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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Dude, do you know what is Reconnaissance

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And tell me how do you EVER conduct an offensive operation WITHOUT doing Reconnaissance?

So if theyare "good" for recon, that mean they are good for offensive operation, unless you run them like armour and use it on main attacks.

AMX-10RC, along with Bradley are Cavalry Vehicle, Tanks like Leo 2 and Abrams are armour. These 2 are different class of vehicle. You don't need to be a Bradley driver like me to know that.

Even when they're for reconnaissance and not for frontal attacks, how is that gonna help your Ukrainian cannon fodder when a fragment of an artillery shell can simply penetrate the armor and take out the crew? What are these cheap excuses that you're making good for? It is not like artillery shells won't reach further than the first line of defense. They can travel miles and miles and still cripple the vehicles in the rear. It is a piece of crap.

"There was artillery shelling and a shell exploded near the vehicle, the fragments pierced the armor and the ammunition set detonated."

Really, this post just proves finally for who still had any daunts, you are nothing but a stupid paid Russia troll!

Even a blind one would notice this is faked, a lie again only a psed image.

Get lost, you negative-rating piece of shit. I conveyed relevant news. Either discuss it or shut up, you robot.
Even when they're for reconnaissance and not for frontal attacks, how is that gonna help your Ukrainian cannon fodder when a fragment of an artillery shell can simply penetrate the armor and take out the crew? What are these cheap excuses that you're making good for? It is not like artillery shells won't reach further than the first line of defense. They can travel miles and miles and still cripple the vehicles in the rear. It is a piece of crap.

"There was artillery shelling and a shell exploded near the vehicle, the fragments pierced the armor and the ammunition set detonated."
You are the type who think every infantry should be armed with a Machine Gun, aren't you? There should be no rifle, no DMR, no AA, no AT and no nothing, everyone just march on their machine gun.

NOT EVERY ASPECT of an offensive operation is attack your enemy, in fact, a lot of those involved scout and reporting. You don't expect to send a sniper in a covert forward position in a push and then goes all guns blazing, you use them to relay troop movement silently so you can drop artillery on them.

So no, this is not an excuse that they are not suitable to use in an attack, WHEN THEY ALREADY KNOW THEY ARE NOT SUITABLE TO USE IN AN ATTACK. I don't think the French told the Ukrainian to use these AMX-10RC as a tank and attack your enemy with it when they were given them those platform.

I mean, if you think it's better to use a tank to scout is more suitable than this because they don't be penetrated by artillery shell, then well, that's probably just you.
You are the type who think every infantry should be armed with a Machine Gun, aren't you? There should be no rifle, no DMR, no AA, no AT and no nothing, everyone just march on their machine gun.

NOT EVERY ASPECT of an offensive operation is attack your enemy, in fact, a lot of those involved scout and reporting. You don't expect to send a sniper in a covert forward position in a push and then goes all guns blazing, you use them to relay troop movement silently so you can drop artillery on them.

So no, this is not an excuse that they are not suitable to use in an attack, WHEN THEY ALREADY KNOW THEY ARE NOT SUITABLE TO USE IN AN ATTACK. I don't think the French told the Ukrainian to use these AMX-10RC as a tank and attack your enemy with it when they were given them those platform.

I mean, if you think it's better to use a tank to scout is more suitable than this because they don't be penetrated by artillery shell, then well, that's probably just you.

Any IFV that is put into an armed conflict must have the basic armor that can prevent artillery shells, anti-tank weapons, etc. In today's theatres of war, soldiers' safety should come first before anything else. And in any military conflict, the military planners would use whatever means at their disposal. That means, an IFV can be part of a frontal assault if the situation requires it or could be transporting troops when they're on the move. Therefore, the safety of troops must come first before anything else, especially for a country in NATO that produced those IFVs.

Now, looking at those AMX-10 RC IFVs, they've been proven to be pieces of junk in the current Russia - Ukraine/NATO conflict. But it is mindboggling why you're all making excuses when the Ukrainians themselves discovered this simple fact after their troops made the ultimate sacrifice.

And there is another point to it: The West doesn't care about the lives of Ukrainian forces; they just want to use them to bleed Russia, and this explains why they're all throwing these pieces of junk at them.
Any IFV that is put into an armed conflict must have the basic armor that can prevent artillery shells, anti-tank weapons, etc.
I stopped reading after this.

Because effectively what you are saying.

Any Modern IFV has to become a tank.

Also, AMX-10RC is NOT an IFV, I mean, you can use it as one, but they aren't. It's like saying Scorpion Tank is an IFV. But I will excuse you for not knowing the difference between CFV and IFV. One is for scouting operation and the other is for supporting infantry operation, I will let you figure out which is which.
I stopped reading after this.

