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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No, you were lying back then too, because that's what you do, lie.

They have full democracy, the issue is what the EU considers human rights and corruption which have always been a sticking point.

Regardless, so long as Cyprus has a veto, Turkey will never get in.

Keep on bitching and whining, that's what you do.

That’s all stupid accusations for a war of aggression. If corruption is a reason to go to war then wars will be everywhere, which country has no corruption?
Even if corruption in Ukraine is severe that’s internal matter. what has it to do with other countries or with Russia?
This war is caused by greed. Putin is a thief. Russia is 16x larger than Ukraine. But Putin wants more. That’s it. All wars have to do with lands, people and minerals.

You completely missed everything I said. Where did I say corruption was the reason for this war? I was referring to the consequences of Ukraine joining NATO. I don't think the US is willing to fight Russia for the sake of Ukraine.

You need to report the complete story.

For years it was there was hope that Turkey would rise up and meet the minimum standarts to enter the EU.

Have you read how many jurnalists have been arrested in recent years in turkey ?

Under Erdugan turkey has slim chance of entering the EU.

BTW , there is already a muslim majority country member of the EU : Albania .


Seems like a lot of people are having reading comprehension issues. Where did I say turkey would ever join? That's why I said it would be a big price to pay.
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Keep on bitching and whining, that's what you do.

You completely missed everything I said. Where did I say corruption was the reason for this war? I was referring to the consequences of Ukraine joining NATO. I don't think the US is willing to fight Russia for the sake of Ukraine.

Seems like a lot of people are having reading comprehension issues. Where did I say turkey would ever join? That's why I said it would be a big price to pay.
Do you not realize that you're pretty much arguing with everyone here? And you think we're bitching? Seriously?

Are you really that unaware of yourself? Get off the internet, take a break and do some soul searching.
You need to report the complete story. Sultan Erdogan wants his pound of flesh in return. He wants EU membership in exchange. Big price to pay for Europe and NATO to let a Muslim majority country like Turkey into the EU.

That is not the price paid.

Turkey changed its tune and now allows sweden nato admission while there is 0 chance on EU admission.

The price bargained is likely sweden harshening up against PKK, and loosening of military restrictions USA put in place after turkey traded/talked with russia for S-400
The sad thing is NATO is refusing a timeline for Ukraine to join

Ukraine needs long term security guarantee so it knows this war is worth fighting and dying for

They need know that victory will ensure peace

this just proves how pointless deaths for Ukraine are

It’s just so sad for Ukraine

NATO is so evil watching this and only sending more men to the slaughter
Keep on bitching and whining, that's what you do.

You completely missed everything I said. Where did I say corruption was the reason for this war? I was referring to the consequences of Ukraine joining NATO. I don't think the US is willing to fight Russia for the sake of Ukraine.

Seems like a lot of people are having reading comprehension issues. Where did I say turkey would ever join? That's why I said it would be a big price to pay.
The US not willing to fight Russia for the sake of Ukraine? You want to bet?
If so true why the US fights anyone on behalf of 30 NATO members plus Australia, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, Thailand, Philippines?
Sweden is joining the NATO. The Swedes must be dumb?
For me that is a suicide game Putin plays. He plays Russia roulette. He hopes the gun he fires doesn’t kill him.

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