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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia relocated weapons factories to the far east and China. Ukraine don't have range to strike them.

Yes, already 80 years ago. T-34 were produced there. Meanwhile there are big underground citis for million people and lot of underground industry, big big caverns with ressources and supplies, all deep under Ural near the real military center of Russia: Jekaterinburg.
Yes, already 80 years ago. T-34 were produced there. Meanwhile there are big underground citis for million people and lot of underground industry, big big caverns with ressources and supplies, all deep under Ural near the real military center of Russia: Jekaterinburg.
You paint the picture of USSR. Russia under Putin has become a state in cheap propaganda. Putin giant Ural as you said just made 12 T14s in 20 years of production. good enough for cheap military parade, but not for war in Ukraine.

Russia’s invasion army fighting with old Soviet weapons stocks and Soviet style, with humans as dispensable stuff. There is little to nothing new.

Ukraine Situation Report: Kyiv’s Growing Counter-Battery Advantage​

>> Russia struggling to compete in artillery duels now with Ukraine.
You paint the picture of USSR. Russia under Putin has become a state in cheap propaganda. Putin giant Ural as you said just made 12 T14s in 20 years of production good enough for cheap military parade, but not for war in Ukraine.

So you control the T-14 production from the basement of your parents house?
So you control the T-14 production from the basement of your parents house?
That’s the official T14s figures from Russia defense ministry.
Meanwhile Russia or Soviet tanks rely on spare parts from washing machines. Putin makes Russia into third rate country.

Did you read my posts?

Leopard 2A6 is not survivable on the level of M1 Abrams.

Russians and Iranians helped Assad regime defeat Syrian rebels while US-led forces defeated ISIS.

Assad regime has nothing to show on the level of Ukraine in warfighting capacity on its own.
I really admire your persistence to try to talk sense into these yahoo, when they know a giant sum of zero about how Tank works, I once have a dude come up to me and say all armour vehicle (that's Tanks, IFV, APC, CFV and LAV) need to be able to survive tanks and AT hits.......

Anyway, if we talks about tanks, the dead spot is not the back, nor the top, the dead spot for tank is the underbelly, you can't put armour in transmission system, which mean if you hit anything below the sprocket, it is 100% guarantee going thru, so for a tank, there are 2 different types of protection

1.) Pre-Contact Protection
2.) Post-Contact Protection

Pre-Contact protection is the protection your tank offered BEFORE the round hit your tanks, armour works in different way, you have reactive armour on the side and sloped armour on the front, reactive armour detonate the round before it make contact the hull, while slope armour would strengthen the hull armour and also deflect incoming round. Most people don't know this (You probably need to be a tanker to know) but most high velocity round deflect away from your sloped armour without detonation. Because of the angle of the armour and the fuze of the round.

Post Contact protection is what protect against the crew and more importantly the magazine holder of your tank, crew compartment are lined with kelvar and steel, which protect against blast damage, but the thing that hurt the most is the sonic boom on contact, tanks are pretty much a steel cage, so everytime a round penetrated into the hull you will have an echo chamber effect on the sonic boom generated by the high velocity round. On the other hand, an explosion to an unprotectted magazine compartment would cook the round and that inturn detonate inside said echo chamber, hot gas cannot escape the tank, and it will result in the kettle effect when you literally blow the lid off the tank, this is where and why when a Russian tank blow, the gun and the turret would simply blown up sky high, and that detonation is not survivable.

For a tanker, you want to protect the ammo compartment and have channel top vent the gas out when there is a hit, which is why an Abrams comes with titanium steel magazine compartment and positive pressure chamber, what it basically do is to negate both effect I mentioned above (the hot gas and the ammo cook off) which mean any hit is survivable compare to other contemporary tanks
That’s the official T14s figures from Russia defense ministry.
Meanwhile Russia or Soviet tanks rely on spare parts from washing machines. Putin makes Russia into third rate country.

Wow what sources you have: Ukraine, USA, the Stern ("Hitlertagebücher" anyone?), really ridicolous. Do you really think Russia needs simple ICs from western washingmashines? Come on! You are not dumb! You are only unlucky with thinking.

Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting the AFU have taken Staromaiorske.

Ukraine continues to push south

Ukraine Situation Report: Kyiv’s Growing Counter-Battery Advantage​

>> Russia struggling to compete in artillery duels now with Ukraine.

Russia has better artillery than Ukraine. Iskander and Smerch make ATACMS and HIMARS look like little children.

shooting a drone boat


Putin 'purges' another top commander​

>> Major General Vladimir Seliverstov, the commander of Russia's 106th VDV airborne Division, has been given his marching orders

The Russian Army is falling apart it seems.
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