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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It's a lost cause and the Ukrainians should fall back to the next line of defense. Ukrainians really did make it painful for the Ruskies and if they keep us this valiant fight Russians may well run the negotiating table. Long live Ukraine.

It's not a lost cause; they are draining Russian manpower and equipment. It's a total war in that one city rather than countrywide. This allows Ukraine to train and equip new units for the battle in other areas and launch a counter-offensive.

The Russians, for lack of a better word, f*cked up in this war, far worse than Pakistan and India would have done.
Exactly correct, funny it was mere weeks after Blackrock increased their stake to 15%.
Always question the narrative.

Thank you.
People can support whom ever they like, that’s the beautiful thing about a democracy.
People can think I’m stupid because I support trump and visa versa, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a conversation about things.
Well, if I am not going to talk to any trump supporter, then I probably need to stop talking to nearly half the America, which is how much vote he get the last election.

I mean, this is like which pop star you support, some go with Taylor Swift, some go with Bieber, you may hate Taylor Swift or Justine Bieber, that does not mean you need to automatically hate the people who support them, it's their choice and their taste, that's the same thing as Political Leaders or even Parties.

I don't think Dem are enemy of Republican, I think they are American with another thought, and being an American, you are allowed to have independent thought. If and when you started to hate people because they have a different affiliation than you, then that's where America going down the hill.

Bakhmut is a killing zone It’s.there to chew up Russia’s remaining combat power. That being their ability to conduct offensive operations, it’s a series of choke points if you look at the map properly. It holds a lot of significance.
Bakhmut is another Mariupol for Ukraine, they do that to buy time and prepare for their own offensive, pinning the Russian down there the Ukrainian can release troop to go elsewhere.

As I said before the defence for Bakhmut is "low cost" which is why it was so bloodied, because the Ukrainian is using terrain in lieu of heavy equipment, thus sparing those equipment for upcoming counter offensive. And by doing so, Infantry take the blunt.

With or Without Trump, the MAGA Movement Is the Future of the Republican Party​

* An August Quinnipiac University poll showed that among registered Republican voters, 73% had a favorable view of Trump, while just 15% an unfavorable view. Almost 3 in 4 (72%) said they would like to see Trump run for president in 2024, with 25% saying they would not.

Republican Party is 'the MAGA party now,' Biden says after McCarthy audio's release​

Any Republican I know in the USA is MAGA. They believe in "family and nationalism". They are the new Christian Zionists. As Christian Zionists were the base of the Republican Party to support the neo-con PNAC war on terror. The MAGA are the base to support the new brand of the cia Republican Party. Without MAGA, Republicans lose to Democrats, as McCain and Romney lost. Because MAGA was not there in 2008 and 2012, China rose and got very powerful. Iran made itself a fortress. Democrats winning is bad for the USA Empire. The new PNAC of MAGA Republicans is pro-Russia and anti-China. Is for the importation of totalitarianism of Russia to the USA to deal with the liberals and those that don't support MAGA.

Trump Keeps Musing About Journalists Being Raped in Prison — He’s Not Joking​

A knowledgeable source tells Rolling Stone that the former president has wondered how he might be able to jail reporters if he retakes the White House

Trump is the deepstate and the deepstate is MAGA.

The Real Deep State Is Trump​

How the president has used William Barr and other officials to turn the government into his personal fiefdom

Trump is friends with Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, made use of Epstein's Lolita Express. Because neo-cons failed, MAGA is expected to carry the Republican banner and be the brand of the cia Republican Party. Why? To Make America Great Again. For PNAC Empire abroad. And Nazism at home. The stronger China, Iran and Europe are, the weaker the USA Empire is abroad. Europe chose to oppose MAGA and be for liberty and success in Europe, China chose to oppose MAGA, Iran chose to oppose MAGA. So these are the foreign enemies, the foes. The stronger freedom is in America, to oppose MAGA, the weaker the USA Empire is at home.

MAGA is the true face of the cia, which is racist Nazism of a one party state. Globalism was the cold war era policy to win support for America and defeat communist USSR. Europe is expendable/Globalism is expendable and MAGA prefer Europe to be occupied by Russia, rather than be controlled by opponents of Putin.

What’s at stake if Trump wins in 2024? Single-party authoritarian rule​

One-party rule is now the credo of Trump and his followers​

MAGA is for an American Empire of no resistance. Anti-MAGA is for an American Republic and American Democracy.

