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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I thought the price now was a bag of potatoes?

Your son for a lada, a pretty good deal in Russia nowadays, no wonder so many Russians would throw their sons, fathers, uncles into the slaughter. Russians have always been cannon fodder, from tsarist times, soviet times to nowadays Russia, but today Russians can get "something" in return.

Meanwhile tiktok chechens left Marinka, filming tiktoks wasn't so safe there.

Sure, but I'm not the one making the claim here.

The report that was shown proved 47, that's a far cry from thousands.
The report from the source claiming 47 jailed in the recent election, claimed that thousands have been jailed since the 2016 coup.
It is a reputable source claiming thousands.
That is all that matters.

The Summer Military Campaign Is Drawing To A Close. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.07.14

Cheap hobby FPV drones each carrying an RPG-7 rocket. There are literally millions if not billions of RPG-7 rockets in the world.


So how many ukrainian planes did Russia shoot down?

Notice how slow the drone is flying

Cheap drones like these are good at depleting expensive SAM which have very limited quantity. Meanwhile, radars are getting smashed by Kh-31PD.

Ukraine changed from attempting maneuver warfare to attrition of russian artillery. The cluster munition is probably being used to attrition of personel at the defensive lines before giving maneuver warfare another try.
In face of stiff resistance and difficulties with all those mines and trenches this is a wise move.
Ukraine changed from attempting maneuver warfare to attrition of russian artillery. The cluster munition is probably being used to attrition of personel at the defensive lines before giving maneuver warfare another try.

Time is not on Ukraine's side. Russian factories are pumping out artillery at a maddening pace. On top of that, Ukraine don't have anything that can take on Malka and Smerch. Come September the rains will pour and the ground not suitable for offensive. Next year is election year and politics will change in favour of Russia.

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In face of stiff resistance and difficulties with all those mines and trenches this is a wise move.
Saw one analyst saying you would have to imagine the invasion of Iraq without the use of an airforce at all. This is what Ukraine is trying to do. So long range artillery will have to make up for its lack of airpower until they break the lines somewhere.

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