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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Even if Russia were able to produce 100 T90s per month, whats the point? (They probably cant even produce 10 per month). They havent used a large tank force in any assault in this war. They are just covering small infantry units. They might aswell produce a 125 mm towed field gun.
They are to replace the T72-80..

No matter what the twitterverse is saying, Russia cant replace the T-72 and T-80 loses in Ukraine in a foreseeable future. Replacing them with T-90 is a total fantasy,
Not a fantasy.. wake up from your own non-sense dreams.. Russia produced more than 40 000 tanks during WWII and everyone knows that WWII went on for a span of 4 years in total!
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Putin should be really concerned knowing the sacrifice of Wagner soldiers lead to most of the russian captured territory in this period. The russian armed forces are not able to do offensive operations, and now Wagner is exausted.
If the much tooted ukrainian offensive brigades and leadership has evolved into something not working with a sovjet mindset where initiative is punished, like the russian armed forces, it is going to be a great summer.
Now the ukrainian president is back in Ukraine, I expect the offensive to kick off.
I dont comment I this thread but this is just so stupid.
I can't believe Russians are so inept. I would rate Indian and Pakistani army way way better than Russia.
1st I had thought they had crappy hardware but even if the hardware is at 60% level of thier hype, the sheer number was enough to make up for it.

I think Russia doesn't do exercise/train enough to have a very good army. I was looking for record if Russia does combined air and army exercises like India does, or number of hours during peace time , only reference I found was that India has way more hours than russia. And it does play critical role during war.

Only good videos I have seen are individual bravery but no company level successful activity. I guess it all comes to how u train during peace time.

Ofcourse Russia will repel this attack but this is so stupid.where are thier attack helicopters, it's inside thier territory lol
There are no "Company" level action for Russia.....simply because they don't operate on that level. The deployment level for Russia is Battalion as in Battalion Group. Russia traditionally don't use small unit tactics and they instead of massing force to hit the enemy with a concentrated strike, and overwhelm their enemy that way. But that would expose their logistic and maneuverability, hence the 40 miles convoy (or 40 km convoy, I don't remember which one) in the beginning of the war

And the reason why they are being attacked within their own territories is simply because majority of their combat power were inside Ukraine. and earlier in the war, Russia has an unrestricted policy to allow Ukrainian that live in DPR and LNR region to move to Russia. Without factoring in the fact that Ukraine having a lot of sleeper cell inside those territories since 2014. Meaning a lot of them are allowed to move into Russia freely.

Well, in a sense Russia would repel these attack but if they turn into active insurgency, that will present a problem for Russia because it will pop up this time in Belgorod, next time it may be some other part of Russia which make Russian deployment cycle more complicated, because even if they can crush those attack, Russian would need to deploy quite a lot more resource for attack back home which strain the resource for operation in Ukraine.

Not a fantasy.. wake up from your own non-sense dreams.. Russia produced more than 40 000 tanks during WWII and everyone knows that WWiI went on for a span of 4 years in total!
You are making the mistake comparing modern day Russia with the Sovjet Union late WW2. I know its part of the Russian narrative, but its not Russia today.
The Sovjet Union had 10 tank factories producing cans with tracks and a canon. Today Russia has 1 modern tank factory not even producing 1/10 of the tanks they are losing in Ukraine.
The secrets of the counteroffensive is revealed and it was all along a hit on Belgorod. All this Russian freedom legion is just a bluff but they are Ukrainians who speak Russian.

This was an audacious move and also one that creates an escalation to a point of no-return. The bravery of Ukraine is risky. I gotta admit that was brave but Russia gonna Russia and go crazy on Ukraine.

Mann all of this just comes off to me as major miscalculation or I could be mistaken. Going into the bears den is just not a wise move and highly escalatory.

Russia is not buying this russian freedom legion narrative and in fact nobody is but they are Ukrainians who crossed over and want to splid the war into Russia. The Kremlin may not react to this restrained

Not a fantasy.. wake up from your own non-sense dreams.. Russia produced more than 40 000 tanks during WWII and everyone knows that WWiI went on for a span of 4 years in total!
Ww2 and today are different. Also the USSR and the Russian Federation are two different entities.

Even then, the US had to lend vehicles, tanks, weapons and ammo to the Russians for them to even stand a chance against the German forces.

The Russians of today don't have anywhere near the industrial capacity that the USSR had.

This offensive has been kicking off for months. Yes, it might happen, but the chances of it succeeding are between zero and none.
Are you talking about the Ukrainian offensive? It hasn't even started yet. They have yet to receive all of the vital systems they need to start their offensive, though they're getting pretty close.

Anyway, considering the RFL and RVC both quickly did on Russian territory in a day which Wagner and the RF took 8-9 months to do in Bakhmut, I think Ukraine is gonna do just fine.


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