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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

as I said the most ridiculous Logic ever

no bombing Syrian base defenses (and not touching its weapon storage) that was surrounded by ISIS for several month and they fail to capture it and just after the end of bombing ISIS start a coordinated attack from all side on the battered base and get their hand on troves of weapons make them so
harboring Isis around its bases and don't let any body touch them made USA ISIS air force. airlifting ISIS fighter from Syria to Afghanistan make them ISIS aviation branch , do you want me to continue

and usa shelter isis because it was not just a no fly zone have you forget they also bomb Syrian columns which entered that zone to deal with ISIS?

and usa was legally Daddy of alqaeda before 95
its not important the important part is when Taliban asked USA for evidence instead of providing one they bombed Afghanistan
and you only can claim they were not neutral unless USA provided evidence and Taliban failed to sentence them in Afghanistan according to Afghanistan laws which was a lot more severe than USA law .
and as I recall at the time there was no talk about Neutrality , as a certain warmongering president come in front of the world and said You are with us or You are against us
have you already forgotten that part

yes it do you don't give your guest because a bully say you most do so if they did a bad thing the accuser most provide evidence on that.

the united state attacked an ally of Al-Qaeda in a war of aggression and continued to attack enemies of Al-Qaeda like Syria and Iraq since then.

they claimed it way later and every body knew al-qaeda later take responsibility for attacks they had no part in it.

some one tell EU and USA pay for the cost such move inflict on a private company , use some of the money that is going to be spent on luxuries for certain people in Ukraine for providing such more critical services for the war effort.

its a private enterprise that provide a service , if you want that service pay a very small percentage of what is wasted for luxuries in ukraine to the private enterprise and get the service, don't expect them to provide the service for free
You need to stop spreading lies and disinformation. YEARS have been spent discussing and addressing these topics with EVIDENCES ON HAND but you continue to make same statements again and again.

US certainly had questionable motives in its War On Terror saga - this was to feed its Military Industrial Complex (MIC) for war profiteering and to sell its arms around the world. For this reason, US was in search for potential targets who had nothing to do with 9/11; Saddam regime in Iraq and Qaddafi regime in Libya were chosen for termination in view of their questionable deeds and past. But one thing is certain: US did a good job at dismantling Al-Qaeda Network (Operation Enduring Freedom) and ISIL (Operation Inherent Resolve) - this was at the core of War On Terror saga. Accept this FACT and move on.

When Syrian Civil War broke out, CIA provided arms to Syrian rebels, but Obama administration decided against toppling Assad regime due to ISIL movement in the region. ISIL was chosen for termination instead - this is the reason for dispatching American troops to Syria. Americans found a willing partner in the SDF group in Syria because it was opposing ISIL movement in the region.

Assad regime + Hezbollah + Iran + Russia = fighting Syrian rebels in large part (limited focus on ISIL)
US + SDF = fighting ISIL in large part (limited focus on others)
That Russian hype all these years...
Probably Turkey is not feeling that getting booted out of the F-35 industrial share program was such a good idea. And now they want to upgrade F-16s and buy more F-16s. The Turkish AIr Force and industry is competent and would have never made this decision.

The clown must realise, that if he continues on this path, the midget jews hideout in Kiev will need to get FOAB'ed.

Your so called clown was supposed to be neturalized in the first 3 days. He is kicking Russia's ***. Not winning yet but kicking *** nonethless.
Meanwhile, while the Russians still have huge reserves and ramped up production, just as a backup they have......

Thats why Putin took the train to meet the only other loser that takes a train (North Korean) leader. 'Hey give me your artillery please'. Putin either went to beg for material or he was feeling lonely since nobody sees him and S. Africa said he can't visit. ONly african leaders that visited him are Wagner clients. This is not the signature of a country thats over producing in its factories.

THey can't even produce cars: automotive production down 70%!
Chinas illegal occupation of Tibet does not give it any rights.
White people occupied America/Australia/New Zealand etc 500years after China annexed Tibet. So White people have no rights outside of Europe by your logic?

Are Kurdish militants running training camps in the US to attack Turkey?
Thats exactly what is happening. US occupied territory in Syria and the kurds cross over and attack Turks

Happens all over the world

Big time logic fail by you

He also stated the US will reach 57-65K rounds per month by next spring.
That’s in 2y. If the US makes million artillery shells per year would be the same amount the Russians make per year. That’s even. Let’s see how Putin can convince more Russians to go more hungry to make more ammo.

