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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Indeed, it is true. I would also like to highlight the role of Sir Winston Churchill, who was responsible for the death of three million Indians during the Bengal famine. He ordered the diversion of grain from India to England, using it as a reserve for future military operations in Africa and Europe.
So Japan, Germany in WW2
Hunger, famine is a tool in war.
So Japan, Germany in WW2
Hunger, famine is a tool in war.

So can you please number up the countries in Africa to which ukraine grain from the grain deal is gone? And how much for each country in Africa? If not, shut up.
Never had.

LOL what threat?
Delusional then.
You realize several people did not survive the latest bridge attack?

Time and time again we see these fascists on vacation run off when the war gets a little to close…

Here…many russian tourists disagree with your “no panic” propaganda speech.

Just like before:

The russian media will ofcourse call for “no panic” all the way until it will suddenly pull out collaborators and officials in a hurry:

But please continue to be one of “putins usefull idiots”. Cheering for a war of agression.
No panic!
Delusional then.
You realize several people did not survive the latest bridge attack?

Time and time again we see these fascists on vacation run off when the war gets a little to close…

Here…many russian tourists disagree with your “no panic” propaganda speech.

Just like before:

The russian media will ofcourse call for “no panic” all the way until it will suddenly pull out collaborators and officials in a hurry:

But please continue to be one of “putins usefull idiots”. Cheering for a war of agression.
No panic!

LOL lets see what we have: Reuters, Daily Mail, BBC - all caught lying hundreds times in the last year.

And one terrorist act by US and their Ukrain pawn. Against a bridge used by civilians. Two dead.

The line of contact is over 1200 km long. Western tech, include tanks, were all destroid when they tried a hahaha counteroffensive. Cause they are shit. Now proven shit.

So tell me: Where is the "threat" you talking about?


Can you tell me the name of a newspaper in the USA, UK, EU, Canada, Australia or New Zealand that in this dreadful tragedy does not follow 'the party line' ?

We have become the envy of the old URSS

We, heirs club of the British empire
On the night of July 18, the Russian army attacked the Ukrainian ports of Odessa and Nikolaev with Kalibr missiles and Geran-2 drones. The missile attack was carried out on the objects of the port infrastructure, which were used for military purposes. A number of strikes were also carried out on the Artsyz airfield in Odessa, which is a parking lot for military drones of the Ukrainian army. Ukrainian media report that all missiles were shot down.

After an information lull, Russian Terminator combat vehicles began to be used again in Ukraine. Footage of the night attack of Terminator combat vehicles of the tenth tank regiment of the Russian armed forces in the Avdeevsky direction. The video was filmed from the first person, the fire is carried out by a 30-mm automatic gun 2A42 and the Ataka-T guided weapon system

Footage of the work of Russian aircraft controllers in Ukraine and their story about their work.

LOL lets see what we have: Reuters, Daily Mail, BBC - all caught lying hundreds times in the last year.

Reported by multiple sources, supported by satellite images and videos.

Ofcourse these sources are not perfect. And often biased.
But they have a much better track record then russian state propaganda channels that you gobble up and copy paste.

And one terrorist act by US and their Ukrain pawn. Against a bridge used by civilians. Two dead.
How is that possible when there is no threat as you claim? Yeh i know its a “thinker”

The line of contact is over 1200 km long. Western tech, include tanks, were all destroid when they tried a hahaha counteroffensive. Cause they are shit. Now proven shit.

So tell me: Where is the "threat" you talking about?

Even with russians posting 10 angles on the same losses. Or posing months old videos as new…we are still a long way from depleting the ukranian counteroffensive force. So a little more patience buddy!

Also you seem to forget the range of himars and storm shadow. The russians do as well thats why they lost a bunch of high officers again. Good riddance.
I mean “no panic”
So can you please number up the countries in Africa to which ukraine grain from the grain deal is gone? And how much for each country in Africa? If not, shut up.
Why the numbers for Africa? What has Africa to do with this? Russia sabotage of Ukraine grain exports is the point. Who gives Russia the right to do that? Every country can buy grains for money. If Africa has no money they can ask Russia and China for money. You demand Ukraine ships grains to Africa for free?

From the stat, most Ukraine grains are sent to Turkey, China, Africa. No reason to complain. The UN is happy. You are not happy. Putin is not happy. Ok. But we can live with that.

Can you tell me the name of a newspaper in the USA, UK, EU, Canada, Australia or New Zealand that in this dreadful tragedy does not follow 'the party line' ?

We have become the envy of the old URSS

We, heirs club of the British empire

Fox news is overall critical of ukraine support and the biggest cable news centre in America??? Just one example.
While in russia you risk 15 years having any contrary opinion.

