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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That's only an assumption and NATO warhawk fear.
That neighbours have a good reason to fear Russia has been proven in Georgia and Ukraine.

The reality is that NATO expanded way too much,

The reality is that neither You nor Russia have any business telling Estonians etc. what to do. Can You explain why it was wrong for Estonia to join?
It is very likely that if they had not joined, then Russia would have invaded Estonia before Ukraine.
You simply have a slave master mentality and people around the master should bow and grovel, even if they are not slaves.

thus triggering Russia to start something as reckless as that.
Noone triggered Russia. They are simply deluded and angry that free men do not treat them as masters.
You argue like the Mouth of Sauron.

Upon smiling, gazing into the eyes of each captain, the Mouth then stated that the imp would be allowed to go free, so long as they agreed to Sauron's terms: that the "rabble of Gondor and its deluded allies" would first swear oaths to never "assail Sauron the Great in arms, open or secret" ever again. After which, they would withdraw west across the Anduin as Sauron's hold over the lands east of the river would last forever. In addition, the lands between the river and the Misty Mountains would possess no weapons and become tributary to Mordor. While Sauron would allow them to govern their own affairs, they would be required to aid in the rebuilding of Isengard as a consequence for its destruction. When the rebuilding is finished, it would belong to Sauron and ruled by his lieutenant rather than Saruman. The Mouth of Sauron believed that he was that lieutenant and planned to become a tyrant with the Free Peoples of the World as his slaves.

And severing ties with Russia for the sake of Ukraine has unbalanced economies all over Europe and raised prices.

Russia severed the ties with the West by its illegal War of Aggression. The West simply acted upon this fact.

NATO shouldn't have tried to get in the front yard of Russia. They shouldn't have got in their turf. That's their turf. Poland? Ok,joined. Baltics? Ok joined. Even Bulgaria and Romania? Ok,joined. But Ukraine? Trying to gain influence in Ukraine and doing everything to establish a Western foothold there? That was the last straw.
Ukraine was denied entry into NATO. It was welcomed into a trade agreement with the EU.

What do you expect them to do? See Belarus toppled after that as well?
I expect them to build a society that is not considered to be the neighbour hooligan. A lot of Belarus citizens wants the prosperity of the West.
Why would anyone want to deny them to make their own choice in free and fair elections.

On the other hand,the Russian oligarchs failed to provide prosperity on par to Western European standards to their citizens and corruption never really left the State. They could have treated Ukraine way better and gain their trust,but they couldn't achieve as much as their Western or Gulf Arab counterparts had,even though Russia has immense resources,such wealth and enormous land.
Russia is the most corrupt state in Europe. Ukraine is not much better, but if left undisturbed by criminal neighbours, the EU can help them slowly improve.
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That neighbours have a good reason to fear Russia has been proven in Georgia and Ukraine.

The reality is that neither You nor Russia have any business telling Estonians etc. what to do. Can You explain why it was wrong for Estonia to join?
It is very likely that if they had not joined, then Russia would have invaded Estonia before Ukraine.
You simply have a slave master mentality and people around the master should bow and grovel, even if they are not slaves.

Noone triggered Russia. They are simply deluded.

Russia severed the ties with the West.

Ukraine was denied entry into NATO. It was welcomed into a trade agreement with the EU.

I expect them to build a society that are not considered to be the neighbour hooligan. A lot of Belarus citizens wants the prosperity of the West.
Why would anyone want to deny them to make their own choice in free and fair elections.

Russia is the most corrupt state in Europe. Ukraine is not much better, but if left undisturbed by criminal neighbours, the EU can help them slowly improve.
To your entire post,to all your replies,my answer is the previous one. You see Russia as a constant threat and trouble-maker. Many of us in southeastern Europe and the Middle-East don't. The Baltics were gone,so was Poland.

