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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Fucking basic geography is my fucking claim.

It's very relevant because you tried to attack my credibility. I merely pointed out your own mistakes as well.

What's the point? No matter what number I'm gonna give you, you're just gonna sat its western propaganda. How do I know? You've literally done this with me in the past.

The only path forward from Bakhmut is Chasiv yar. How the hell is that leading to the rest of the donbass region?

Seriously, basically fucking geography.

No, but when you question other's credibility, make sure you don't sure you don't have a stain on your record.

glass houses and all that.

Ukraine actually has far more reserves, because by its very defensive nature it is using less soldier to defend. Reserves are kept back for offensive actions.

You not only have a shit understanding of geography, but a shit understanding of war.

after 8 months.

Just like Ukraine was never gonna get Kherson back, right?

the Russian control over the remaining part of Kherson will disappear as well, the Ukrainians arent exactly oushing there right now. Your comment is not only dumb, but literally a lie.

The offensive hasn't even begun.

Once again, your literally just making shit up now.

Russia hasnt done anything of significance.

You have zero understanding of how war works. So you have to make shit up as you go along.

the fact you said this innany serious manner proves you shouldnt be taken seriously.

Go ahead. I'm not like you, if I'm wrong I admit it.

In this case however, I'm confident Ukraine will take back Bakhmut, even if my timing if off by a bit.

Russia was never prepared, Ukraine was. That is why Ukraine is winning and Russia is losing.

Wagner is leaving Bakhmut and handing over the city to RF because Prigozhin knows Russia is fucked. He just wanted a victory to prove his point, and once Bakhmut is taken back by Ukraine, Prigozhin is gonna use it to increase his influence.
In the first month (March 2022), we already knew it would be a War of Attrition, which was not in Russia's interest at all.

Russia's industry output is far behind NATO. Military budget is much lower, not to mention technique.

I am just saying the facts which everyone knew.

The only way Russia may win this war is that:
  1. Russia eliminate Ukraine Army in the first 1–2 weeks
  2. Conquer Lviv, cut Poland and Ukraine supply route.

Those never happened.
In the first month (March 2022), we already knew it would be a War of Attrition, which was not in Russia's interest at all.

Russia's industry output is far behind NATO. Military budget is much lower, not to mention technique.

I am just saying the facts which everyone knew.

The only way Russia may win this war is that:
  1. Russia eliminate Ukraine Army in the first 1–2 weeks
  2. Conquer Lviv, cut Poland and Ukraine supply route.

Those never happened.
I agree. I would also like to add that if Russia limited its goals to the Donbass region from the very beginning, instead of trying to conquer all of Ukraine, Russia would have likely won and the world would have moved on by now.

Russia's ambitions were greater than Russia'a military capabilities.

Second best military? They aren't even the second best in this war, that would be Wagner who holds that title. Russia shouldn't even be in the top 5.
American cowards like Tulsi Gabbard do not seem to understand that US is strong because of its foreign commitments and assurances. If US excuse itself from these commitments then this will be the day US will loose its superpower status.

Europe can take care of itself if it comes down to it.

Japan can also develop nuclear weapons on a short notice.
Ignoring the simpletons that think Bakhmut (53rd city of ukraine) falling after a year constitutes some major strategic victory for russia.

How are the F16s going to alter the battlefield?
The russian airforce is mostly MIA due to high initial losses and Ukraines air defence. However it did seem they switched tactic to long range missiles and glide bombs.

Are the F16 going to come with a set of missiles outranging the russians?
Or are they gonna use them more for Jdams/own glide bombs, or perhaps Harm-SEAD?

Numerically speaking, Ukraine would need hundreds of fighter-bombers to make a difference, so from that perspective, 20-something F-16s would not make a dent considering at the onset of the war, the VKS outgunned the UkAF 1000-something to 100-something. On the other hand, the reason the VKS was largely ineffective over Ukraine has more to do with doctrines than with technical capabilities of the aviation fleet. The losses the VKS suffered were more of that lack of effective combat doctrines than because of Ukrainian air defense. Am not making jabs at the Ukrainians because you have to exploit any and all weaknesses your opponents exposed. The issue with doctrines is that it is almost impossible to change them on the fly. You can have individual wings or even down to the squadron level that can modify specific tactics to suit unique combat situations that may continue to exist or may never be seen again. Doctrines are force wide so what is an 'issue' is now a genuine problem for Russia. The VKS war time doctrines apparently have been static since the collapse of the SU. Borders changed and with those changes came different geopolitics. Newer technologies displaced older ones. So for 30+ yrs, the VKS never changed with the world.

