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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Bradley Square | Complete Destruction Of Ukrainian Armored Fist. Military Summary For 2023.07.27

Apparently, the port of Odessa was hit by four Russian missiles that hit two British cargo ships Carrying high explosives.

Anyone know if this is genuine? Looks like a huge explosion, if its genuine

Sorry unable to add the video for some reason
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Western fanboys be like “oh 3kg warhead cannot stop a tank”


“How can 3kg warhead destroy amour”

“Oh I see 3kg can take out Leopard 2A6”

lol, again, every big boom must be a kill right?

Did you even see secondary det? from, well, I don't know, from the explosion seething inside the tank and ignite the gas in the engine, the round in the chamber and the ammo cook off that usually blew the turret of Russian tank up sky high if and when the charge went INSIDE the tank? Like this

I am sure nothing inside that tank that is combustible.

I am expecting to see at least something like this

No? No flame, no secondary det not even smoke, no nothing? Then that's not a penetration, so please explain to us commoner how you can destroy the tank WITHOUT penetration?
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Ukraine army starts the long awaited major assault on Russia troops on the southern flank. That attack involves Ukraine strategic reserves.

A member of the 24th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army firing a mortar at a frontline position in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine on Tuesday.

A member of the 24th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army firing a mortar at a frontline position in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine on Tuesday.Credit...Tyler Hicks/The New York Times

To be honest, on technology equal level, that conflict was not balanced nor on the same level of weapons used.
You had 38 countries in one side and lonely Iraq with post WW2 weapons in its arsenal.

I wouldn't even call that a conflict, it was 1 way traffic simply.

Iraq had become a well equipped and battle-hardened side for a country of its size and even across the pan-Islamic bloc in 1991. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the entire GCC bloc was in panic mode and could not hope to liberate Kuwait on its own. Even countries like Egypt and Pakistan could not help liberate Kuwait at the time, not even together. Comparison of Pakistani and Iraqi military capability in 1990 is in following link:

Iraqi Army had established an integrated Air Defense system, which set it apart from any other across the pan-Islamic bloc in 1990. This system is credited for downing dozens of aircraft of the US-led coalition in 1991. This was the case in spite of the fact that US-led coalition was using heliborne special forces, cruise missiles, and stealthy aircraft to degrade Iraq's Air Defense system in a remarkable combination of military technologies and tactics that had no peer around the world at the time.

US had fought a lengthy war in Vietnam and learned valuable lessons from it. These lessons spurred a complete revisit to the American military capability with a shift from conscript model to volunteer model and development of a new generation of weapon systems. US is the pioneer of Digitalization and it had created the world's first Digitalized military force with the capacity to conduct network-centric operations in line with the AirLand Battle warfighting doctrine that was pitched in the 1980s. These improvements in conjunction with a Deception Plan to mislead Iraqi intelligence paid off in 1991.

Political leadership counts as well. Johnson and Nixon did not had the mindset to commit to war and allow US military to do its best in Vietnam. Bush was different and allowed US military to do whatever it takes to liberate Kuwait.

But Cold War was a dark time for the pan-Islamic bloc with Islamic countries embracing camp politics and fighting each other. Saddam Hussein was an egotistical misfit and brought ruin to his country.

Iraq had become a well equipped and battle-hardened side for a country of its size and even across the pan-Islamic bloc in 1991. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, the entire GCC bloc was in panic mode and could not hope to liberate Kuwait on its own. Even countries like Egypt and Pakistan could not help liberate Kuwait at the time, not even together. Comparison of Pakistani and Iraqi military capability in 1990 is in following link:

Iraqi Army had established an integrated Air Defense system, which set it apart from any other across the pan-Islamic bloc in 1990. This system is credited for downing dozens of aircraft of the US-led coalition in 1991. This was the case in spite of the fact that US-led coalition was using heliborne special forces, cruise missiles, and stealthy aircraft to degrade Iraq's Air Defense system in a remarkable combination of military technologies and tactics that had no peer around the world at the time.

US had fought a lengthy war in Vietnam and learned valuable lessons from it. These lessons spurred a complete revisit to the American military capability with a shift from conscript model to volunteer model and development of a new generation of weapon systems. US is the pioneer of Digitalization and it had created the world's first Digitalized military force with the capacity to conduct network-centric operations in line with the AirLand Battle warfighting doctrine that was pitched in the 1980s. These improvements in conjunction with a Deception Plan to mislead Iraqi intelligence paid off in 1991.