Meanwhile since the beginning of the offensive Ukraine’s 47th mechanized brigade just lost 3 leopards 2 from 21. So Ukraine elite tank brigade still has plenty of firepower in reserves.

Ein Leopard-2A6 der deutschen Bundeswehr: Links oben auf dem Turm des Panzers ist das Periskop mit Wärmebildgerät gut zu erkennen.

Ein Leopard-2A6 der deutschen Bundeswehr: Links oben auf dem Turm des Panzers ist das Periskop mit Wärmebildgerät gut zu erkennen. © IMAGO/David Inderlied

Basically,Russia tried to find a peaceful solution with NATO initially,but the Westerners insisted on this war. They insisted on expanding NATO and surrounding Russia with allied countries. They provoked the war. Was the invasion of Ukraine a good move? No. They could have achieved what they wanted with other means,perhaps. But the arrogance of a Freemasonry-led Western leadership wanted war. They wanted war. And Putin just fell for their trap. Although who will prevail in the end,we will see. I'm afraid it might turn into a nuclear war. Russia and Westerners cannot trust each other anymore.

The ones on the West kept pushing and pushing and the ones on the East couldn't find a good solution to make their people happy (the ex-USSR countries).
If Russian are provoked by Ukrainans eating breakfast, are Ukrainans then responsible for a Russian attack because they kept on eating breakfast?

Russia has no right to have an opinion on who is a member of NATO and who is not. Russia has acknowledged this in 1997.

The United States did not begin a new war. They terminated the ceasefire due to multiple violations of the ceasefire agreement. If you want to know the motivation, you have to look at the legal documents, not the CNN headlines like You do.
Here we go again. What legal documents are you referring to? The entire war was waged under the pretext of WMDs. If you ask anyone, just like the War on Terror, it was initiated based on the claim of WMDs. The primary goal was to oust Saddam Hussein and install a puppet government. They manipulated sectarian tensions and more. There's no way to justify that war.
The Iraqis were armed by Iran and the Gulf States/KSA. Iraq elected their government and is notta puppet government.
Germany was destroyed after WWII and this did not lead to internal conflicts.
Internal conflicts occur when the citizens do not respect their political adversaries and prefer to resolve issues with violence. It is entirely an Iraqi problem.
Iraq once possessed the fourth-largest military globally, but then the USA and its Allies arrived with "ENDURING FREEDOM," and the rest is well-documented history.
After World War II, Germany wasn't destroyed but divided. The USA and Russia split Germany into two like a piece of cake, resulting in casualties on both sides. Internal conflicts tend to surface when puppet governments try to enforce their master's wishes on their people. This Iraqi problem didn't exist until the Western forces intervened.
Gaddafi was a horrible person which grabbed power in a coup and was lucky that the oil could be used to grow an economy. Libya was devastated by the Islamists and War Lords after the fall of Gaddafi.
Gaddafi was a horrible person? So Bush, Clintons and Obama are angles? Why was he so horrible? When he came to power Libyan people were in shambles he was no doubt a dictator but he did so much for his people and his country. He hated western interference and he died for it. Libya wasn't devastated until US and it allies interfered. What has happened to Libya after Gaddafi was killed with CIA help.
Iraq - was not called terrorist.
Libya - undoubtedly supported terrorists.
Palestinians - cutting throats of babies, blowing up civilian buses - defintely terrorism
Syria - was called out for war crimes, not terrorism.
Afghanistan - bases for Al Qaeda which are undoubtedly terrorists.
ISIS multiple terrorist attacks in Europe.
Nigeria capturing kids = terrorism

Where have Muslims been called terrorists without a goid motivation?
"Iraq was relatively stable until 2003 when the US and its allies invaded the country, and after 20 years, it still faces significant challenges.

Libya was also experiencing stability before the US and its allies intervened in its internal affairs, resulting in the killing of its leader. However, the situation has since become uncertain.

In the case of Palestine, the country was occupied by Jewish settlers, many of whom had fled Europe due to the Holocaust. Allied forces displaced Palestinians and resettled Jews, leading to ongoing conflict. It's essential to recognize the historical context of this situation.

