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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

What a perverted opinion!

Since Israel does crimes and I‘m not denying this, Russia has all reasons to bomb Ukrainian cities to rumble, target civilians?
Really, you have no honesty at all.

You cannot take the moral high ground when you are on the receiving end and say what’s right and what’s wrong

Only once the war is over the victor decides what’s right and what’s wrong

This is how todays world is get used to it
You cannot take the moral high ground when you are on the receiving end and say what’s right and what’s wrong

Only once the war is over the victor decides what’s right and what’s wrong

This is how todays world is get used to it

No, if one kills my family - which I hope even you would rate a terrible crime - nothing would give me the right to kill your family just because I was wronged too and again no-one would rate this afterwards as justified.

Wrong is wrong and I'm sure at least anyone who taught you so far - be that your family, a teacher or imam - anything in live on humanity, what is right and wrong, honor, morals and ethics (at least I always thought that Islam has at high morals) would tell you there is NO justification on this.

But it seems, I was wrong.

Attempts To Push Through The Russian Defense Were Unsuccessful. Military Summary For 2023.08.23

Which you refuse to do and i adressed.

Head in the sand while throwing allies under the bus.

Really buddy?

“Trickle-down economics and its policies employ the theory that tax breaks and benefits for corporations and the wealthy will trickle down and eventually benefit everyone”

Its obvious you know very little on basic economic definitions.
You also have no clue about how to read scientific reports and findings.
Finally you are unwilling to take in any information thats given. I guess your “gut instinct” or “tucker” knows better.

That is the nibble of the carrot i was talking about. Cheering over your crumbs for those wasting trillions on benefits for the rich. Your tax money.

Well it does fund social security, good infrastructure, (mental) healthcare and the like.

So that your lower middle income and poor dont fall fown the drain as hard. Which prevents some negative social consequences:

or drug addiction issues on USA scale
10 time higher murder rate

But hey…you can always buy another gun to protect yourself right?!
Back to guns I see.

Let me break it down in simple terms, the national debt was less and the cost to service it was less under Trump. Oh and the US had a better credit rating.
I can play this game with you all day while you quote some lefty economic study saying the poor are better off therefore less of a drain yada yada yada

And please don’t talk about healthcare, what’s the wait if you break a bone in you country, how many months?
Back to guns I see.

Let me break it down in simple terms, the national debt was less and the cost to service it was less under Trump. Oh and the US had a better credit rating.
You mean simplifying an issue and deflecting?

Lets keep focus on tax cuts:

Ofcourse when you implement it and revenue falls. Debt stacks up after your implementation and has an impact even during later administrations.

Very very basic stuff…but not simplified enough for Maga that cannot understand economic worldwide downturns and effects. (Debt before lower! Interest rates before lower!).

I can play this game with you all day while you quote some lefty economic study saying the poor are better off therefore less of a drain yada yada yada
No trickle down economics have some pretty hefty proof that its just shit.
With some basic logic would also tell you cause middle class is where the “money rolls in local economy”.

USA scores on level of a third world nation on many of this indicators i named before.
Not something to be proud of.

And please don’t talk about healthcare, what’s the wait if you break a bone in you country, how many months?

Hey europe has had its own fuckups like germany dropping its nuclear energy in a panic on something that could never happen there (no fault line/tsunami risk), or the “dutch disease” where its gas reserves were wasted (sold cheap on one hand for minor handouts, and wasted on too heavy social and government benefits that rewarded unproductivity).

Point is to be open to faults and improvements. America seems stuck in a “america nr.1 mantra” while it is having some serious dysfunction in its society and politics.
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And to have any signifikant radar and missile range, these Nato garbage Jets need to fly very high, WAY above the radar horizon. Good luck outrunning the S-400 and S-300V4 with kinematics outperforming everything the Nato has ... PLUS the R-37M. But in the reality most of these jets probably will be destroyed on the ground, without even flying one sortie.

Well here so see the so much invincible super-duper S-400 :yahoo:

… but you surely will deny it all, tell me it is an Ukrainian Nazi-infected ammunition store blown up by heroic Russian „Gutmenschen“ in order to de-nazify Ukraine?!! :smitten:

By the way …

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