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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Once You debunked all the reasons given for terminating the ceasefire with Iraq, you can argue that the invasion 2003 was illegal, otherwise not.

If You simply think it was a bad idea, then that document does not matter.
So where were the weapons of mass destruction?
Once You debunked all the reasons for terminating …
And You know you will fail, so You don’t even try.
Wasn't that the main reason? The main excuse?

Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Didn't the US and Britain go to war with that slogan? Saddam trains terrorists,Saddam is a threat to the US? Wasn't that the slogan for the 2003 invasion?
Wasn't that the main reason? The main excuse?

Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Didn't the US and Britain go to war with that slogan? Saddam trains terrorists,Saddam is a threat to the US? Wasn't that the slogan for the 2003 invasion?
As I suspected, you fail.
Then You continue arguing.

You also do not understand legal matters.
If someone provides five reasons to goto war and only one is valid, that is enough for the war to be legal.

That four are invalid is of no importance.

@Foinikas & @A.P. Richelieu can you both just stop with this constant back & forth discussions on off-topic stuff? The war against Iraq is totally unrelated to this one and I'm pretty sure you both find better threads to discuss this, but please not here!
I started a thread on this and the Afghan War for this very reason. Provided links to those threads here.
People keep arguing in this thread any way.
I am perfectly happy to continue the discussions in those threads.
Is NATO preparing for WW3? They have realised Ukraine will be defeated so they are preparing to attack Russia with 3.5 million force
Wasn't that the main reason? The main excuse?

Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Didn't the US and Britain go to war with that slogan? Saddam trains terrorists,Saddam is a threat to the US? Wasn't that the slogan for the 2003 invasion?

It does not matter anymore, legal or not legal, Irak was invaded and millions were killed, this discussion is absurd.

But this war creates a precedence, a bully can unilaterally kill a country for their "reasons"... well, don t say anything against Russia now, or if you do, then act you about that, now.

US has lost all credibility, and only has the stick power, for now and only against weak countries. We will know how it last.
Ukraine army advancing towards Tokmak.
Half way to the sea of Asow
571 days into Putin’s special military operation
Russia suffers 500 men dead and wounded on average per day.

View attachment 954223

At this curent rate of progress - they may be able to getr to Tomak in the next 6-7 weeks, but i do think it is becoming increasingly unlikely. I am hopeful - but the task is quite large and Ukraine will have to find a way of keeping fighting over winter.
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Ok so let’s put this into prospective

So yes Ukraine is definitely winning

There is no cake left to eat in the EU. It's gone down the toilet. And now the clown of Kiev is threatening member states. Couldn't make this sh1t up!

Obviously you have not been to an EU country in your life, nor live in it, nor would be ever allowed to be in it. They are spending a $1trillion to do things like energy transition and digitization (forward looking softer areas to improve society). Go to Amsterdam, Stockholm, or Brussels, and the makeup of the cities is very obvious that immigrants have moved enmasse and continue to move, many from whereever you live. So yes, you will never know, but nobody is escaping the EU ,and certainly the best and brightest staying there. Can you say that for the down the drain Russia? Who could leave left, and those who want to leave can't.

Wasn't that the main reason? The main excuse?

Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Didn't the US and Britain go to war with that slogan? Saddam trains terrorists,Saddam is a threat to the US? Wasn't that the slogan for the 2003 invasion?
Why are you so F*(&* lazy and stupid. Go type a few strokes and start or join a thread on Saddam. Nobody here claims that just because Ukraine is supported, that the Iraq was was justified. There were 100s of messages posted a decade ago about the stupidity in that campaign and lack of justification.

Big powers are masters at making patriotic justifications. Its a skill not just unique to Russians

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