Taliban forces were initially supported and armed by the CIA with the help of ISI to counter Russia, which they did successfully. After their initial purpose was served, the US labeled them as terrorists.

ISIS carried out several attacks in Europe, and there were civilian casualties from Predator drone strikes over the past two decades. While ISIS's actions were condemnable, it's important to acknowledge the broader context."
You my friend are not only Hypocrite but also a Racist.
White people occupied America/Australia/New Zealand etc 500years after China annexed Tibet. So White people have no rights outside of Europe by your logic?

Quin China conquered Tibet in 1720 (hows your math) but did not annex it.

China annexed Tibet in 1951.

Thats exactly what is happening. US occupied territory in Syria and the kurds cross over and attack Turks

Happens all over the world

Big time logic fail by you

The US has no territory in Syria. Then it would not be Syria. The US certainly provides arms to Kurds. It also provides arms to Turkey. Much more arms over the years. It provides arms to Kurds, because Turk politicians trade with ISIS helping them to attack the US and allies. If Turkey had done a proper job, Kurds would not have been needed.
Turkey made their bed and have to lie in it. They could go to war with the US if they want to. I guess Greece would appreciate getting Constantinople back.
Here we go again. What legal documents are you referring to?

Check the Middle East section where I recently provided the document. It was linked to in this thread.

The entire war was waged under the pretext of WMDs. If you ask anyone, just like the War on Terror, it was initiated based on the claim of WMDs. The primary goal was to oust Saddam Hussein and install a puppet government. They manipulated sectarian tensions and more. There's no way to justify that war.
Debunked in the document. There were a number of reasons.

Iraq once possessed the fourth-largest military globally, but then the USA and its Allies arrived with "ENDURING FREEDOM," and the rest is well-documented history.
After World War II, Germany wasn't destroyed but divided. The USA and Russia split Germany into two like a piece of cake, resulting in casualties on both sides. Internal conflicts tend to surface when puppet governments try to enforce their master's wishes on their people. This Iraqi problem didn't exist until the Western forces intervened.
You do not get a puppet government through elections.
Gaddafi was a horrible person? So Bush, Clintons and Obama are angles? Why was he so horrible?
Because he raped and massacred Libyans. He financed terrorists and had his cronies kill civilians in terrorist acts.

When he came to power Libyan people were in shambles he was no doubt a dictator but he did so much for his people and his country. He hated western interference and he died for it. Libya wasn't devastated until US and it allies interfered. What has happened to Libya after Gaddafi was killed with CIA help.

Gaddafi was killed by Libyans without CIA help.

"Iraq was relatively stable until 2003 when the US and its allies invaded the country, and after 20 years, it still faces significant challenges.
Iraq was ”stable” because Saddam ran a terror regime which would have made Stalin envious. Noone is facing government attacks with nerve gas.
GDP has risen dramatically, The ”challenges” Iraq are facing is destabilizing by Iran and Islamists/former Baath party members trying to reinstate the dictatorship.

Libya was also experiencing stability before the US and its allies intervened in its internal affairs, resulting in the killing of its leader. However, the situation has since become uncertain.
Libya was in turmoil because Libyans wanted democracy, and Gaddafi responded with massacres.
In the case of Palestine, the country was occupied by Jewish settlers, many of whom had fled Europe due to the Holocaust. Allied forces displaced Palestinians and resettled Jews, leading to ongoing conflict. It's essential to recognize the historical context of this situation.
What a load of dingos kidneys. Totally twisted and not worth responding to,
Taliban forces were initially supported and armed by the CIA with the help of ISI to counter Russia, which they did successfully. After their initial purpose was served, the US labeled them as terrorists.

The US supported the Mujahedin. The Taliban was a small group of no importance during the late war with the Soviet Union. The Mujahedin formed a government and then Gulbuddin Hekmyatar tried to grab power resulting in a civil war. Meanwhile Pakistan/ISI financed, trained and armed the Taliban inside Pakistan.
After the Taliban blitzkrieg, several former Mujahedin joined the Taliban movement. Others, like the North Alliance kept fighting the Taliban.

ISIS carried out several attacks in Europe, and there were civilian casualties from Predator drone strikes over the past two decades. While ISIS's actions were condemnable, it's important to acknowledge the broader context."
You my friend are not only Hypocrite but also a Racist.
Yes, not buying into Islamist propaganda is racism - according to Islamists.
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