Also if a nation brutally invades to landgrab from their former holodomir victim…despite vows to guarantee their territorial security…there will be a large shared overall negative response….
This is logical..not a sign of some impossible conspiracy.

Apart from those that are in bed with russia that is:

Now get your head out of your social media bubble full of conspiracy theory pro russian circlejerk? your being played like a little puppet by some russian troll farm….
Reported by multiple sources, supported by satellite images and videos.

Ofcourse these sources are not perfect. And often biased.
But they have a much better track record then russian state propaganda channels that you gobble up and copy paste.

How is that possible when there is no threat as you claim? Yeh i know its a “thinker”

Even with russians posting 10 angles on the same losses. Or posing months old videos as new…we are still a long way from depleting the ukranian counteroffensive force. So a little more patience buddy!

Also you seem to forget the range of himars and storm shadow. The russians do as well thats why they lost a bunch of high officers again. Good riddance.
I mean “no panic”

Reporters Without Borders (RSF)? Really? The one that proven lied about what happend in Syria and other countries? Hahaha, it gets more and more redicolous with your sources :lol:

And: A Terrorist-Attack is no threat, its just a terrorist-attack. And mostly aimed against civilians. That is how the west plays: Terrorists they are.

LALALA....so show me the thousands cities and billions of squaremiles the US-Pawn had taken back in the ongoing "counteroffensive", show me this "threat"

Why the numbers for Africa? What has Africa to do with this? Russia sabotage of Ukraine grain exports is the point. Who gives Russia the right to do that? Every country can buy grains for money. If Africa has no money they can ask Russia and China for money. You demand Ukraine ships grains to Africa for free?

From the stat, most Ukraine grains are sent to Turkey, China, Africa. No reason to complain. The UN is happy. You are not happy. Putin is not happy. Ok. But we can live with that.

WHAT COUNTRIES IN AFRICA!? Somalia? Yemen? Other countries who had not enough in stores?

NONE of the african countries what really needed grain from this "grain deal" get some!

Its all a lie! I already showed here a chart from BBC (yes, i love to use the "sources" of my opponents to destroy them twice :) ) where they admit this! Only Russia send lots of grain to Africa in cheap prices!

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-07-17 13-48-48.png
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Can you tell me the name of a newspaper in the USA, UK, EU, Canada, Australia or New Zealand that in this dreadful tragedy does not follow 'the party line' ?

We have become the envy of the old URSS
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)? Really? The one that proven lied about what happend in Syria and other countries? Hahaha, it gets more and more redicolous with your sources :lol:

No source will be good enough for a russian drone. I am mostly posting this for other readers. Here another one:

Fact is that i can keep posting sources, even third party..and all more credible that that sewage pit of russian state propaganda that you feed on.

You have absolutely nothing except calling all contrarian sources “liars” and purely hand picking those that agree with your set views.
please go to your beloved russia and protest for a “free ukraine” and see how that goes in your paradise of free press.

And: A Terrorist-Attack is no threat, its just a terrorist-attack. And mostly aimed against civilians. That is how the west plays: Terrorists they are.

its commonly used. You are even bending language desperate to defend your points. Funny.

There is a threat of attack on crimea proper. Hence the running tourists at times.
LALALA....so show me the thousands cities and billions of squaremiles the US-Pawn had taken back in the ongoing "counteroffensive", show me this "threat"

Reading comprehension again?
Surely getting blown up by artillery or cruise missile also constitutes a threat?

As for the russian lines crumbling. Well we saw that happen before in kharkiv and kherson. And with ukraine current ongoing offensive there is a real risk of that happening as well to those poor russian tourists. Especially with 75% western donated armor still intact in reserve.
No source will be good enough for a russian drone. I am mostly posting this for other readers. Here another one:

Fact is that i can keep posting sources, even third party..and all more credible that that sewage pit of russian state propaganda that you feed on.

You have absolutely nothing except calling all contrarian sources “liars” and purely hand picking those that agree with your set views.
please go to your beloved russia and protest for a “free ukraine” and see how that goes in your paradise of free press.

its commonly used. You are even bending language desperate to defend your points. Funny.

There is a threat of attack on crimea proper. Hence the running tourists at times.

Reading comprehension again?
Surely getting blown up by artillery or cruise missile also constitutes a threat?

As for the russian lines crumbling. Well we saw that happen before in kharkiv and kherson. And with ukraine current ongoing offensive there is a real risk of that happening as well to those poor russian tourists. Especially with 75% western donated armor still intact in reserve.

Uh, the same UN what send UN-technicans and UN-experts to Syria to inspect an allegedly poisen gas attack, and what then from the UN-technicans and UN-experts as fake defined, but from the UN then officially as poisen attack done by Syria, and where then even their UN-technicans and UN-experts did not subscripe this statement, but say its all a lie?

This is your source?
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