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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I read it in the news about that Elon musk starlink. that’s a gross misinformation. Starlink is an internet satellite communications service. Ukraine army uses it for voice, data, messaging service. Like other people use it für the same reason. I can buy a Starlink dish at the nearest retailer. That doesn’t mean anything military.
Ukraine does not rely on Starlink to bombard the Russians. Missies, rockets or drones use other means to find their targets.

Use in Ukraine​

Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv, and his brother Wladimir Klitschko with Starlink terminals shipped to Kyiv during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Main article: Starlink in Ukraine

Starlink was activated at first during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after a request from the Ukrainian government.[150][151] Ukraine's military and government rapidly became dependent on Starlink to maintain Internet access.[152][153][149] Starlink is used by Ukraine for communication, such as keeping in touch with outside world and keeping the energy infrastructure working.[154][155]

The service is also notably used for warfare. Starlink is used for connecting combat drones, naval drones, artillery fire coordination systems and attacks on Russian positions.[156][149] SpaceX has expressed reservations about the offensive use of Starlink by Ukraine beyond military communications and restricted Starlink communication technology for military use on weapon systems.[157] SpaceX however kept most of the service online.[158][159] Its use in attacking Russian targets has been criticized by the Kremlin.[160]

Musk has warned that the service was costing $20 million per month, and a Ukrainian official estimated SpaceX's contributions as over $100 million.[155] In June 2023, the DoD signed a contract with SpaceX to finance Starlink use in Ukraine.[161][159]
Putin brags Russia will destroy everything from the west that moves. Meanwhile despite endless efforts by Russia artillery the Russians can’t destroy any of 14 German Haubitze until now. Ukraine artillery fires the pzh2000 almost non stop.

Panzer in Bachmut

Eine deutsche Panzerhaubitze 2000 der ukrainischen Armee feuert an der Frontlinie nahe Bachmut auf russische Stellungen. © Efrem Lukatsky/AP/dpa
he refused and justly so . he said provide us evidence and we gather all of them and try them here .
by the way there was and there is no prisoner swap agreement between USA and Afghanistan
USA failed to deliverany evidence instead as usual they opted to deliver Bombs and mainly against hospitals , weddings and children playing at their home
Russia has attacked healthcare infrastructure and children at a rate of a hundred times that of USA in afghanistan.

During Nato control, life expectancy and education greatly improved for the afghan population.

Yet here you are…defending Russian atrocities while critisizing America.
Are you just that much of a hypocrite?
Or is it “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and you view ukranian lives as stepping on ants?

Use in Ukraine​

Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv, and his brother Wladimir Klitschko with Starlink terminals shipped to Kyiv during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Main article: Starlink in Ukraine

Starlink was activated at first during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after a request from the Ukrainian government.[150][151] Ukraine's military and government rapidly became dependent on Starlink to maintain Internet access.[152][153][149] Starlink is used by Ukraine for communication, such as keeping in touch with outside world and keeping the energy infrastructure working.[154][155]

The service is also notably used for warfare. Starlink is used for connecting combat drones, naval drones, artillery fire coordination systems and attacks on Russian positions.[156][149] SpaceX has expressed reservations about the offensive use of Starlink by Ukraine beyond military communications and restricted Starlink communication technology for military use on weapon systems.[157] SpaceX however kept most of the service online.[158][159] Its use in attacking Russian targets has been criticized by the Kremlin.[160]

Musk has warned that the service was costing $20 million per month, and a Ukrainian official estimated SpaceX's contributions as over $100 million.[155] In June 2023, the DoD signed a contract with SpaceX to finance Starlink use in Ukraine.[161][159]
Starlink is not for military use. Using at own risk. Unless you use strong encryption on top.
Ukraine army uses military grade communications. Something like this in the vid. Germany gives 3,000 pieces to Ukraine army. Very simple technique but very secure. It’s called “Feldfernsprecher”.

Russia has attacked healthcare infrastructure and children at a rate of a hundred times that of USA in afghanistan.

During Nato control, life expectancy and education greatly improved for the afghan population.

Yet here you are…defending Russian atrocitied while critisizing America.
Are you just that much of a hypocrite?
Or is it “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and you view ukranian lives as stepping on ants?
no i never defended them and i dare you find any post that show i defended Russia.
i defended the war as good for the rest of the world as it keep Russia and Europe and USA busy away and also i show hypocrisy of Ukraine supporters
and pointing that Russia is stuck in 70s and 80s

Starlink is not for military use. Using at own risk. Unless you use strong encryption on top.
Ukraine army uses military grade communications. Something like this in the vid. Germany gives 3,000 pieces to Ukraine army. Very simple technique but very secure.

those it help guiding drones and weapons?
star-link is used for that and don't you think Ukraine needs far more than 3000 communication piece to keep coordination between all those small groups ?
he refused and justly so . he said provide us evidence and we gather all of them and try them here .
by the way there was and there is no prisoner swap agreement between USA and Afghanistan
USA failed to deliverany evidence instead as usual they opted to deliver Bombs and mainly against hospitals , weddings and children playing at their home
Al-Qaeda declared war on the US publicly in 1996.
This meeting was September 1998.
Afghanistan harboured bases for Al-Qaeda and refused to intern or deport the operatives. That means that they forfeit their neutrality in 1998.