That should have been enough for NATO. There was a balance and rules to maintain the peace. Don't get into Russia's turf. Don't try to meddle in Georgia,don't try to meddle in Ukraine,don't try to meddle in Belarus.

It's not hard to understand it. When you go and set up tent outside the bear's cave,don't complain if the bear gets angry.
Simply because they don't have any real victories to celebrate.

Really? Or again simply blind on both eyes? I would indeed rate the destruction of two Tu-22M bombers, 4 Il-76 transports a landing ship and a Kilo-submarine as well as the un-defeatable S400 battery +++ indeed a small victory!

And since we are on it, when was Russia making a "victory" the last time? :smitten: :omghaha:
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To your entire post,to all your replies,my answer is the previous one. You see Russia as a constant threat and trouble-maker. Many of us in southeastern Europe and the Middle-East don't. The Baltics were gone,so was Poland.

That should have been enough for NATO. There was a balance and rules to maintain the peace. Don't get into Russia's turf. Don't try to meddle in Georgia,don't try to meddle in Ukraine,don't try to meddle in Belarus.

It's not hard to understand it. When you go and set up tent outside the bear's cave,don't complain if the bear gets angry.

Slave-Master mentality as previously mentioned.
How is it to live in the nineteenth century?

Here some reading that you desperately need.

Slave-Master mentality as previously mentioned.
How is it to live in the nineteenth century?

Here some reading that you desperately need.

*sigh* You're not understanding what I'm telling you.

If you know going around a bear,trying to get honey,even if you have enough honey already and yet you know this might end up killing both you and the bear,will you try to take it just because "my rights"?
*sigh* You're not understanding what I'm telling you.

If you know going around a bear,trying to get honey,even if you have enough honey already and yet you know this might end up killing both you and the bear,will you try to take it just because "my rights"?
I understand perfectly that you want to treat Ukrainans, Georgians and Belarusians as slaves groveling in front of Russia.
The fact is not that Ukraine is trying to get any honey from the bear. They are trying to avoid being attacked by the bear and dismembered. Now the bear attacks and tries to dismember them for resisting being attacked and dismembered.

And guess what happens next…

BTW: Have you considered renaming your account to Ephialtes?
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I understand perfectly that you want to treat Ukrainans, Georgians and Belarusians as slaves groveling in front of Russia.
The fact is not that Ukraine is trying to get any honey from the bear. They are trying to avoid being attacked by the bear and dismembered. Now the bear attacks and tries to dismember them for resisting being attacked and dismembered.

And guess what happens next…

BTW: Have you considered renaming your account to Ephialtes?
The fact that you consider Russia as "Mordor" and the Russians as "Orcs" shows that you're extremely biased.

I never stated that I want "treat" Ukrainians,Belarussians or Georgians as slaves of Russia. That's why I lament the fact that Russian oligarchs haven't managed to create a good enough Russian world in more than 20 years,for their brethren in Belarus and Ukraine to want to live with them.

Why would I name myself "Ephialtes"? Because you are obsessed with seeing Russia destroyed? Where was Sweden to help us when Turkey threatened us for years? Where were the Swedes to support us against the Turkish "orcs" then?

I want a just and enlightened government in Russia. I don't want to see Russia destroyed,I want it to return to Holy Rus. That doesn't mean I also want a World War to start. I want things to remain peaceful. Ukraine could have become a kind of Switzerland for both factions. One side was pushing for bases and weapons,the other was pushing for invasion and submission.

And in the meantime the governments of all sides cheered for war and clapped.
...and Russian.

How many a regional power can cut through layers of Russian army in war?

Ukrainian forces have demonstrated impressive battle tactics in the war before - all should take notes.

Ukrainian forces are currently diverting attention of Russian forces in Bakhmut to make a push in Zaporizhzhia Oblast with the intent to:

The coming weeks will show the level of progress Ukraine is really making in its drive toward cities like Tokmak and Melitopol as it seeks to either reach Crimea or cut off the so-called land bridge through Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Let's see.

yes they did cut through the defence with their bodies while West withheld vital mine clearing vehicles to first cut down the Ukrainians

the chances of Ukraine ever trying to cut off the Russian land bridge is zero

this is from the war room but posted on Twitter

Quin China conquered Tibet in 1720 (hows your math) but did not annex it.

