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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Not all natural gas has H2S, is this Chinese chemistry? I keep hearing about Chinese Physics @gambit and here you are the founding father of a new branch of fictional chemistry. H2S is always produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter in the absence of oxygen - typical sub surface conditions that result in the formation of hydrocarbons. Natural gas with less than 4ppm of H2S is termed 'sweet gas'. Sweet gas still contain trace amount of H2S but its in low enough quantity to require no additional processing to remove H2S.

Another pearl of wisdom, 144 billion cubic meters of natural gas is flared each year. For context, this is nearly equal to Iran's annual production of natural gas @160 billion cubic meters. So I guess operators are two lazy or dumb to simply isolate "a few valves" and prevent waste of valuable natural resource in high demand. Wow, just wow I have no words to describe your high intellect.:o:

What is gas flaring?​

Gas flaring is the burning of natural gas associated with oil extraction. The practice has persisted from the beginning of oil production over 160 years ago and takes place due to a range of issues, from market and economic constraints, to a lack of appropriate regulation and political will. Flaring is a monumental waste of a valuable natural resource that should either be used for productive purposes, such as generating power, or conserved. For instance, the amount of gas that is currently flared each year – about 144 billion cubic meters – could power the whole of sub-Saharan Africa.

..hmmm 30 years ago there was no EOR, I suppose you mean Enhanced Oil Recovery. So you claim almost no one flares anymore because they "isolate a few values" and solve the problem; 'viola' no flaring. But according to world wide data, the amount of flaring has only declined 14% from 1996. But "Mr. I know, I'm in O N G" claims almost no one flares anymore, everyone re-injects by "isolating some valves". Who should I believe, real world data? Or, "Mr. I Know, I'm in O N G" - tough call.

If you're weren't in O N G, I'd say don't quit your day job, but in your case I'd make an exception.:lol:

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Numb numb, not all oil fields have H2S, It depends on the field dumbass.

Sour crude contains hydrogen sulfide (H2S) while sweet oil doesn’t.

Usually, oil with H2S content above 0.5% is considered to be sour. I know this because I used to start the stripping system. I told you gas flaring is not allowed anymore, only a small quantity is allowed each year and capped due to greenhouse gas emissions.Nowadays, you only flare due to process anomalies and reinject back the gas into the field. EOR had only been popular for the past 10 years, before that 20 years ago, it was too expensive. I remember this EOR was the big word in the industry around when I changed my job. From your explanation of cutting and pasting, I know very well you have not been working in this industry. At most a process engineer in training. Lololol

Nato never gave a promise not to expand. NATO always says she is a open defence pact everyone can join. Article 5 says the alliance only helps if a member is attacked, not if a member attacks others. That’s a fact. Certainly NATO is built to fight Russia should it come to a blow. Why should anyone deny.

No I am not here to promote democracy. It’s Lavrov that wants to bring democracy to China. I hate hooligans and rapists. Right must prevail over wrong.
There you go. You just explained the Hypocrisy. There is no security in Europe until all security concerns of All Europeans are taken into account. NATO is not Europe, its just the biggest bully.

Dude, you are no more "Oil and Gas" people than I am in p0rn when I was working in Venice fixing camera equipment and one of the clients was making p0rn.

And this is NOT how oil and gas market works. If you really know anything about oil and gas market at all, it is known to be one of the most "Stabled" commodities only affected by a few external circumstances, because oil is highly demanded commodity. So, it will not go up and down at will. There are 5 factors affect petrol price, I will get up and call you genius if you can name just 2.

And then you come out with the most retarded answer "Gas are toxic" when Russia burn them, I mean, if that is not the dumbest answer in the world, then I don't know what is. All gas are toxic even Oxygen, why not burn them all when they come out of the tap? Dude. Don't make me laugh.
We have an analyst doing full time oil and gas market analysis boy. You just graduated or something right? Or doing some postdoc? Hahaahahah
Not all natural gas has H2S, is this Chinese chemistry? I keep hearing about Chinese Physics @gambit and here you are the founding father of a new branch of fictional chemistry.
I will not tread into whatever specialty you are talking about, my brain is stocked up as it is, but if, in your estimation, that HanPastry is wrong on the technical fronts, if you, or anyone in this forum, have relevant experience beyond reading wikipedia in any industry, all I can say about how desperate are the PDF Chinese cohort to appear smart is : I told ya so...:lol:
I will not tread into whatever specialty you are talking about, my brain is stocked up as it is, but if, in your estimation, that HanPastry is wrong on the technical fronts, if you, or anyone in this forum, have relevant experience beyond reading wikipedia in any industry, all I can say about how desperate are the PDF Chinese cohort to appear smart is : I told ya so...:lol:
The dumb leading the dumb. And people wonder why the war started. Lol
We have an analyst doing full time oil and gas market analysis boy. You just graduated or something right? Or doing some postdoc? Hahaahahah
So effectively you are saying you know nothing about oil and gas market. Because you ARE NOT that analyst, otherwise you would have said YOU ARE that guy.