What the F-16 WILL do is force the UkAF to create a new way of waging an air war over its own country. Some F-16 tactics will not be applicable because those tactics requires the support of other platforms such as AWACS or ground controllers, leaving individual squadrons to innovate on their own. Now think back to WW II vis-a-vis the Flying Tigers in China against JPN. That is how the F-16 will be employed over Ukraine.

The F-16 is visually difficult to discern, even when loaded with two externals for longer distance sorties. So one usage would be for the F-16 to strike into Russia proper just over the Ukr-Rus border. With US/NATO AWACS providing 'look ahead' info, Ukr F-16s can avoid Russian ground radar systems and possible VKS intercepts.

This is one yr ago...

...Russia has surface-to-air missiles, or SAMs, in enough locations that it can shoot down Ukrainian jets in almost all parts of the country,...​

The deeper into Russia, the greater the political apprehension between the US, Russia, and the EU. The F-16 is flexible enough to strike along the borders and survive. Breadth, not (yet) depth.

Since the Ukr F-16 will not air refuel because that would require US/NATO involvement, we can eliminate complex missions so that would be points A to B then back to A, unlike Desert Storm where the US had literally mission changes while our jets were in the air. Even if Ukr F-16s have US/NATO AWACS support, Ukr F-16s will still be limited to whatever fuel each jet carries, so most of the time, it would still be A-B-A. Ukr F-16s cannot afford to fly into international airspace to air refuel because that would require constant US/NATO coordination which would increase political tensions between the US, Russia, and the EU, so it is back to A-B-A again. As long as the VKS remains doctrinally incompetent, Ukr F-16s can maintain the Flying Tigers style air guerrilla warfare to its advantage.

The four-ship is combat tested and no air force is better than US at using it. For a small jet with maximum human G tolerance like the F-16, the four-ship is practically ideal against SAM sites. The flight would break up into attacking pairs and engage from different directions at different altitudes. The SAM site has no choice but to engage at least one direction probably at or near maximum range in order to refocus to the other attacker pairs. The problem for the SAM site is precisely because the F-16 has that high-G capability at constant airspeed. It reduces the F-16's reorient time on the target, basically, a smaller turning circle. One pair evade the missiles while the other closes. The first attackers can even launch a HARM to force the SAM site to momentarily shut off its radar. Because modern technology reduces that re-engage time, coordination between the pairs is critical and training specifically for this tactic is required, but do-able against Russian SAM sites because the F-16 can data link to all attackers as to who is doing what at when. Another trick the F-16 done in Desert Storm was the EM decoy against SAM sites to increase survivability in closer engagement ranges. Two four-ship against a single SAM site pushes the odds of combat success over the 50/50 threshold. Three four-ship is practically guaranteed. The major problem for Russia remains the same -- doctrinal incompetence. Even if Russia has 100 SAM sites, the destruction of just one WILL be psychologically damaging because if one site is destroyed on Monday, who is to say Tuesday or Thursday will be any different? Ukr F-16s does not have to produce mass casualties. Just as the Flying Tigers created gaps in JPN's logistic lines, Ukr F-16s can create gaps on Russia's border radars.

Just a few thoughts on what the F-16 can do for Ukraine without US/NATO involvement. :enjoy:
Numerically speaking, Ukraine would need hundreds of fighter-bombers to make a difference, so from that perspective, 20-something F-16s would not make a dent considering at the onset of the war, the VKS outgunned the UkAF 1000-something to 100-something. On the other hand, the reason the VKS was largely ineffective over Ukraine has more to do with doctrines than with technical capabilities of the aviation fleet. The losses the VKS suffered were more of that lack of effective combat doctrines than because of Ukrainian air defense. Am not making jabs at the Ukrainians because you have to exploit any and all weaknesses your opponents exposed. The issue with doctrines is that it is almost impossible to change them on the fly. You can have individual wings or even down to the squadron level that can modify specific tactics to suit unique combat situations that may continue to exist or may never be seen again. Doctrines are force wide so what is an 'issue' is now a genuine problem for Russia. The VKS war time doctrines apparently have been static since the collapse of the SU. Borders changed and with those changes came different geopolitics. Newer technologies displaced older ones. So for 30+ yrs, the VKS never changed with the world.

What the F-16 WILL do is force the UkAF to create a new way of waging an air war over its own country. Some F-16 tactics will not be applicable because those tactics requires the support of other platforms such as AWACS or ground controllers, leaving individual squadrons to innovate on their own. Now think back to WW II vis-a-vis the Flying Tigers in China against JPN. That is how the F-16 will be employed over Ukraine.

The F-16 is visually difficult to discern, even when loaded with two externals for longer distance sorties. So one usage would be for the F-16 to strike into Russia proper just over the Ukr-Rus border. With US/NATO AWACS providing 'look ahead' info, Ukr F-16s can avoid Russian ground radar systems and possible VKS intercepts.

