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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


As could have been predicted from the start now the professionals from West are stating that offensive is failed project, probably this is preparation for UAF official statement about it.
Conclusion is that russians are not finished at all and that they have still considerable and so what competent army forces in Ukraina and that West has to push much harder in assistance to the UAF if desired major breaches could become realistic outcome, not sure if it is possible in near future, i would say that will happen opposite, gradually cooling of assistance hype and starting of more intense backdoor diplomacy effort for peace talks which will not go in favor of Ukraina teritorial integrity.

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No one still knows where the billions sent to Afghanistan went either.

Britain had a tough time beating Argentina, it's Navy isn't powerful enough to fight Russia alone.
Would not say it was tough for the RN to beat the ARA. ARA virtually retired to their own territorial water after the UK sinks their flagship ARA General Belgrano. Mind you, ARA was not an incapable force, outside the sunken Belgrano, they do have 2 Type-42 Destroyer (the same one the RN was using) and 3 2 years old Drummond-class corvette and a few GUPPE sub.

Those aren't incapable force, yet all their Naval Component were forced to wait inside their Territorial water for safe harbor and basically force to sit and watch the Royal Navy operate with impunity just a few hundred mile away from their coast.

On the other hand, RN only uses around 20-25% of their naval asset and they have to steam 8000 miles to the theatre. They won't need to if they were facing off with the Russian Navy, which is so inept they aren't even managed to subdue a Navy without any capital ship and in the process loses at least 3 capital ships (maybe more) in this war......

I am not a betting man, but any bet on Russian Navy can put up anything remotely meaningful to a fight with the full might of RN is probably pumping money into ocean......
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