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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Saw one analyst saying you would have to imagine the invasion of Iraq without the use of an airforce at all. This is what Ukraine is trying to do. So long range artillery will have to make up for its lack of airpower until they break the lines somewhere.

Not gonna happen. Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine, 2 times the number of soldiers. Not even Napoleon can win at Waterloo.
Not gonna happen. Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine, 2 times the number of soldiers. Not even Napoleon can win at Waterloo.
You better tell Putin to mobilize this population. Until then, it doesnt mean anything how many russians pretend not to know about politics back in Russia.
Not important. I have no problem believing a 2x3 meter object flying 150 km/h is an easy target.
the key is rcs and heat signature , both case is very low for gran-2
maybe this help you understand
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the key is rcs and heat signature , both case is very low for gran-2
maybe this help you understand
I guess you are trying to convince yourself.
Did you have any problems seeing (or hearing) the Shahed drone I posted before, “low frontal RCS” or not?
I guess you are trying to convince yourself.
Did you have any problems seeing (or hearing) the Shahed drone I posted before, “low frontal RCS” or not?
the launch is usually at night and when using eye is enough for low flying objects and since when you use hearing for intercepting them . look at the chart i post
First of all, you said it like China is not already in problem.

Chinese population is in decline at a rate even worse than Russia. Economy is not growing at double digit, and replacement market is now emerge in other SEA/SA country. Unless you are a die hard Chinese fans, you would see a downward trajectory to a tune of the next 2 to 3 decades as the other Asian nation catches up. You can't expect China to grow at a rate people seen between early 2000s to early 2010s

NATO, despite what people here mostly believe is non-political. They are a pure military alliance. And to which they have one advantage. Which mean they don't care what individual countries do. US can be the world leading economy, that have no concern on NATO as much as North Macedonia because that is a treaty, so NATO would have to treat US the same as as North Macedonia. As such, they weren't limited on membership, again, as long as other NATO member agree.

The world has long been divided into 3 spheres, even as I type you can see the different now, it's North America, Europe and Asia. While Asia has half the people of the world, but still only manage 1/3 of world economy. That's in itself is very alarming, because that's lacking has to be compensated by someone else, and that someone else is what and why the world economy is tilted toward the west right now. Can Asia as a whole pull the entire region out? I don't know, I can't see into the future.

As for whether or not China be next after Russian defeat. Well, I can write a 20 pages essay here for that political position alone, but I will simply say this.

NATO would be coming for China only as long as China themselves wanting them to be.

What China always say is for US to accept the role of China in Asia, the problem is, the reverse is also true. US is in Asia and they aren't leaving either, I mean I don'\t see US packing up and abandoning Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indian Ocean, Guam and Hawaii anytime soon. And even if they do, this decision is not up to China to decide. Which mean the only way China insist on this to happen is by force. And that would be the reason why NATO is drawn in.
May be Google can help you 🧑‍💻🧑‍💻
the launch is usually at night and when using eye is enough for low flying objects and since when you use hearing for intercepting them . look at the chart i post
You obviously know, but hearing the drone flying above ukrainian positions gives them plenty of time to warn ukrainian airdefence units to prepare for incomming drones.
It only takes this and an AA gun to target and destroy a drone. Russia is only able to use the Shahed as a terror weapon against unguarded low value targets.
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You better tell Putin to mobilize this population. Until then, it doesnt mean anything how many russians pretend not to know about politics back in Russia.

Russia has plenty of volunteers who sign up. Recently they got another 150,000 volunteers. Most men stay home to breed the next generation of Russians. This war lasts decades if not centuries. You gotta plan long term.

failed Ukrainian offensive

Russia has plenty of volunteers who sign up. Recently they got another 150,000 volunteers. Most men stay home to breed the next generation of Russians. This war lasts decades if not centuries. You gotta plan long term.

failed Ukrainian offensive

You have no idea how many volunteers are signing up. The russian authorities have clearly demonstrated that they dont know how to count.
But lets wait and see if the ukrainians are able to wear down the russian forces. The only need a breakthrough somewhere in the south.
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