China annexed Tibet in 1951.

The US has no territory in Syria. Then it would not be Syria. The US certainly provides arms to Kurds. It also provides arms to Turkey. Much more arms over the years. It provides arms to Kurds, because Turk politicians trade with ISIS helping them to attack the US and allies. If Turkey had done a proper job, Kurds would not have been needed.
Turkey made their bed and have to lie in it. They could go to war with the US if they want to. I guess Greece would appreciate getting Constantinople back.

So with no honor and full of hypocrisy, You run away from the truth that the white man is able to steal continents like north America, South America, AFrica, Australia etc and still occupy those continents with no repercussions but want to point finger at China who ruled Tibet in 1279? Sounds like a serial killer pedo calling thief evil

Following the Yuan Dynasty was Ming Dynasty

" Ming dynasty had unquestioned sovereignty over Tibet by pointing to the Ming court's issuing of various titles to Tibetan leaders, Tibetans' full acceptance of the titles, and a renewal process for successors of these titles that involved traveling to the Ming capital."

British stole Tibet in the early 20th century and China took it back lol. What if someone stole half your country, installed a puppet government and later you invade to 'take it back' but they say you invade independent country? China doesn't care about Western hypocrisy because it is easily exposed by the number of white people ruling continents across the world. Too bad they are fixed on turning gay and replacing themselves with black/hispanics but thats another issue altogether
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I am talking about sources like the UN and WHO you fool.

Where are you getting your sources from, the madrassah friday afternoon sermon?
Aka western sources lol

Afghan war killed 200k people and wounded normally 5x that number

According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, the conflict killed 212,191 people.[2] The Cost of War project estimated in 2015 that the number who have died through indirect causes related to the war may be as high as 360,000 additional people based on a ratio of indirect to direct deaths in contemporary conflicts.[3]

but somehow we need to believe your Western sources that American improved things lol. Damn man...hypocrites are the worst of all people and scum of the earth. They sell their mothers for $5 and say they are doing a good thing
Theoretically Russia doesn't have the right to tell a sovereign country what to do.

But this is not how the world works. Just like if your neighbor plays music extremely loud at normal hours,making it ok legally,but annoying and unethical.

We're talking about world peace. NATO could have kept a balance and stopped making Russia feel endangered. On the other hand,Russia could have just not invaded but found another way to have Ukraine as a buffer zone between both factions.

I think it was more of a deal under the table with Putin. There's no other logical explanation.
Yes in an ideal world Ukraine would remain neutral not joining NATO, not joining EU. The problem is we not living in ideal world. We living in a jungle. Ukraine seeks security and prosperity. Why the Russians are against it?

Russia is an aggressive neighbor. Swiss can be neutral, not joining NATO, not joining EU because she lives next to reasonable France, Germany, Italy and Austria.
Yes in an ideal world Ukraine would remain neutral not joining NATO, not joining EU. The problem is we not living in ideal world. We living in a jungle. Ukraine seeks security and prosperity. Why the Russians are against it?
Exactly,we're not living in an ideal world and Russia considers it a threat when NATO expands right on their doorstep,not just in their front yard,but right on their doorstep. And we're being led into a World War.
Exactly,we're not living in an ideal world and Russia considers it a threat when NATO expands right on their doorstep,not just in their front yard,but right on their doorstep. And we're being led into a World War.
NATO is not a threat to Russia. The Russians have the largest military in Europe, more nukes than US, UK and France, combined. The Russians make something wrong. Now even Armenia seeks to flee from Russia influence. Putin is naked. He has nothing to offer accept cheap oil and cheap propaganda.

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