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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

And this looks like it's only from 2 BM-21 GRAD launchers.
Grad is garbage. Millions were launched already. Effects are minimal. Statistical fire power is old and ineffective.

The drone is what? $3000 if you look at it this way, sure, it not worth a single S-400 interceptor.,
Same people believe Iron Dome is stupid because it costs more than the rockets.
Frances shamefully low level of military aid to Ukraine ...


>> Shameful for a country that tries to act as a player on the EU stage ...

The Fall | The Russians Demolish Ukrainian Positions With TOS And FAB. Military Summary For 2023.9.3


Russia claims 280,000 contract soldier enlistments this year in military expansion effort​

A former Russian president claims that around 280,000 people have enlisted in Russia’s military as professional service members in the current year. The figure is not confirmed by any independent sources.

Around 280,000 people have signed up so far this year for professional service with Russia’s military, the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, former president Dmitry Medvedev, claimed on 3 September, The Guardia reports.

“According to the ministry of defense, since 1 January, about 280,000 people have been accepted into the ranks of the armed forces on a contract basis,” including reservists, Russia’s state news agency TASS quoted Medvedev as saying.

Last September, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a “partial mobilization” of 300,000 reservists, which prompted hundreds of thousands of Russian men to flee Russia.

Last December, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced his proposition to increase the strength of the country’s army by more than 30% to 1.5 million servicemen, an ambitious task made harder by Russia’s heavy but undisclosed casualties in its war against Ukraine.

The Guardian notes that some Russian lawmakers suggested Russia needs a professional army of 7 million strong to ensure the country’s security.

Russia has been on the rearmament path for a decade. While Europe watched and waited and thought it could be friends with Putin. Despite more Russian aggression, Europe still refuses to rearm. Given bad advice that it could possibly starts an arms race, while China and Russia do a secret arms race, leaving Europe behind while Europe simply watches. Then many laugh at Russia and her military buildup telling Europe it is safe and nothing to worry about.

As I said Europe has no real friends to defend Europe.

Ukraine’s national team coach reflects on UAE’s neutral stance amid Russia’s aggression​

“They really don’t care here,” Rebrov said.

Indians, Indonesians, Malaysians, Chinese generally support Russia and don't care about Europe. Mideast nations don't care about defending Europe, Russia is another player that could potentially replace Europe so they make deals with Russia. Europe has support in much of Latin America, yet they have little political clout. And are not going to send divisions and corps to protect Europe. Africa is slowing being allowed to be more and more pro-Russia, because Russia is the planned leader of Europe. This is the plan of Modi-Netanyahu-Putin-Trump-British Royals-Saudi Royals rulers of the globe. China sold out Europe to the Russians to be part of this pact.

How Putin destroyed Berlin-Moscow-Beijing axis​

Why there would have been nowar in Ukraine without China, and how it will end

Russia is a political faction in the US, the real deepstate of Chabad, Oligarchs, cia conservatives, MAGA. Democrats are only controlled opposition. The deepstate of the USA are not drag queen castrated freaks of the Democratic Party - the globohomo. The deepstate has been the conservative cia that did the coups to install conservative loyalists to the cia that opposed socialism. The globohomo are there to make the opposition to Trump and Putin look like freaks and to make Trump and Putin appealing.

The British pro-Brexit media did this protraying Europe as globohomo:

For example, the Guardian and the Independent published many articles in support of leaving the EU in the run up to voting day. By the same token, in one of the key televised debates on the Brexit issue, the BBC slanted the panel three to two in favour of Brexit. One of the two “spokespersons” they invited to appear that night to argue in favour of staying in the EU was Eddie Izzard, a buffoonish and widely despised transvestite “comedian” who appeared on the panel with bright red lip stick, mascara, nail varnish and clad in a woman’s jacket and blouse, and a pink beret. Not exactly an advocate designed to appeal to the undecided voters of middle England – or middle anywhere else – one would have thought.

In light of this grand plan to replace Europe and the European Union.

Trump Wants to 'Destroy the EU' and Doesn't Understand 'Fact-based Arguments': Officials​

... Europeans are told by their "Washington allies" to not rearm that would spook Russian rearmament and "risk" conflict. Essentially to wait for the inevitable defeat of Europe by not rearming and having enough munitions.