Political leadership counts as well. Johnson and Nixon did not had the mindset to commit to war and allow US military to do its best in Vietnam. Bush was different and allowed US military to do whatever it takes to liberate Kuwait.

Sorry I don’t agree and read why

Having 5,000 tanks and no strategy to go with it doesn’t make it a army or even as you say a battle hardened army

Who rolls an out a highly maneuverable T72 tank without air cover ? And to be fair in 1992 T72 was a decent tank the equivalent of todays T90

Who then even decided to bury a highly maneuverable T72 tank into the sand and use it like a fixed artillery piece ?

Iraqis used the most stupidest and worst tactics of war of any nation before or after them

Allied nations basically went in and had fun

Iraqi army never used any one piece of equipment for which it was designed

Iraq spent millions on a super gun which can’t even more ?

Your comparison is therefore not valid
Sorry I don’t agree and read why

Having 5,000 tanks and no strategy to go with it doesn’t make it a army or even as you say a battle hardened army

Who rolls an out a highly maneuverable T72 tank without air cover ? And to be fair in 1992 T72 was a decent tank the equivalent of todays T90

Who then even decided to bury a highly maneuverable T72 tank into the sand and use it like a fixed artillery piece ?

Iraqis used the most stupidest and worst tactics of war of any nation before or after them

Allied nations basically went in and had fun

Iraqi army never used any one piece of equipment for which it was designed

Iraq spent millions on a super gun which can’t even more ?

Your comparison is therefore not valid

If Iraq was so incompetent, why not a single Islamic country was up to the challenge to liberate Kuwait in 1990?

Iraq could fight a war and probably better than most in the pan-Islamic bloc. Iraq was able to occupy about 30000 KM^2 of Iranian lands in 1980 with a mediocre military force but Iranian forces managed to regroup and were able to liberate these lands with application of superior technology and human wave tactics by 1982. Saddam Hussein offered truce to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini but the latter rejected this offer and Iran went on the offensive in Iraq instead. Amidst this crisis period, Saddam developed Iraqi Republican Guards to match or exceed Iranian military capability with advanced French and Soviet equipment and training regime. Iraqi Republican Guards prevented fall of Basra to a massive force of 60,000 Iranian troops in the (1986 - 1987) period and liberated occupied Iraqi lands in Tawakalna ala Allah Operations that were concluded in 1988.

Iraqi military had become too large and capable for any regional power to tackle by 1990.

But what could Iraq do while on the defensive and up against the most capable war machine in the world? Iraqi forces went on the offensive in Khafji early on but US Marine Corps checkmated this move with application of American Air Power in this sector.

How could Iraq provide air cover to its tanks when American Air Power had destroyed much of the Iraqi Air Power at earliest? Airports were also bombed, numerous radar systems were struck, and grid stations were taken out. Stealthy technologies were in use and to devastating effect.

American warplan for liberating Kuwait was brilliant and technology was unmatched.

Ukraine's ultimate problem is also lack of Air Power. NATO has considerable Air Power on the other hand. This Russian army that you seem to speak very highly off will be utterly crushed in a month just like Iraqi army in 1990. But Putin has lots of nukes and likes to give weekly reminders.

Do not make absurd claims please. The easiest thing to do is to critic others for the sake of it.
This guy raise the comical level to the top

I ask him how did he know that tank was destroyed when you see no flame, no second det, no nothing from the lancet, a HIGH EXPLOSIVE (HE) drone strike

This is his comedic response

Ok so those tanks are getting knocked out without explosions

that means it’s Bad design, even worse advertisement for western equipment

If you admitted to it being destroyed by lancet you would above saved yourself some more embarrassment

His answer is "It knock out a tank WITHOUT explosion" Let me say it out loud again, so you know you are not misreading the post, an drone with explosive warhead hard kill a tank WITHOUT any explosion. You read his response right, an explosive drone, which don't do EMP damage, don't do Incindenary damage, can kill a tank without explosion. Yes, Russia have achieve engineering greatness. They can make explosive damage WITHOUT explosion, Bravo, we should all surrender to Russia now.

@Vergennes @F-22Raptor @Oldman1 @That Guy @LeGenD @dbc @kingQamaR @Ali_Baba

Then what the hell kind of mega damage did Lancet drone deal??
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Still no F-16/18/22/35?
I was sooo keen so see this Nato-Garbage burning, like all the other stuff. At best with dead Nato pilots, dumb enough to fly against russias multilayered airdef. You only have to look in this forum, all the Nato bots with their big mouths.
You missed the news. Ukraine pilots will begin trainings on F16s in September. The first batch of F16s will be delivered next year.
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