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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Am willing to be generous that if they served their countries, I have no problems with them supporting Russia. At least at some points in their lives, by wearing a uniform, they had at least in theory had their lives at risk should their countries called on them. Now, they can be as blood thirsty against Ukraine, a country that made no impact to their lives. But yes, this is a military oriented forum, they done nothing in military service, do not know what it is like to live a disciplined life let alone been in combat, and they are cheering for an aggressor Russia, another country that had no impact to their lives. It make you wonder about their psyches.

yes you lot can do the dirty work and the fighting on behalf of the politicians because you are expendable not educated to fit into society, school drop out had no future joined the army got the badge so now can start to decide what educated people can do

keep crying

anyone of you low life ever call Israel a aggressor, No so you should stay quite

Again, I went to Ukraine last April during all thes shit under Air Raid siren for what I believe in, would you go to Russia to show your support for what you believe in?

I don't think so.

why should I put myself in harms way when I can live a good life I'm not that stupid

school drops like you with no education usually do come up with such stupid comments
yes you lot can do the dirty work and the fighting on behalf of the politicians because you are expendable not educated to fit into society, school drop out had no future joined the army got the badge so now can start to decide what educated people can do

keep crying

anyone of you low life ever call Israel a aggressor, No so you should stay quite
If you are that contemptuous of military service, then WTF are you doing here? As far as education goes, using the US military enlisted ranks as example, good luck trying to get to senior without at least a BA/S combined between civilian and military education.
Am willing to be generous that if they served their countries, I have no problems with them supporting Russia. At least at some points in their lives, by wearing a uniform, they had at least in theory had their lives at risk should their countries called on them. Now, they can be as blood thirsty against Ukraine, a country that made no impact to their lives. But yes, this is a military oriented forum, they done nothing in military service, do not know what it is like to live a disciplined life let alone been in combat, and they are cheering for an aggressor Russia, another country that had no impact to their lives. It make you wonder about their psyches.
They can be "As Blood Thirsty" as much as they can talk. And we can all talk.

That's all the problem out there right now. People who started this war have no horse in this race, Russia can leave anytime if they wanted to, sending people into war in killed and getting killed for what? Nothing other than more bloodshed.

This part is what these "supporter" will not know, talked to some Ukrainian and even some Russian when I was over there last April., They all asked the same question, why? There aren't really a point to go to war for something that can be fixed politically. and what the Russian thinking? They think they can march in and the Ukranian would simply not fight them and surrender? The play they are making is the West is making them fight, the very fact is the West is all but abandoned the Ukrainian in the first few weeks when they have nothing to fight with, and no formation to train with. And yet, these people still manage to resist.

People who was in war would know, it's never BS like serving your country or whatever BS you buy or they want you to buy is the reason you fight, you fight for a clause you fight for something you believe in, that's why people fight, and the Russian, and its supporter here and abroad didn't really understand that mentality. Why would they? They were cheering 1000 miles away without rocket and bomb being dropped on their home. That's goes for both Russian and "These" supporter. When you do, then you know why you fight.
The video is old that is true.. but the fact is all roads to Bakhmut are under Russian fire control.. So the poster might have wanted to show how it looks like.. but it was silly to post an old video for that..no need to justify facts..
Knowing Twitter, this was a deliberate pro russian fake news attempt.
The word “fire control” has been used for months. The ukrainians are obviously using the dirt roads west of Bakhmut for transports, and maybe using the paved roads north and south if trying to do counter attacks.
If you are that contemptuous of military service, then WTF are you doing here? As far as education goes, using the US military enlisted ranks as example, good luck trying to get to senior without at least a BA/S combined between civilian and military education.

then WTF are you doing go f$ck off to Ukraine and fight loser

dont go preaching BS to others when you are the loser

military service my a$$

I know dumb school drop outs like you cant even work out pocket change from McDonald's
why should I put myself in harms way when I can live a good life I'm not that stupid

school drops like you with no education usually do come up with such stupid comments
Well, sure, you just hide behind someone who WILL die in battle to cheer them on and egg them on, am I right? As I said, I don't really care if you support Russian or Ukrainian, this is not a football game, where you don't go egg on people when those people are facing death.

That is the people I despised the most, and when you have no god damn clue about something yet you egg people on, these people, YOU, are the worse. Because i was treated badly, so I wish bad thing happens to some people.

And then talking about stupid comment LOL
then WTF are you doing go f$ck off to Ukraine and fight loser

dont go preaching BS to others when you are the loser

military service my a$$

I know dumb school drop outs like you cant even work out pocket change from McDonald's
No. Serious minded people in this forum, few as they are, know that ignoramuses like YOU are the true loser.
The war lasted to this point, the Russians had no choice, they were forced into a corner, there was no way back.

If they accept to withdraw, it means they admit defeat. It is a blow to the honor and spirit of the Russian people, Russia will be a farce, insulted and humiliated for a hundred years.

So even knowing that they did wrong, the Russians can't go back, they have to fight to the end, fight until victory. Use iron and blood to bring honor to Russia.

The war ends when either the last Ukrainian is dead or the last Russian is dead.
People who was in war would know, it's never BS like serving your country or whatever BS you buy or they want you to buy is the reason you fight, you fight for a clause you fight for something you believe in, that's why people fight, and the Russian, and its supporter here and abroad didn't really understand that mentality. Why would they? They were cheering 1000 miles away without rocket and bomb being dropped on their home. That's goes for both Russian and "These" supporter. When you do, then you know why you fight.

then why Americans giving billions In aid to Israel when Israel never benefited USA?

USS Liberty caused the deaths of 34 sailors and yet US still support Israel


but then school drop losers like you who claim to have military service are too thick and stupid to add 1+1 together
The war lasted to this point, the Russians had no choice, they were forced into a corner, there was no way back.

If they accept to withdraw, it means they admit defeat. It is a blow to the honor and spirit of the Russian people, Russia will be a farce, insulted and humiliated for a hundred years.

So even knowing that they did wrong, the Russians can't go back, they have to fight to the end, fight until victory. Use iron and blood to bring honor to Russia.
Hard to do that when they are the one invading. Because you are asking people to die for something that's wasn't yours.
then why Americans giving billions In aid to Israel when Israel never benefited USA?

USS Liberty caused the deaths of 34 sailors and yet US still support Israel


but then school drop losers like you who claim to have military service are too thick and stupid to add 1+1 together
First, tone down the insult. Or stop talking about School Drop loser (whatever that mean) when you use insult to bring out your point. If you cannot articulate your point via a "educated" fashion, you don't have the right to then criticize the education level of others.

Second, who told you I support Israel?

Thirdly, you do know what is "Whataboutism"? Again, just because US did that and Russia is okay when they do similar thing? The moment you support Russia doing the same thing is the moment YOU LOST THAT MORALE HIGH HORSE. You no longer can criticize what US support Israel. And when you do, that is the definition of hypocrisy

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