked report of a "near shoot-down" the UK MoD issued another statement which added more fog than clarity.
The MoD claimed a "significant proportion of the content of these reports [from the documents] is untrue, manipulated or both".

Why the secrecy?​

There may be several reasons why the UK's MoD was reluctant to give the full details.
First, the UK would not want to publicise the extent of its intelligence gathering and details of the intercepted communications.
More importantly neither side wanted an escalation - one which could potentially draw a Nato member into military confrontation with Russia.
But the incident does show, once again, how one mistake and miscalculation by one individual could spark a wider conflict.
The MoD has now told the BBC that "this incident is a stark reminder of the potential consequences of Putin's barbaric invasion of Ukraine."
This is not the first time a reckless Russian pilot has targeted a Nato aircraft in international air space.
In March earlier this year, a Russian jet brought down a US unmanned surveillance drone, also flying over the Black Sea.
In that incident the Russian pilot was awarded a medal, but most experts agree it was down to luck rather than skill or judgement.
It highlights serious questions about the discipline and professionalism of Russia's air force.
Despite the near shoot down, the RAF has continued to conduct surveillance flights over the Black Sea - a testament to the courage of the crews who narrowly avoided a disaster.
Since the incident, these RAF surveillance flights have been escorted by Typhoon fighter jets armed with air-to-air missiles.
The UK is the only Nato ally to conduct crewed missions over the Black Sea.
its hardly a fair fight

63 nations on one side and Russia on its own on the other

but Western nations forgot one thing, in Russia men are real men

in West their men have become women and their women do the mens job

this is why 63 vs 1 is good odds for even for Russia

Oh not again this lame tune „Russia stands against 63 nations, look how strong, brave and whatever Russia is?!!!“

You and the pro-Russian community always ignores, that Russia is fighting Ukraine supported by many nations, but if NATO would take actively part in this war, it would already be over.
Why do you talk to me like that? I didn't want to open a thread about Saddam,I was only replying to A.P.Richelieu.
What started this - Your whataboutism.

I quickly started threads to discuss this after my first reply, and You decided to answer in this thread.
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