And I have been trading commodity probably since you are in primary school, son. Are you really that dumb?? But hey, most of your "Credential" are probably fake anyway, how do people "Work" in that field get all the stuff wrong, like all the time, and no answer but superficial one liner when asked about question you claim to have known?

LOL......... :rofl:

I will not tread into whatever specialty you are talking about, my brain is stocked up as it is, but if, in your estimation, that HanPastry is wrong on the technical fronts, if you, or anyone in this forum, have relevant experience beyond reading wikipedia in any industry, all I can say about how desperate are the PDF Chinese cohort to appear smart is : I told ya so...:lol:
I wouldn't take anyone seriously if they start the conversation with "Numb Nuts" or "Numb Numb" not even my 12 years old cousin talks like that, and he want to be a rapper.

That dude has an emotion quotient of probably 5. Thinking insult people would make his point looks more valid, Well, it could be if he has a point to begin with. I am just here to poke him some more so he said stupid things here to further insult himself.......

:lol: :lol:
So effectively you are saying you know nothing about oil and gas market. Because you ARE NOT that analyst, otherwise you would have said YOU ARE that guy.

And I have been trading commodity probably since you are in primary school, son. Are you really that dumb?? But hey, most of your "Credential" are probably fake anyway, how do people "Work" in that field get all the stuff wrong, like all the time, and no answer but superficial one liner when asked about question you claim to have known?

LOL......... :rofl:

I wouldn't take anyone seriously if they start the conversation with "Numb Nuts" or "Numb Numb" not even my 12 years old cousin talks like that, and he want to be a rapper.

That dude has an emotion quotient of probably 5. Thinking insult people would make his point looks more valid, Well, it could be if he has a point to begin with. I am just here to poke him some more so he said stupid things here to further insult himself.......

:lol: :lol:
I am not an analyst but the analyst is sitting next to my room. And he explains to me that oil price is sometimes just a game of wits and based on human impulse. And yes the war did impact the price. Yes I believe you trade commodities like bitcoin..... Lololol. So you rather I believe a keyboard warrior than my colleague who has 20 years experience? Have you actually checked the recent gas price? Lololol. No oooo the war has no oooo effect at all.

For someone who doesn't even know how oil is produced and transported, even my 5 year old niece can be a 'trader' by using guesstimates and a graph. Lolol
My friend, any dumb cunt knew Finland and Sweden were not neutral since day one. Russian defectors used to cross into Finland.

Stop derailing into Africa and shit like that. We are talking real world scenarios here. Have you read the Ukrainian constitution lately? Ukraine not wanting to join NATO? Hahahahhaha Hahahahaha. They were giving lip service buying time. Russia was bullied and lied to for the past 30 years. NATO only respects real power from guns. If you are that blind and naive, I have nothing to say.

Numb nuts, LNG? Russian gas is sold to Europe in gas form pressurized by compressor stations not in liquid form. Hahaahahaahahahahaha..... Damn I am. Talking to amateurs here. Do you even understand the temperatures the pipes need to be at if it's liquified.

so the worldbank and the IEA are both wrong when they say 150 billion cubic meters of gas was flared in 2019 world wide. But Mr. I know, I'm in O N G insists "...trust me numb..numb...dumbass" ..excetra ..excetra...."i know no one flares gas anymore I'm a stripper in O N G"...numb numb...dumbass...excetra ...excetra.. :lol:

you've been exposed as a liar best you tuck tail and slink away.

Natural gas flaring has been a longstanding problem for the oil industry. The most recent data indicate that around 150 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas was flared globally in 2019, as much gas as Japan and Korea together imported in the same year. Despite rising awareness of the problem, and a number of initiatives aiming to curb flaring, the amount of gas flared globally each year has been edging higher in recent years and the world is now flaring as much as it did ten years ago.

Russians are used to cold winter. If anything, winter war is beneficial to Russians. Back in the day, Napoleon and Hitler both suffered defeat in Russian winter because French and Germans are used to mild winter, not harsh winter.
It is Ukrainians fighting in their geo region and familiar with their climate. Not the Cubans or Brazilians who started the entanglement in the middle of summer.

War started in the winter and the temperature difference between Feb and Dec is only 2 degrees.

So there is not a harsh winter (or any more harsher) than what the war started in and what the Ukrainians are used to living in. This is not an invasion of Moscow via Siberia that you could say the attacking force from Ukraine may not be as familiar with. So benefit to Russia is zero. Unless we find out that a Brazilian 'Wagner' has been doing this since the start
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