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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

NATO is not a threat to Russia. The Russians have the largest military in Europe, more nukes than US, UK and France, combined. The Russians make something wrong. Now even Armenia seeks to flee from Russia influence. Putin is naked. He has nothing to offer accept cheap oil and cheap propaganda.
NATO is not a threat to Russia? How would you perceive it if the other block came to steal your influence and establish military bases right next to you?
NATO is not a threat to Russia? How would you perceive it if the other block came to steal your influence and establish military bases right next to you?
It’s the other way around. Russia is a threat that’s why all countries in Europe run into NATO. It’s is a defense pact. Nato will not attack Russia. Of course If Russia is peaceful nobody would think joining the NATO.
Same in Far east. China is a threat. If Ccp continues playing stupid game then there will be Asia NATO next to Chinese border. Don’t complain.
It’s a natural response small countries seek protection.
The fact that you consider Russia as "Mordor" and the Russians as "Orcs" shows that you're extremely biased.

I never stated that I want "treat" Ukrainians,Belarussians or Georgians as slaves of Russia. That's why I lament the fact that Russian oligarchs haven't managed to create a good enough Russian world in more than 20 years,for their brethren in Belarus and Ukraine to want to live with them.

Why would I name myself "Ephialtes"? Because you are obsessed with seeing Russia destroyed? Where was Sweden to help us when Turkey threatened us for years? Where were the Swedes to support us against the Turkish "orcs" then?

I want a just and enlightened government in Russia. I don't want to see Russia destroyed,I want it to return to Holy Rus. That doesn't mean I also want a World War to start. I want things to remain peaceful. Ukraine could have become a kind of Switzerland for both factions. One side was pushing for bases and weapons,the other was pushing for invasion and submission.
As already mentioned, NATO rejected Ukraine.
Obama shipped very little arms to Ukraine and did not ask for bases.
Trump approved sales to Ukraine and then probably git a hiding from Putin since he tried to stop the shipments until he was told he would be in trouble.

Which means that even your argument forbthe Russian invasion is flawed.

And in the meantime the governments of all sides cheered for war and clapped.
No government in the West cheered for war, but they certainly showed their willingness to help Ukraine as long Ukraine wanted to keep on fighting.
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So with no honor and full of hypocrisy, You run away from the truth that the white man is able to steal continents like north America, South America, AFrica, Australia etc and still occupy those continents with no repercussions but want to point finger at China who ruled Tibet in 1279? Sounds like a serial killer pedo calling thief evil
The Yuan Dynasty is also known as the Mongol Dynasty, so You are basically agreeing with Mongolia annexing the Peoples Republic of China.
Then again, the Mongols stole both China and Tibet.

Following the Yuan Dynasty was Ming Dynasty

" Ming dynasty had unquestioned sovereignty over Tibet by pointing to the Ming court's issuing of various titles to Tibetan leaders, Tibetans' full acceptance of the titles, and a renewal process for successors of these titles that involved traveling to the Ming capital."
You mean they lept occupying the Mongol colony…

British stole Tibet in the early 20th century and China took it back lol. What if someone stole half your country, installed a puppet government and later you invade to 'take it back' but they say you invade independent country? China doesn't care about Western hypocrisy because it is easily exposed by the number of white people ruling continents across the world. Too bad they are fixed on turning gay and replacing themselves with black/hispanics but thats another issue altogether

The West terminated its colonial empires. China obviously like to keep theirs.
Aka western sources lol

Afghan war killed 200k people and wounded normally 5x that number

According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, the conflict killed 212,191 people.[2] The Cost of War project estimated in 2015 that the number who have died through indirect causes related to the war may be as high as 360,000 additional people based on a ratio of indirect to direct deaths in contemporary conflicts.[3]

And Afghans did most if the killings of civilians. Islamists really hate it when they are not allowed to repress people.

but somehow we need to believe your Western sources that American improved things lol. Damn man...hypocrites are the worst of all people and scum of the earth. They sell their mothers for $5 and say they are doing a good thing
When the US dug a well, the Talibans would come and fill it.
NATO is not a threat to Russia? How would you perceive it if the other block came to steal your influence and establish military bases right next to you?
Russia is not entitled to any influence over any sovereign country, which they have agreed on in 1997.

The United States accepted Soviet bases on Cuba.
It did not accept Soviet missiles on Cuba.

