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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Prigozhins work was done.

Surely some must be very happy now :cheers:, a Nazi was denazified! ... upps, it was a Russian Nazi, so it was a good Nazi! :omghaha:
Karma is a bitch!

@Ich @Mohsin A @NotSure

Whether it's a Ukrainian Nazi or a Russian Nazi, makes no difference to me. They must all be eradicated. Only difference being the Ukrainian armed forces has a huge percentage of them amongst their ranks whereas they're fringe elements in Russia.
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1. You are quoting the most racist congresswomen that is racist against one of the few African origin muslim congress members as a source of credibility? This woman is banded as one of the 10 crazies even by Republicans.

2. What is with calling the Ukraine supporters 'elite': are Russian supporters lowly sweepers that are on this forum typing with one finger while sweeping with the other hand? Thats a pathetic 'victim' attitude

3. TU95: interesting. US is on to build a replacement for the B2 and Russia may be able to build another few bombers from the 60s. Impressive

If you reckon they have balls then who is stopping them? American are only good at making movies.
And selectively winning wars: neutering Serbia. Eventually finishing up Saddam and completely disrupting balance of power in Middle East. Nobody is stopping anybody. They finished the job. You brought . And both have movies that came out and more to follow
The non-'elite' pro Russian supporters would say 'this is all part of Putin's grand plan and wisdom. This is a false flag and there is a bigger goal that he has in mind'.

We hear this hear every time. Now the question is how is that big Poland takeover by Wagner and Belarus that the non-elites expected going to happen? Polands days of being doomed are not as certain any more.

There has also been the argument that Russian's are the victims of NATO expansion and so Russia had no choice. The way Russians treat their neighbors (by force) is the same way they treat their top commanders. Use force/fear and envelope them. That worked with the Warsaw Pact countries but didn't work as soon as USSR collapsed because those countries were forced to be part of the bloc. But Russian mindset is force and destruction with zero incentive. Much like how Putin has treated all his military leaders (punishment , prison or death) is the future that Ukraine did not want as a country.

Like it or not, in most cases, the US eco-system is more voluntary and with enticement. Nobody is forced to join it, they just feel they should because its better for the countries.

Every country in NATO is volunteer, nobody's country got taken by force to be part of NATO (remember Hungary in the 50s that USSR invaded). Even in Asia, where there is no NATO, US has weaved a web of countries to tie them economically (Taiwan, Japan, Korea) that got into full gear in the 70s when US encouraged the transfer of technology for semi conductors. All the innovation of this tech was US (50s/60s).

This is what Russia could have learned to bring by incentive countries into the orbit vs by force.

Okay , now what do the Putin supporters have to say. Yesterday the guy is in Africa on a video and today he is dead. Whats Putin's grand scheme now?
You mean simplifying an issue and deflecting?

Lets keep focus on tax cuts:

Ofcourse when you implement it and revenue falls. Debt stacks up after your implementation and has an impact even during later administrations.

Very very basic stuff…but not simplified enough for Maga that cannot understand economic worldwide downturns and effects. (Debt before lower! Interest rates before lower!).

No trickle down economics have some pretty hefty proof that its just shit.
With some basic logic would also tell you cause middle class is where the “money rolls in local economy”.

USA scores on level of a third world nation on many of this indicators i named before.
Not something to be proud of.

Hey europe has had its own fuckups like germany dropping its nuclear energy in a panic on something that could never happen there (no fault line/tsunami risk), or the “dutch disease” where its gas reserves were wasted (sold cheap on one hand for minor handouts, and wasted on too heavy social and government benefits that rewarded unproductivity).

Point is to be open to faults and improvements. America seems stuck in a “america nr.1 mantra” while it is having some serious dysfunction in its society and politics.
Not saying we don’t have our issues simply saying Europe shouldn’t throw stones.
America sure still seems to be the land most aspire to come too. Why shouldn’t I be proud of that?

Ukraine making relatively rapid gains towards Novoprokopivka

Summer operations | Has Robotyne Fallen Or Not? Is Prigozhin Dead Or Not? Military Summary 2023.8.23

Well here so see the so much invincible super-duper S-400 :yahoo:

… but you surely will deny it all, tell me it is an Ukrainian Nazi-infected ammunition store blown up by heroic Russian „Gutmenschen“ in order to de-nazify Ukraine?!! :smitten:

By the way …

Lol that’s a funny picture. Putin on a flat screen in the middle, on the floor behind those women’s and men’s behinds. What a humiliating image of a superpower.

Putin becomes a clown on world’s stage.
A group of Ukraine marines trying to make landing attempts in early hours in Crimea. Reported by Ukraine secret service, also reported by Russia channel telegram.
If I am a Russia tourist I would leave Crimea now.

Die Krim-Brücke, die russisches Festland mit der Krim verbindet, wurde bereits mehrfach von ukrainischen Streitkräften angegriffen – nun gibt es erstmals Bodenkämpfe

Die Krim-Brücke, die das russische Festland mit der Krim verbindet, wurde mehrfach von ukrainischen Streitkräften angegriffen – nun gibt es erstmals Bodenkämpfe

Foto: Uncredited/dpa

From the beginning of that video it's clear that the Embraer Legacy aircraft suffered a mid-air explosion, as you can see a puff of white smoke from the aircraft's previous position in its flight path. However, there's no clear smoke trail from a SAM, although this can't be ruled out if it was coasting in its terminal stage. It could also be an explosive device planted on the aircraft with timed/remote detonation. I don't expect any of this to be explained by the "air crash investigation".
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