Why bring in 9/11 as it is irrelevant for the neutrality status?
no i never defended them and i dare you find any post that show i defended Russia.
i defended the war as good for the rest of the world as it keep Russia and Europe and USA busy away and also i show hypocrisy of Ukraine supporters
and pointing that Russia is stuck in 70s and 80s

those it help guiding drones and weapons?
star-link is used for that and don't you think Ukraine needs far more than 3000 communication piece to keep coordination between all those small groups ?
those feldfernsprecher are for secure voice communications between fighting units, battalions, brigades.
Missiles, drones, artillery are guided by maps, GPS, terrain, laser, etc. If combined with Tks system with ground base and mobile stations, you can hit targets within one wave length, means in centimeters precision. In theory.
as I said the most ridiculous Logic ever

Noone cares about your opinion.

no bombing Syrian base defenses (and not touching its weapon storage) that was surrounded by ISIS for several month and they fail to capture it and just after the end of bombing ISIS start a coordinated attack from all side on the battered base and get their hand on troves of weapons make them so
harboring Isis around its bases and don't let any body touch them made USA ISIS air force. airlifting ISIS fighter from Syria to Afghanistan make them ISIS aviation branch , do you want me to continue

I want you to modify your ramblings into a coherent message in English.

and usa shelter isis because it was not just a no fly zone have you forget they also bomb Syrian columns which entered that zone to deal with ISIS?

and usa was legally Daddy of alqaeda before 95
its not important the important part is when Taliban asked USA for evidence instead of providing one they bombed Afghanistan

The evidence that they were legally an ally of Al-Qaeda already in 1998 has been provided.
and you only can claim they were not neutral unless USA provided evidence and Taliban failed to sentence them in Afghanistan according to Afghanistan laws which was a lot more severe than USA law .
and as I recall at the time there was no talk about Neutrality , as a certain warmongering president come in front of the world and said You are with us or You are against us
have you already forgotten that part

yes it do you don't give your guest because a bully say you most do so if they did a bad thing the accuser most provide evidence on that.

the united state attacked an ally of Al-Qaeda in a war of aggression and continued to attack enemies of Al-Qaeda like Syria and Iraq since then.

As it was an response to Al-Qaeda, it was a war of self-defense which has been recognized by the UNSC.


they claimed it way later and every body knew al-qaeda later take responsibility for attacks they had no part in it.
All the terrorists have been identified and connected to Al-Qaeda.
some one tell EU and USA pay for the cost such move inflict on a private company , use some of the money that is going to be spent on luxuries for certain people in Ukraine for providing such more critical services for the war effort.

its a private enterprise that provide a service , if you want that service pay a very small percentage of what is wasted for luxuries in ukraine to the private enterprise and get the service, don't expect them to provide the service for free
It is a private enterprise that suddenly stopped providing a service to support Russias illegal invasion and blames Biden for not telling them not to stop the service.
Al-Qaeda declared war on the US publicly in 1996.
This meeting was September 1998.
Afghanistan harboured bases for Al-Qaeda and refused to intern or deport the operatives. That means that they forfeit their neutrality in 1998.

Why bring in 9/11 as it is irrelevant for the neutrality status?
relevant because the reason for attack was 9/11
Noone cares about your opinion.
and the logic is the most ridiculous
I want you to modify your ramblings into a coherent message in English.
historical fact about USA operation in Syria that you can't answer .
I can't be more coherent than this
The evidence that they were legally an ally of Al-Qaeda already in 1998 has been provided.
and USA was an ally of alqaeda until Iraq war.
the attack on Afghanistan was because 9/11 not they being ally of alqaeda and you are not allowed to attack allies of the guys you are at war with if they are not attacking you. but it seems you guys in Europe don't understand that , no wonder all your wars become World war or engulf all of Europe.
As it was an response to Al-Qaeda, it was a war of self-defense which has been recognized by the UNSC.

Did UNSC provided any evidence to Taliban ?
All the terrorists have been identified and connected to Al-Qaeda.
after the war
It is a private enterprise that suddenly stopped providing a service to support Russias illegal invasion and blames Biden for not telling them not to stop the service.
blame biden for not providing the cost of service or give them an executive order to continue the service so they later can ask for the cost of service provided . its not a charity to support war

Irrelevant, because the United States had the legal right to fight a War of Self-Defense since September 1998.
Mullah Omar was too stupid to understand legal matters.
no it did not have tghe right untill it could prove the attack was by al-qaeda and the alqaeda war on USA start after usa bombing innocents in middle east so some one can claim usa war was a war of aggression and Al-Qaeda was doing a war of self defense
The trouble being is that the West delayed for so long that it gave the Russians a year or so to build all the fortifications that the Ukrainians are now trying to traverse in record time, or by a time acceptable to Western standards. Still no Atacms. Tanks only recently. The Ukrainian efforts to date have been exceptional with what they have been able to muster from the West and build on their own.

Yes, but this is how the US do war: Ineffective. As far as i remember Russia started at mid of December with the build up of the defence lines.
and the logic is the most ridiculous

historical fact about USA operation in Syria that you can't answer .
Gobbelydoo about Syria as far as I can tell.
I can't be more coherent than this
Then You need to take evening classes in English.
and USA was an ally of alqaeda until Iraq war.
the attack on Afghanistan was because 9/11 not they being ally of alqaeda and you are not allowed to attack allies of the guys you are at war with if they are not attacking you.
You are allowed to attack an ally which actively supports acts of war against you.
Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack on USS Cole.
Afghanistan allowed Al-Qaeda bases on its territory after that.


but it seems you guys in Europe don't understand that , no wonder all your wars become World war or engulf all of Europe.

Did UNSC provided any evidence to Taliban ?
The Taliban do not need evidence that they did not intern Al-Qaeda.
after the war

blame biden for not providing the cost of service or give them an executive order to continue the service so they later can ask for the cost of service provided . its not a charity to support war
You do not understand the issue.
no it did not have tghe right untill it could prove the attack was by al-qaeda and the alqaeda war on USA start after usa bombing innocents in middle east so some one can claim usa war was a war of aggression and Al-Qaeda was doing a war of self defense
More ramblings,..
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