Anti-MAGA is for bilateral solutions to global issues. For a democratic multipolar global system.

MAGA is for Putin autocracy and Trump Nazism deciding the fate of nations.
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A funny read.

Saudi and OPEC + (that included Russia) had announced another oil production cut back a month ago, and the market actually absorbed that tbh quite serious 1 million barrel a day cut, Russia expected the oil price to go above $100 but instead it has fallen to <$80 and mostly flutrated between $78-$81the entire April

That show two things.

1.) Saudi and OPEC no longer have strong sway on oil price
2.) Big buyer is saturated, they can no longer affect oil market, which almost certainly mean China and India is either stop buying or close to stop, otherwise the oil price would have jacked up......
It's not a lost cause; they are draining Russian manpower and equipment. It's a total war in that one city rather than countrywide. This allows Ukraine to train and equip new units for the battle in other areas and launch a counter-offensive.

The Russians, for lack of a better word, f*cked up in this war, far worse than Pakistan and India would have done.

This whole war is basically about 1 city. Bakhmut.

Trump used to say such inflammatory things about Muslims, it's just disgraceful. Then his policies on Jerusalem and recognising the Golan heights as part of Israel. It's disgraceful. and criminal.

On the other hand, he has probably killed least amount of muslims since hmmmm, probably jimmy Carter. And didnt start any new wars. So, it's a tough one between him and Biden.

Aren't you worried if trump gets in he will cut off help to ukraine and leave europe to fend for itself?

Well it's very delusional having these fantasies about ukranian women. Just laughable. Last summer there were millions of ukranian women all over EU and I spend the whole summer there, and I'm not a bad looking fairly cashed up white guy. And the only ukranians I got close to were drunken male ones. In the end I found a Russian GF. So I dont think that poor fellow has a chance sadly. If he saves all the money he earns on his internet troll farm, perhaps he can find a poor russian village girl. But, he'd have to be very lucky even then.
I also am not a fan of his past policies toward Israel. However his handling of the economy and internal affairs are the policies I agree with and have the most effect on my life.l, you’ll never fully agree with any political.

As for Ukraine, I wouldn’t mind that scenario at all. As a German American and tax payer it’s far past time Europe take care of their own mess. Anyone with intelligence saw this war unfolding 5 years ago and Europe thought it was going to be business as usual. They bet wrong now it’s time to pay up.
They’re always crying they don’t want American meddling, well here’s their chance.
Russian Mig31 bursts into flames and crashes near NATO airspace

I also am not a fan of his past policies toward Israel. However his handling of the economy and internal affairs are the policies I agree with and have the most effect on my life.l, you’ll never fully agree with any political.

I suppose this means you're a white guy? (America as it is, there is no guarantee a German-American is a white guy) And your point of view would not be surprising to me if you were. I saw Trump as a last chance of the dispossessed white middle class to kick and scream before their civilisation is washed away by the LGBTIXYZ + minority alliance. Because I dont see there is a way to go back to an America of the 1950's.

Short of a civil war, the whites are doomed in America. So I do predict some sort of a civil war or at least some sort of a constitutional reworking where the white/red States get to live the old way and the liberal multiracial states get to have some sort of association and federal government is weakened.

Or maybe an Austria-Hungary set up with two presidents running the show

And trump wont/cant do much about the messed up state America is in, except throw more fire on it.

As for Ukraine, I wouldn’t mind that scenario at all. As a German American and tax payer it’s far past time Europe take care of their own mess. Anyone with intelligence saw this war unfolding 5 years ago and Europe thought it was going to be business as usual. They bet wrong now it’s time to pay up.
They’re always crying they don’t want American meddling, well here’s their chance.

Well that would be a disaster. I dont think it wold help America if half of europe is conquered by russia again. And I'm not sure how America would react if the next superpower was a federated EU. I mean it would have to be so if America pulls out and becomes isolationist.

Im sure the US deep state will not allow it to happen. They will force trump to keep helping ukraine. I'm sure of it.
On last Sunday the Ukraine secret service launched the most daring attack ever on Moscow in an attempt to kill Putin.

A suicide attack drone UJ-22 with 17kg bomb was flying 500km towards Moscow, evading Russia air defense. Putin wanted to visit the industrial park Rudnewo 20km near Moscow. However Putin failed to show off. He apparently canceled the visit. Putin, the lucky man.


Zelensky Asked Xi For A Favor. Bakhmut Is About To Fall. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.26

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