Washington certainly is not daily telling the Europeans they could be next and to massively rearm so as to prevent a war.

Germany was viewed by Trump and cronies as seeking to dominate the globe with China. Trump and Putin were the wrecking ball and cleaning crew of both the EU and China.

“To destroy the liberal world order”: Trump, Putin, and the imperiled trans-Atlantic alliance​


US war machine has been about bombing brown people and keeping down the Germans from unseating the Anglos from dominating the globe. Don't expect the USA to save Germany/Europe from the Russians.

WWI was about keeping the Germans down, to make sure Germans don't rival the Anglos.

WWII was staged to finish the job. NATO was about keeping the Germans down.

Putin, the friend of Trump, both friends of Kissinger, both backed by bankers, is about putting Germany and Europe in "its place".

In such a scenario, you ignore the advice of liberal Democrat beltway DC gentry. You mute Trump in the "I told you to rearm (I knew Putin would invade Europe, we used to talk about a Russian invasion of Ukraine)". And you rearm Europe.
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They would.........actually anyone would

Because you are not talking about the cost of the drone, but the cost of the havoc.

The drone is what? $3000 if you look at it this way, sure, it not worth a single S-400 interceptor.,

However, if you look at how much damage it had caused? 4 IL-76 at least worth 10 million..........and that is also only what they did get, it can be more.......

No one would if they can't see it.
All of the rest of your points are moot because of that. You're talking about cost and all that - you think the Russians don't realize the value difference? Cost doesn't factor in it if you cannot see it, track it and destroy it since it's very small and possibly made out of cardboard.

You don't ignore the defence just because you were hit with cheap drone, this is why there were report on Ukraine downing Shahed with PAC-3 interceptor

You realize the difference between a Shahed drone and a small, cardboard drone? Shahed is practically a replica of the Predator. That's not a good comparison.
Murdering a bunch of people tends to put you on someone shitlist. Putin is the architect of his own downfall. NATO has nothing to do with it.

Trump would never get where he is without Russian money. He can't even get a loan anywhere else until a Russian Oligarchs vouches for him. Ever found it incredibly suspicious that the American (European too) right are suddenly pro-russian despite half of century treating them like the devil.

This is just 1 bad thing the Russian does against the West mind you.
Nice fake news, the times and the beast really 🙄
Like trump needed anyone’s money, stop drinking the koolaid
I'm sorry if I love my US president to be free from Russian influences.

Did you ever find it suspicious that Trump always take Russia side somehow? Even when he's not he tried to withhold Javelins from Ukraine.

I literally never said anything about trumpist being a nazi. I may forgot to put a comma in it but that says a lot more about you than it's to me. Also read up on Putin funding RW worldwide to see where I'm coming from.
Fake news, sad people keep falling for it.
Trump doesn’t take putin’s side anymore than Bush did, didn’t he say he saw his soul camp David?

A lot of countries do that to dissenters, spies, enemies etc.

The Israelis did that and the US took it a step further and took out a top Iranian general, dis they not.

So lets not pretend thats some kind of ‘massive, existential threat to NATO countries’. There are many, many magnitudes more people killed by criminal gangs etc.

Yes he would. Again, you haven’t been following the rise of the extremist right in the US if you think Trump won because of Russia.

I have relatives and close friends who voted for Trump (many of them WASP’s). At the time, I was furious at how they would dismiss ANY of his flaws and issues I brought up in conversation.

“He’s accused of sexually assaulting MULTIPLE women!

So? Hillary is still married to Bill despite his affair, would be the defence

Only now, when he’s being indicted, are some of them finally choosing not to vote for him if he’s the candidate — but they’re all gung ho to vote for DeSantis, and he’s an even bigger extremist IMO, albeit nowhere near as colorful, and would likely draw more centrist-Republican and independent votes.
Lol all bs charges, seriously nobody read the Durham report?
You want to bring up supposed sexual assaults let’s talk about billy and his buddy Epstein 🙄
Attack on White House pretty much counts as a war as people get jailed for 15 years….
Wow did you read any of the reports or see any camera footage or are you just watching cnn 24/7?
If you truly believe there was an insurrection what was blm all summer long? I’ll wait while you come up with a liberal reply.

You sure it was the White House 😂
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