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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russians have moved their remaining para units to fight in Kreminna-Svatove along with paramilitaries, and reservists, and immediately sent them into bum rushes, which were repelled.

At the same time, Russian 4th division, and a lot of armour from the area was withdrawn over previous few weeks, and moved somewhere south.

I would like to watch closely how much of Russian 20th and 41st army's is still left in Kreminna area.

It seem they want to weaken Kreminna to get some free forces for a diversion, or reserve for defence in the south.

As of now, Russia has 3 sizeable blobs of relatively free forces:
  1. Donetsk
  2. Melitopol—Berdianks
  3. Kreminna—Severodonetsk
They will likely withdraw a little bit from 1st and 3rd as UAF attack in the south goes. And if they will go YOLO, then it may well be they will withdraw 3 out completely.
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A very competent examination of the Ukrainian offensive by an Indian officer.

I remember when in Europe 30-40 years ago there was freedom of speech in public.

Nowadays no relevant person can go off-script on pain of ostracism. Recall that the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the Finnish parliament was forced to resign for a single sentence saying "maybe someone should say that Ukraine should not be part of NATO."

And the tremendous thing is that we all have to pretend that nothing has happened in the last twenty years. Of course our bosses tolerate us expressing ourselves in bars and taverns; but no important person can go off script in public.

We are the envy of North Korea.

Europe is dead. Rest in peace.
Absolutely. Add to that the end of an independent press.
LMAO!!! UkroNazis got duped into capturing Piatykhasky and ended up getting shafted! :sarcastic:
Russian's lured them in, then surrounded them and bombed the fcuk out of them and forced a retreat. The UkroNazi pigs ran back with their tails between their legs with less armor and men then they attacked with. NATO stronk tactics working wonders! Slava Cocaini

LMAO!!! UkroNazis got duped into capturing Piatykhasky and ended up getting shafted! :sarcastic:
Russian's lured them in, then surrounded them and bombed the fcuk out of them and forced a retreat. The UkroNazi pigs ran back with their tails between their legs with less armor and men then they attacked with. NATO stronk tactics working wonders! Slava Cocaini

You are aware you are refering to a pro russian youtuber basically quoting russian sources only, right?
Try this one for some perspective
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Russian Spring | The Russians Launched A Counteroffensive. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.06.19

LMAO!!! UkroNazis got duped into capturing Piatykhasky and ended up getting shafted! :sarcastic:
Russian's lured them in, then surrounded them and bombed the fcuk out of them and forced a retreat. The UkroNazi pigs ran back with their tails between their legs with less armor and men then they attacked with. NATO stronk tactics working wonders! Slava Cocaini

Oh yeah the same about Makarivka where it went from "we retreated to allow them in and bomb them hard" "we recaptured the settlement" to "our counter attacks failed, the Ukrainians are still in".
A very competent examination of the Ukrainian offensive by an Indian officer.

Absolutely. Add to that the end of an independent press.

I have seen him once on TV news , couldn't sit through 15min of his type of talk. U don't expect Army officer to speak like that.
Never watched him again. Some might like him if they r common people, but those who have some touch with army will not.
Russia has taken massive loses and they are surrending in thousands.

Ukranians have turn the tide and now it is a flood that is sweeping the Russians.

Russia will be balkanized by end of this year.

You should be more worried about Pakistan being balkanised.

I’m thinking this offensive may last well into the fall especially if the US continues to resupply armor. And Abrams tanks are expected to arrive in the fall. Ukraine still has a ton of combat power

I've already said this. The offensive started too late. The Ukrainians should have been well on their way by now, not just getting started. If they do not defeat the Russians by the end of this year, it will be too late. I'm aware of the near limitless potential material assistance the Ukrainians could get, but political will to keep things going by the west is not limitless. By next year if the Russians haven't been defeated and removed from Ukraine, the west will force the Ukrainians to make a deal.
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A very competent examination of the Ukrainian offensive by an Indian officer.

Absolutely. Add to that the end of an independent press.

