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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This guy is usually well informed: War in Ukraine

Kherson: The ukrainians broke through at the center west of the small brigdehead they have across the Inhulets River. An attempt of crossing the river further east succeded but the attack was repelled.
Small succes in the northern part aswell. Southern attack was repelled.
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My source said there are 3 axises of advance.

South from Mykolaiv thru T1501 Highway. That advance is stalled at the moment (This is most likely a feign tho).

Southeast from Mykolaiv thru M14, that broke thru several roadblock and now at the outer limit of Kherson

Eastward thru Inhulets thru E-58, this is to link up with the arrack thru M14, this has the greatest success, they have crossed to the other side of Inhulets and now have a bridgehead on the western bank. If they can link up with the M14 force, this will basically isolate Russia from further reinforcement because E-58 is the only inland road to supply Kherson.

Another thing to note is the attack toward Nova Karkova (The dam) from Davydiv Brid this is probably most overlooked, but the Ukraine are making significant progress toward Nova Karkova
My source said there are 3 axises of advance.

South from Mykolaiv thru T1501 Highway. That advance is stalled at the moment (This is most likely a feign tho).

Southeast from Mykolaiv thru M14, that broke thru several roadblock and now at the outer limit of Kherson

Eastward thru Inhulets thru E-58, this is to link up with the arrack thru M14, this has the greatest success, they have crossed to the other side of Inhulets and now have a bridgehead on the western bank. If they can link up with the M14 force, this will basically isolate Russia from further reinforcement because E-58 is the only inland road to supply Kherson.

Another thing to note is the attack toward Nova Karkova (The dam) from Davydiv Brid this is probably most overlooked, but the Ukraine are making significant progress toward Nova Karkova

It is suicidal. It is Ardennes offensive 2.0
Yes Germany consumes 90 bcm gas per year with 40 pct coming from Russia. billion of billion euros go to Moscow. They burn the gas off or in simple words flush it down the toilet in my opinion because
- incompetence
- lack of infrastructure
- western sanction
- stupidity
- deliberate act
In this case most likely the deliberate act to create a shortage on the gas market with the aim to pushing higher gas prices.

Its been confirmed by VIIRS and Sentinel satellites images analyzed by Kayrros, the Russians have been flaring lots of gas since June. So much for Mr. Han's idiotic musings. @jhungary

Since June, satellite data from VIIRS and Sentinel-2 processed by Kayrros has shown “abnormally high” flaring from the Portovaya compressor station on the Russian-Finnish border, the entry point for Gazprom’s Nord Stream gas pipeline to Germany, Kayrros outlined. S-2 images suggest flaring likely began when Russia started rationing gas exports in June, “ostensibly for maintenance reasons”, Kayrros noted.

“Many see the move as a power play to ratchet up political pressure on European supporters of Ukraine that depend on Russian gas for their winter needs,” Kayrros said in the note.

“High flaring also suggests Gazprom might prefer to burn gas than to shut-in production, perhaps in the hope that the export cuts will remain temporary,”
Kayrros added

Its been confirmed by VIIRS and Sentinel satellites images analyzed by Kayrros, the Russians have been flaring lots of gas since June. So much for Mr. Han's idiotic musings. @jhungary

Since June, satellite data from VIIRS and Sentinel-2 processed by Kayrros has shown “abnormally high” flaring from the Portovaya compressor station on the Russian-Finnish border, the entry point for Gazprom’s Nord Stream gas pipeline to Germany, Kayrros outlined. S-2 images suggest flaring likely began when Russia started rationing gas exports in June, “ostensibly for maintenance reasons”, Kayrros noted.

“Many see the move as a power play to ratchet up political pressure on European supporters of Ukraine that depend on Russian gas for their winter needs,” Kayrros said in the note.

“High flaring also suggests Gazprom might prefer to burn gas than to shut-in production, perhaps in the hope that the export cuts will remain temporary,”
Kayrros added

I am NOT an oil and gas guy and even I know Russia is extracting more than they can sell and that's why they have to flare the well. It's just basic Economic principal. EU brought around 150 billions of Oil and Gas product from Russia annually, they stopped buying and only brought around 40 billion to date, you can't stop production on a whimp, which mean all that oil and gas need to go somewhere, China and India combine didn't even get over 60 billion mark. So where are the rest of the production goes?

Only stupid people would try to hide that fact even outsider like me realise. And that dude claim he is working on Oil and Gas industry...........LOL.....
I am NOT an oil and gas guy and even I know Russia is extracting more than they can sell and that's why they have to flare the well. It's just basic Economic principal. EU brought around 150 billions of Oil and Gas product from Russia annually, they stopped buying and only brought around 40 billion to date, you can't stop production on a whimp, which mean all that oil and gas need to go somewhere, China and India combine didn't even get over 60 billion mark. So where are the rest of the production goes?

Only stupid people would try to hide that fact even outsider like me realise. And that dude claim he is working on Oil and Gas industry...........LOL.....

...and the dead give away is that they're flaring at the Nord Stream compressor station at Portovaya.

