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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

NATO in DEEP trouble already- IF NATO is unable to defeat Russia in Ukraine (because NATO is fighting Russia there via proxy), then NATO is in a lose -lose situation - Russia remains a threat and potent enemy that hasnt been subdued, AND NATO has little chance of defeating China. If NATO is able to "defeat" Russia in Ukraine, it wont be able to defeat China, because it will have spent too much resources, money and men to subdue Russia. Go thank Biden.
An unknown American expert.

The west said no such thing.

Why do you post every pro-Russia post you see on Twitter? Half of the shit you post ends up making the Russians look like buffoons with no common sense.

For you, it is a pro-Russia post. For me, it is something closer to the truth. Anything that diverges from the mainstream lame media is closer to the truth. Unlike you and other pre-programmed shills, I'm only interested in the truth.
According to some statistics and estimates, the total value of resources and minerals in Ukraine could be up to 15 trillion USD. Ukraine can use its minerals and resources to pay its debts to the west.

These vast amounts of minerals were reported to be in the Donbas and Southern Ukraine - areas that are contested by the Russian-speaking communities.

Stop lying.

The South African president’s press briefing in Kiev at minute 1.20 , he calls out the missile strikes.

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You're either purposely deflecting and looking the other way or you're genuinely blind if you refute that external entities had no hand in the regime change operation in Ukraine. John McCain, Victoria Nuland, Oleksii Arestovych, Joe Biden just to name a few who have been caught via tapped phones or on video admitting to purposely incite the populous and engineer the Maidan against the democratic government elect in Ukraine. But as stated, continue to bury your head in the sand.

Are you for real? jstor is based in the US. Of course they'll release "academic research" which is peer reviewed by pro-US individuals before publication. I wouldn't take it as ultimate truth. Just like the UN, such organisations are manipulated.

Funny how you use the Soviet Union and Russia interchangeably. They're not the same thing.
And no I don't think Russia is purely innocent. But let's put it this way, their record is far better then NATO's in-terms of interference in other countries affairs. Take Africa for Example, now having had enough of the West are ditching the dollar and taking a stand to the decades of enslavement. On the other hand, their elected leaders are welcoming China & Russia.
Even a blind man can see who the aggressor is.....

And it's those "Ukrainian People with Values" who now realise that Ukraine is now the most corrupt it has ever been under the leadership of the Clown and his pal Ihor Kolomoyskyi and they are getting nothing but misery under their visionary leadership.
I thought this was a ‘War’ thread on how the war is going. It’s in its 15 month , and you and the previous poster are still debating the moral origins of the war. Get on with it: at this point the morality of who and how it began is getting less and less relevant. Support whichever your side is on to win it vs, go back and forth on who has just cause in the war. NATO is not innocent but neither is Russia (I mean Russia, not USSR). In WWII it arbitrarily wanted Finnish land it had no claim on and Finland resisted and war started.

And now all these decades later, Finland has its revenge by joining NATO.

As for Africa ditching the dollar. You are talking about worthless countries that produce nothing, consume aid, and go into debt. I am not talking about African people, I am talking about the Governments. So them ditching the dollar has no meaningful impact since they export very little. They are all indebted in dollars so now they want to go to a different currency and run that debt up till the Chinese won’t loan them any more money.

It’s as if you run your household mostly on credit and you owe a lot of money corner store 1 and one day you decide that eventually store 1 won’t front you the money to buy rice so you go to corner store 2 to start buying rice on credit.

African countries are not making a moral argument out of strength. It’s out of desperation. And lets see how benevolent the Chinese and Russians are after this: what in the hell are they going to import from Africa that they would value in return for the goods they sell them.

I think it is safe to assume that the Ukraine counter-offensive has been shout down effectively. I know this kind of offensives especially when the foe has already prepared everything for it..

But But.. It is to early to say that entirely because the offensive is approx only 10 days old and there is plenty of time left to go and see if they can breach the russian lines everywhere but honestly I can't envision anything else then a dog-fight and a grind for years
I thought after Bakhmout and glorious Russian victory , roads were going to be cut off and Ukrainians were going to be encircled . Thats been forgotten and now the criticism that Ukrainian’s offensive is not fast enough? WHen technically game over for them with capture of that town
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For you, it is a pro-Russia post. For me, it is something closer to the truth. Anything that diverges from the mainstream lame media is closer to the truth. Unlike you and other pre-programmed shills, I'm only interested in the truth.
So you believe baseless rumors with zero evidence presented?

Good to know. 👍👍

You aren't interested in the truth, the previous thread and the 2000+ pages on this thread prove as much.

You're interested in validation.

It's called confirmation bias, look it up some time.

These vast amounts of minerals were reported to be in the Donbas and Southern Ukraine - areas that are contested by the Russian-speaking communities.

So it's been a year since he showed his stupidity?

🤣 🤣 🤣
So your genius theory is that Ukraine attacked itself to impress Ramaphosa?
Don't put words into Ramaphosa's mouth. He said what he said and he never said the missiles are Russian

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