I stopped listening to this "expert" Indian general when he said he believed the Ukrainians blew up the damn to stop a russian counter offensive to take Odessa lol :) Indians are clearly pro russian, understandable given their historical strategic relationship.
You should be more worried about Pakistan being balkanised.

I've already said this. The offensive started too late. The Ukrainians should have been well on their way by now, not just getting started. If they do not defeat the Russians by the end of this year, it will be too late. I'm aware of the near limitless potential material assistance the Ukrainians could get, but political will to keep things going by the west is not limitless. By next year if the Russians haven't been defeated and removed from Ukraine, the west will force the Ukrainians to make a deal.

Russian are pooly trained and equipped.

Watch this

Have you noticed the increasing commotion in Kreminna area? Russians went on few bum rushes there, but they also seemingly moved out the few best preserved units from the area, and moved them somewhere over the last few weeks. UA telegrams write of "Russian armour vanishing" from the general area.

lol, that's what I said last week when they are a few days into the counter offensive.

I would watch the Kreminna front if I were the Russian.

Ukraine probe the line in 3 areas, Orikhiv, Velyka Novosilka and Bakhmut, they did not probe the line in Kreminna. That tells me something is off in Kreminna.

Just a hunch, I maybe wrong.
Not exactly, Russians cannot sustain an indefinite war. Invaded country will always be at an advantage as long as it can fight back. Sure Ukraine can't fight conventional war indefinitely, but it can mount low intensity guerilla warfare as long as necessary. The same forced Soviets to leave Afghan lands. Ukrainians are much better fighters than Afghans and have a professional military plus superior weaponry for guerilla warfare.

This hype of Russians having Soviet warmachine capable of outstripping others in defense production is just false rhetoric. USSR war production was powerful because the West secretly helped them against Nazis and to continue the threat to feed their industrial complex. If the Russians did have this unstoppable defense production, we wouldn't be seeing WWII tanks in Ukraine right now.

Russia can't outstrip losses with production, that's pretty clear, otherwise they won't be resorted to using reserve tanks such as T-64 and you know the situation of equipment regeneration is particularly bad when they think using T-55 en-masse was a good idea. I mean, that's just common sense, if their production of new tank is able to catch up with losses, they will never dip into reserve stock. Unless they don't want to win this war.

Ukraine can, and probably already did start asymmetric warfare behind the line, all kind of story from Kherson partisan group has surfaced once Kherson has been liberated, while we haven't heard anything when they are still occupied. so we can probably assume the same effort was created, mor at least in place for Ukrainian partisan group when those territories felt to Russia, we just didn't hear about those stories like we never did on Kherson while it still under occupation.

The issue here for the Russian is that, like in WW2. Whether or not the Russian can curb the insurgency and start a defensive conventional war, because we have to expect there are going to be pro-Ukrainian element left inside these territories to provide Ukraine with information and even as an active participant for the defensive measure, this is what Germany failed to do back in WW2, and I don't really see Russian work is better than Germany in any parameter I can find. Which mean this is going to be tough for the Russian. Because you can't really fight a defensive war when you are also attacked from the inside.

That's why in my previous post, I gave them 30% chance that the Russian can hold the line intact in the next 2 months. I don't see any evidence suggest the Russian can deal with the insurgency activities as it ramp up, which if we assume there are insurgent element inside, then it is naturally we have to assume they will ramp up partisan activities to aid the counter offensive.

Oh yeah the same about Makarivka where it went from "we retreated to allow them in and bomb them hard" "we recaptured the settlement" to "our counter attacks failed, the Ukrainians are still in".
That's what they said all the time.

When the Russian retreat from Kharkiv, these people say "Oh we retreat to bomb them from across Russia"

When the Russian retreat from Kherson, they say "We are going to use nuke, so we withdraw."

Did you remember this post being circulated here around the time those places being liberated??

What funny is that it is the same people who said "Russian is fighting the war with kids gloves so not to damage the country and population much."

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