I stopped reading after that line. I don't care what you said afterward.

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Is this russian personel carrier safe?
I stopped reading after that line. I don't care what you said afterward.

Okay, I know I am just dumping info into ocean, because there ARE AIN'T NO WAY YOU KNOW SHIT ABOUT THIS.

There are 5 different stages on any offensive operation. You have to mount in order to be successful.

1.) Reconnaissance
2.) Force Deposition
3.) Assault
4.) Blocking
5.) Exploitation


Recon is the first step, unless you only have 1 route/avenue or whatever you call it, for attack, you ALWAYS conduct Reconnaissance in order to determine the depth of your enemy, according to US Army Field Menu (FM 3.2) there are the following reconnaissance operation you can conduct.

A.) Long Range Reconnaissance - Essentially insertion of small units for the role of reconnaissance, this is limited by the scope (how much enemy info you can get) and the endurance of the unit. This is done by a light infantry unit, either air assault unit or special force

B.) Armoured Reconnaissance - This is the lease time sensitive option, essentially you are brining in the armour assault element into light reconnaissance. Basically you assault as you look thru your enemy

C.) Force Reconnaissance - This is the most comprehensive level of the 3 operation. You attack and hold an enemy land in order to see the response from your enemy, you may further on and assault deep into your enemy with your force, or you can retreat if the enemy is more overwhelming. Basically you do this to see what will your enemy use to throw back at you.

Force Deposition

Once you know the enemy faction in the area, you will response with sufficient force to try to respond to the enemy deposition. You may want to attack one spot and not the other, or attack both spot equally depends on strategy and flanking structure

You always position your own force to cover the enemy, in fact, in all local offensive, you don't attack until your force deposition to your enemy is 3 to 1.


The attack. Based on the planning made by reconning the enemy and deploying your own force. you basically attack with everything you can push forward with your hand to try to subdue the enemy in the area.


Blocking force is a type of force within your attacking force that are not use for main attack, but instead going after enemy infrastructure, backlog, camping/emplacement, tactical targets such as radio relay, C&C and so on. Those force would either by-pass or divert from your main assault force in order to hit those objectives, their roles is to isolate your enemy's main force by confusing or disabling the enemy rear so they can't send in reinforcement for their main event


Exploitation is done once your force have made break thru with enemies. You either uses the unused main force to do exploitation or you use the blocking force to do it, either way, your main strike force would be put into the rear to rearm and regroup from the fight so you rotate your force.

Any offensive without exploitation is literally pointless because that is the way why you want to jump the enemy line to begin with. You break thru at one point and use that point to stack on your own line and roll up your enemy that way.

That's the offensive operation. As for Armour Fighting Vehicle



is different than this


which is different than this


which is different than this


The first one is a Mobile Gun System, or M1128, similar to the AMX-10RC (Which does not stand for Recon btw, it stand for Wheeled Cannon). It is a wheel based gun platform, it is used to provide a quick support solution to frontline action, you don't shoot and wait there, or go with the armour unit because you are twice as quick as any tracked platform, you basically use its speed to go behind enemy line and engage and with the balance of Speed and Firepower, they are not used to frontal enemy. This would be used for armoured recon and exploitation listed above.

The second one is a M2 Bradley IFV, they carry infantry in support of any Armour Assault. But they are not used to support an armour assault, they are there to bring the infantry up to the line after an armour assault. IFV used to support infantry, not support tank, they are relatively well armoured for infantry but would probably not survive more than 2 rounds from 100+mm tank round. They are for the infantry assault on the Assault Phase above.

The third one is a M3 Bradley CFV, they don't carry infantry, they are solely used for scouting, and you replace your infantry compartment with more ammunition and sensory package. You have more access to terrain and sensor (like heat/IR/FLIR/NVG and so on) These are for single up on the line and use them as eye of the battlefield on the armour assault in the assault phase.

Last one is a tank. They are big gun, slow but heavily protected. All of the above will go boom if they were hit by a 155 or 152, this will take several round before it go down. It is heavily protected but extremely slow. They are used for punching thru the enemy line

And finally, please do not send me any link that have "Fandom" in it. Unlike you, I am a fighting man, I fought with these tank, not play video games with it.
I stopped reading after that line. I don't care what you said afterward.

When a knowledgeable person is correcting your mistake, you listen.

Stop being so damn arrogant.

You made a mistake.

Accept it.

[Edit] getting mad at me won't solve the issue. Listen, learn, be better. Don't let confirmation bias blind you.
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