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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

They are flaring the gas they don't sell to Germany or are they are flaring the gas in an LNG plant under commissioning. Could it be from the same field, who knows. The question is this, imagine Russia is still selling 100% gas to Germany and is commissioning tht new plant and needed to flare. With or without selling to Germany, they would have flared commissioning a new LNG plant. Its actually normal. Do you get the logic here?

Btw whether it's Ukriane or Germany, Russia still doesn't sell LNG in a pipeline to Germany or Ukriane. LNG was created to replace pipelines genius
You are dumb because you blindly believe russian propaganda shit. North stream 1 has gas injection station, exactly the location where the flame burning. No, Lng is economically more expensive than gas pipeline. You said you work in oil and gas industry?
No, there is no reasonable ground why Gazprom reduces gas flow by 80 pct while burning it.

So you were dealing commodities from the battlefields of Afghanistan?
First of all, I was dealing commodity since when I was in College and hobby I picked up from my mother, I don't spend my entire adult life in Afghanistan, I don't live there. How dumb are you exactly?

And secondly, FYI, you can deal commodity at base, and yes, I was dealing Commodity when I was in Afghanistan, ever heard of the term "Internet"? It's a thing in 2005 and 2006. Commodity price is not p0rn or restrictive information, you are allowed to access even when you are sitting in a PX in Afghanistan, it also comes with Newspaper, another thing available in Afghanistan.

It's like asking people can you trade stock when you are deployed in Afghanistan, you don't go physically on trading floor in NYSE to issue buy/sell order, there are someone called "Agent" to do it for you, fighting a war is not 24/7 business, you are going to have down time, some people like to jerk off while thinking about their boy/girl friend at home when they are at base, some people want to earn extra money while they have nothing to do with their time. how dumb is that question?
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You are too primitive. This gas blackmail by Putin is not going to last forever. People don’t sit idle. in the case of Germany this shortage will be overcome by next year when 4 Lng terminals are completed. Many other steps including hydrogen terminals, hydrogen factories, gas rationing, reactivating coal plants, more solar/wind power will reduce gas dependency further.

Generally people in highly authoritarian countries, especilly those who want expansion via war, have primitive ways of thinking almost as if they were living in 1700's.

Cool story.

Got any evidence that there are regular western forces in Ukraine fighting against Russians? I didn't see any.

It is proxy war. America spends more money in Ukraine war than in Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.

Reports that Ukrainians have broken through Russias first line of defense near Kherson.

BS. Kherson is the just about the most heavily defended city in the world about now. You need at least 1,000 M1A2 tanks for a possible Kherson offensive.
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