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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

What an arrogance! There is a country invading another one regardless all contracted guarantees of its borders, its killing its peoples, its infrastructure and is levelling civilian areas without mercy and you are expecting the attacked country is not allowed to react and counterattack? :hitwall: :crazy:

As per your attitude all Ukrainians should just sit and wait until the Russian's slaughter them? ... seems the only clown here is you. :omghaha:

The Donbass is being liberated. It is now Russia. The sooner Ukraine accepts this new reality, the better. Otherwise Russian ambitions will go on till Kiev. It is the clown of Kiev who is responsible for this conflict and sentencing Ukraininans to a brutal war.
Seems like the Clown is delaying his return to Ukraine from a trip abroad. Probably shitting his tracksuit bottoms that the attack on the Kremlin will now move him up the target list.
Ukraine has ~30 times more howitzer/gun artillery than Germany.

Russia has a magnitude more than Ukraine.

Artillery Is Breaking in Ukraine. It’s Becoming a Problem for the Pentagon.​

Germany needs to rearm to beyond Ukraine's strength in artillery.

Ukraine’s Artillery Might Be Winning The War With Russia​

Russia is holding back their air force, their massive air defense capabilities, and holding back their bombs.

Russian Ground Forces are overwhelmingly greater than the European Union combined. As Ukraine struggles against Russia with thousands of Ukrainian artillery guns. Germany has only about 100 howitzers.

Don't expect Trump and the Russia Republicans to save Europe and NATO.

Germany and Europe must re-arm their ground forces.
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Artillery is the biggest killer in Ukraine, accounting for perhaps 80% of casualties on both sides.
Not only killed/injured personnel. Artillery is used to take out heavy weapons.

Ukraine has just enough artillery to match the Russians. The decisive factor is the precision artillery rounds. Though if Ukraine only had 100 artillery to start the war, as Germany does, they would have 0 within weeks and months due to returned Russian shelling (and bombing) to destroy those few howitzers.

How Ukraine's artillery is doing more damage than Russia's, even with fewer rounds​

If Ukraine had the ammo supply with only 100 howitzers, Ukraine would be losing the artillery war. It is the combined having thousands of artillery guns and precision ammo for those guns that give Ukraine the advantage vs overwhelming Russian numerical advantage.
Artillery is the biggest killer in Ukraine, accounting for perhaps 80% of casualties on both sides.
Not only killed/injured personnel. Artillery is used to take out heavy weapons.

Ukraine has just enough artillery to match the Russians. The decisive factor is the precision artillery rounds. Though if Ukraine only had 100 artillery to start the war, as Germany does, they would have 0 within weeks and months due to returned Russian shelling (and bombing) to destroy those few howitzers.

How Ukraine's artillery is doing more damage than Russia's, even with fewer rounds​

If Ukraine had the ammo supply with only 100 howitzers, Ukraine would be losing the artillery war. It is the combined having thousands of artillery guns and precision ammo for those guns that give Ukraine the advantage vs overwhelming Russian numerical advantage.
The Russians are hardcore. They will skip breakfast and dinner to save money for more ammo. Otherwise people cannot understand how Russians artillery can fire 60,000 rounds per day during the height of artillery war. They fire 8,000 missiles on Ukraine soil since invasion.
That drone attack doesn't look like any serious attempt, false flag?

Has Russia carried out a FALSE FLAG 'assassination attempt' on Putin?​

Ukraine denies Kremlin strike drone was theirs - as Moscow rages Kyiv 'must now be DESTROYED'​

>> Looks like a false flag operation...
A view of the history of this conflict. This war began decades before 2014 and the aggressors are clearly NATO and the West in general. I URGE all members to watch the following. All will become clear as to why I support the Russian camp in this conflict.
@Foinikas - I know you know of this scholar. A very interesting lecture indeed of how Russia has been played by the west since the 1850's, stabbed in the back time and time again. They're now fighting back to preserve their motherland. So long as they retain the Donbas and Crimea which gives them control of the black sea, it will be a Russian strategic victory that the west won't be able to stomach.

You should check your sources instead of acting just as a Russian-propaganda clown!

Again, even if I cannot understand your support to Russia and hate against the West and Ukraine, I anyway must accept this ... what I however cannot is this constant twisting words, lying., spreading fakes and lies to justify this horror and even more that joy in each and every post whenever a Ukrainian civil object is hit.

That's just plain shameful ... but again, I cannot change this and you have to figure out alone with your conscience or creator, whether a perhaps understandable hatred against "the evil West" can justify a general joy at the suffering of innocent people - and even more the suffering of innocent people, which are in no way responsible for the crimes of the evil "West" in other countries - is fair.

Has Russia carried out a FALSE FLAG 'assassination attempt' on Putin?​

Ukraine denies Kremlin strike drone was theirs - as Moscow rages Kyiv 'must now be DESTROYED'​

>> Looks like a false flag operation...

To think alone Ukraine would use to small tiny and lightly-loaded UAVs to kill Putin ? That alone is plain stupid and shows they are most likely desperately looking for an excuse to escalate even more...and if it was indeed an Ukrainian counterattack, it was more a symbolic act, maybe against that huge flag!
To think alone Ukraine would use to small tiny and lightly-loaded UAVs to kill Putin ? That alone is plain stupid and shows they are most likely desperately looking for an excuse to escalate even more...and if it was indeed an Ukrainian counterattack, it was more a symbolic act, maybe against that huge flag!
It did look like it detonated in the air right next to the flag. Seems like a symbolic statement. Could be the russians trying to justify its aggression and get the population to rally around the flag, or some russian opposition trying to create panic. I doubt the drones were launched from Ukraine.
Blind European narcissists ...

Blind European Narcissits can't stand the harsh reality: the Ukrainian Gambit 2008-: sacrificing Ukrainian pawns out of hatred for Russia is a bloody monstrosity.
Putin just has to stay away from the green countries in order to get away with unlawful deportation and transfer of population of occupied areas. Russia has been doing this for centuries.
View attachment 920765
I seem to remember some laughing at this. (925boy, Daylamite Warrior).
Not easy being the leader of a pariah state.

Blind European narcissists ...

Blind European Narcissits can't stand the harsh reality: the Ukrainian Gambit 2008-: sacrificing Ukrainian pawns out of hatred for Russia is a bloody monstrosity.
You need to escape the Matrix.
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