Should Poland attack Kaliningrad, because quite obviously it is a threat to Poland?
Should they attack Belarus, since Putin stores nuclear arms there?
Why is Russia so provocative and try to start WWIII?
Mongolia annexing the Peoples Republic of China.
What? If they can with 2mil population and 2 police cars they can go for it. But then again China annexed the Mongol ancestors the Xiongnu also but you wouldn't know your asian history would you?
The West terminated its colonial empires. China obviously like to keep theirs.
US/Australia/Canada/New Zealand etc are all colonial empires lol run by whites. U telling me white people are native to those continents? U think Chinese are not born in Tibet and live there for a thousand years? This reasoning is called 'full retard' reasoning when whites are allowed to colonize many continents but if other countries take back their territory its wrong? Thats why whenever whites try to 'convert' Chinese and start talking about Tibet or minorities, even the most anti-CCP realise the BS and hypocrisy and reject the lies.
You mean they lept occupying the Mongol colony…
what? your reaching so far but making no sense. Tibet been tributary of China for far longer before the Mongols were around. Meanwhile your sitting there cheering on white americans/canandians/australians to keep the natives down and out and to keep white culture alive there lol. Hypocrites are the scum of the earth and everyone knows that, thats why I can only imagine what type of life you live.

Nevertheless the West is turning brown/black demographically and LGBT/Woke socially so they can degrade/kill themselves off and save everyones time. cheers
What? If they can with 2mil population and 2 police cars they can go for it. But then again China annexed the Mongol ancestors the Xiongnu also but you wouldn't know your asian history would you?

This is about rights and not capabilities.
You claim that Tibet belongs to China because it belonged to the Mongols.
Logically, China then belongs to Mongolia.

The Mongol Empire was a significant part of history. Chinas internal wars were Not.

I guess you live by the ”might are right” and nothing else.

US/Australia/Canada/New Zealand etc are all colonial empires lol run by whites. U telling me white people are native to those continents? U think Chinese are not born in Tibet and live there for a thousand years? This reasoning is called 'full retard' reasoning when whites are allowed to colonize many continents but if other countries take back their territory its wrong? Thats why whenever whites try to 'convert' Chinese and start talking about Tibet or minorities, even the most anti-CCP realise the BS and hypocrisy and reject the lies.
Those were the last episodes of the conflict between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers. Humans have developed laws and treaties since then.
To compare behaviour in a basic lawless world with a world where the UN charter has been created is simply ignorant.

what? your reaching so far but making no sense. Tibet been tributary of China for far longer before the Mongols were around.
Russia is not entitled to any influence over any sovereign country, which they have agreed on in 1997.

The United States accepted Soviet bases on Cuba.
It did not accept Soviet missiles on Cuba.

Should Poland attack Kaliningrad, because quite obviously it is a threat to Poland?
Should they attack Belarus, since Putin stores nuclear arms there?
Why is Russia so provocative and try to start WWIII?
You know you're being a hypocrite right now. You're acting as if you don't understand.
hose were the last episodes of the conflict between Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers. Humans have developed laws and treaties since then.
To compare behaviour in a basic lawless world with a world where the UN charter has been created is simply ignorant.
LMAO you accuse me of 'might is right' and then say natives of North America, South America, AFrica, Australia, New Zealand etc are sub human hunter gatherers so they deserve to have their land stolen?

If China allows Tibet independence, can all white people leave America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc and give back to natives too?

Oh they can't? sounds like good old hypocrisy and retardation once again.
Logically, China then belongs to Mongolia.
Logically Mongolia belongs to China since CHina ruled Mongolia 10x the amount of time Mongols ruled China

Also have you seen Taiwan map? This is what ur dear Taiwan claim .


Playing video games and not working/learning is very bad for low IQ health, it leads to hypocrisy -> dishonor and massive lack of logic that makes you very unattractive to all people of all types and yes that includes the woman too
It’s the other way around. Russia is a threat that’s why all countries in Europe run into NATO. It’s is a defense pact. Nato will not attack Russia. Of course If Russia is peaceful nobody would think joining the NATO.
Same in Far east. China is a threat. If Ccp continues playing stupid game then there will be Asia NATO next to Chinese border. Don’t complain.
It’s a natural response small countries seek protection.
China should be the one contained,not Russia.

Westerners called Russia a big threat for months and after the war started,they kept mocking Russia for losses and bad organisation. Thus implying Russia isn't actually a threat.
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