This is one yr ago...

...Russia has surface-to-air missiles, or SAMs, in enough locations that it can shoot down Ukrainian jets in almost all parts of the country,...​

The deeper into Russia, the greater the political apprehension between the US, Russia, and the EU. The F-16 is flexible enough to strike along the borders and survive. Breadth, not (yet) depth.

Since the Ukr F-16 will not air refuel because that would require US/NATO involvement, we can eliminate complex missions so that would be points A to B then back to A, unlike Desert Storm where the US had literally mission changes while our jets were in the air. Even if Ukr F-16s have US/NATO AWACS support, Ukr F-16s will still be limited to whatever fuel each jet carries, so most of the time, it would still be A-B-A. Ukr F-16s cannot afford to fly into international airspace to air refuel because that would require constant US/NATO coordination which would increase political tensions between the US, Russia, and the EU, so it is back to A-B-A again. As long as the VKS remains doctrinally incompetent, Ukr F-16s can maintain the Flying Tigers style air guerrilla warfare to its advantage.

The four-ship is combat tested and no air force is better than US at using it. For a small jet with maximum human G tolerance like the F-16, the four-ship is practically ideal against SAM sites. The flight would break up into attacking pairs and engage from different directions at different altitudes. The SAM site has no choice but to engage at least one direction probably at or near maximum range in order to refocus to the other attacker pairs. The problem for the SAM site is precisely because the F-16 has that high-G capability at constant airspeed. It reduces the F-16's reorient time on the target, basically, a smaller turning circle. One pair evade the missiles while the other closes. The first attackers can even launch a HARM to force the SAM site to momentarily shut off its radar. Because modern technology reduces that re-engage time, coordination between the pairs is critical and training specifically for this tactic is required, but do-able against Russian SAM sites because the F-16 can data link to all attackers as to who is doing what at when. Another trick the F-16 done in Desert Storm was the EM decoy against SAM sites to increase survivability in closer engagement ranges. Two four-ship against a single SAM site pushes the odds of combat success over the 50/50 threshold. Three four-ship is practically guaranteed. The major problem for Russia remains the same -- doctrinal incompetence. Even if Russia has 100 SAM sites, the destruction of just one WILL be psychologically damaging because if one site is destroyed on Monday, who is to say Tuesday or Thursday will be any different? Ukr F-16s does not have to produce mass casualties. Just as the Flying Tigers created gaps in JPN's logistic lines, Ukr F-16s can create gaps on Russia's border radars.

Just a few thoughts on what the F-16 can do for Ukraine without US/NATO involvement. :enjoy:

F-16s might be used to provide CAS to the troops on the ground?

Russian SAM systems are legitimate targets?
F-16s might be used to provide CAS to the troops on the ground?
Personally, I would go centerline fuel for more weapons hardpoints for CAS. Of course, this would limit the combat range and loiter time as CAS usually desired.

Russian SAM systems are legitimate targets?
Illegitimate how? Serious question. If the issue is locations of those SAM sites, then the problem is %100 political, not technical. If the intent is CAS, then Ukr have no choice but to take out Russian SAM sites before CAS. This is a unique situation because the CAS front is practically inside an air defense radius.
In the first month (March 2022), we already knew it would be a War of Attrition, which was not in Russia's interest at all.

Russia's industry output is far behind NATO. Military budget is much lower, not to mention technique.

I am just saying the facts which everyone knew.

The only way Russia may win this war is that:
  1. Russia eliminate Ukraine Army in the first 1–2 weeks
  2. Conquer Lviv, cut Poland and Ukraine supply route.

Those never happened.
You don’t understand. Putin is a daydreamer. The Russians are daydreamers. Russia’s industrial output is nothing. The Russians go to war under following delusions.

Russia has the world’s second most powerful army. Russia army is invincible. Russia weapons first class. The west is corrupt it is weak. Ukraine army is an ant, nothing. Russia’s defense minister Shoigu says his mother, a woman initially coming from Ukraine, Ukraine army would not fight Russia. Can’t you believe that? the mother of defense minister is probably the root cause for the worst historic mistake ever why Russia goes to a war totally unprepared.

That’s why Putin plans this war as a 3 day walking.
Interview with danish F-16 instructor: if training of ukrainian pilots is limited to defensive operations, air to air, they will be ready in 6 months - given they understand english. Including offensive operations would take 12 months of retraining.

12 months? I am not sure if Ukraine has this much time. Decision to provide F-16s is late, if this is correct.

Bakhmut is destroyed for sure.

I recall some members claiming that Russia is being soft on Ukraine. I told these members that this is foolish assumption. Russia is going all out on Ukraine and you will see Ukrainian cities being reduced to rubble in the process. It started with Mariupol.

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