Compressor stations are an integral part of the natural gas pipeline network that moves natural gas from individual producing well sites to end users. As natural gas moves through a pipeline, distance, friction, and elevation differences slow the movement of the gas, and reduce pressure. Compressor stations are placed strategically within the gathering and transportation pipeline network to help maintain the pressure and flow of gas to market.

Chill down hero. I am just trying to educate idiots here, I am actually not screaming. Whether China is good or bad, that's another topic, the point here is Russia is not in such a bad shape like what the msm describe. I personally think. It's good for them, they will be finally free and independent. New industries will be created, new jobs etc. With Chinese technology and productive powers, we can make them powerful.
This is probably single sanest post you have made. Look your job is not to educate anybody. This is not an indoctrination site where one side is convincing the other that they have to see things one way and thats it. Its a forum. To that end, its useful to get counter side of the argument from people that have perspectives that are informed even though they are opposite. Nobody comes here to prevail or have any chance of prevailing and changing the view point. All that said , getting the opposite view point helps to stay informed so we are not dumb drones listening to what press feeds us.

That said, I don't think anybody cares for a single mono-power world. There is no morale high ground in this world. When you want to be a world power, you check your morality in the door and the world power shapes it narrative in the way it wants to. US cares a lot about what happens in China but cares zero the oppression that takes place in other parts of world in its own allies. Or Russia uses the word Nazi when the PM is Jewish and all the male population of Ukraine decided to fight.

So share your perspective and took away from your credibility by childish abuses, or 'hahahas' or other things that distract from the knowledge you have.
What... Still no F35s and Abrams and other goodies.. OK I will check back after couple hundred posts.
Harvesting machines? Seriously that's what you are thinking? Where do you the majority of the things are made in nowadays? It starts with a C. We make all the components that Russia needs except the most advanced chips, most applications don't require the most advanced chips. And for gods sake 7nm is not enough, its not kirk Russia will die without Apple. Use Xiaomi or Huawei. Use Chinese cars and tractors and computers powered by our own chips. They are alrwdy using it mate. I told you US and the West only hold onto.l legacy tech and institutions, once China reaches parity, its game over. Why do you think US had been going full. Throttle on. CHINA FOR THE past 5 years? We are the only one blocking their way to total dominance.

The evil empire is US... Wake up you lil cheer leaders. You need a thug to fight another thug. You need China. Btw Russia actually exports fertilizer and is a surplus country. The food prices increased because Russian and Belarusian fertilizer were banned.
Its called comparative advantage: countries produce what they have an advantage in. Sure they produced fertilizer. But so what. Here are all the things Russia can't do. Much like all the countries that import fertilzer can't produce it economically. Thats how global trade works. It will take 1-2 years and the world will adjust to producing fertilizers.

1. Russia couldn't even repair their Nord Stream 1 turbine without sending it to Canada.
2. The famed Sukhoi100 jet uses Goodrich wheels, Honeywell Avionics, and engines built with SNEMCA in a JV
3. In 2021, computers represented 18% of all its imports. Steel, pharma, industrial machinery are the other big ones.
“Ukraine can and will win this war!”

- Boris Johnson -

What... Still no F35s and Abrams and other goodies.. OK I will check back after couple hundred posts.
There is an informal agreement within the Nato: no western tanks, no western fighter jets to Ukraine. There is a risk of direct escalation the Nato wants to avoid.
The question is how long can the Nato keep that agreement considering Russia pursues an aggressive foreign policy.
Germany is considering light tanks delivery to Ukraine.
Should Ukraine get western tanks and jets the war would be over in months.
...and the dead give away is that they're flaring at the Nord Stream compressor station at Portovaya.

Compressor stations are an integral part of the natural gas pipeline network that moves natural gas from individual producing well sites to end users. As natural gas moves through a pipeline, distance, friction, and elevation differences slow the movement of the gas, and reduce pressure. Compressor stations are placed strategically within the gathering and transportation pipeline network to help maintain the pressure and flow of gas to market.

sure, and I believe in coincident......

I was being sarcastic in case you didn't pick up

What... Still no F35s and Abrams and other goodies.. OK I will check back after couple hundred posts.
It takes a US pilot from 8 months to 1 year in order for USAF Pilot to fly F-35 from F-16. This war is just 6 months old.

Also, why would US supplies that advance goodies to Ukraine when most of US NATO allies does not have them?
I am NOT an oil and gas guy and even I know Russia is extracting more than they can sell and that's why they have to flare the well. It's just basic Economic principal. EU brought around 150 billions of Oil and Gas product from Russia annually, they stopped buying and only brought around 40 billion to date, you can't stop production on a whimp, which mean all that oil and gas need to go somewhere, China and India combine didn't even get over 60 billion mark. So where are the rest of the production goes?

Only stupid people would try to hide that fact even outsider like me realise. And that dude claim he is working on Oil and Gas industry...........LOL.....
there can be another reason , i wonder of any gas refinery or sulphor extraction facility in one refinery get damaged recently ? that also can explain the flaring along side the surplus theory

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