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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

In wars there is always someone who makes profits from bloodshed.

The ex wife of warmonger Putin made great profits with mini credits to poor Russians families. Sometimes Russia’s soldiers and conscripts don’t receive military protection gears from the army. So the poor families have to borrow money to buy military gears for their sons.

She has good laugh. Thanks to her controlled company carmoney she earns 600,000 Swiss franc last year.

Good business as loan shark

This is always bad for business, there is a say let the sleeping dog lies, you go hunt them down, it become the white elephant for you, before you know it, you devoted more resource than you need to and you lost the war.

And even if you can destroy them, that really do mean nothing as they can simply ask for another system to replace that.

Just rambled littile bit... main questiom is would this batch be suficient to stop more amd more deadly and precise russian air strikes.
Just rambled littile bit... main questiom is would this batch be suficient to stop more amd more deadly and precise russian air strikes.
You need 5 to cover the entire Ukrainian airspace, they have 3, that's a deficiency to begin with.

The problem is, as they were back last year, Ukrainian Military asset was very well protected, and civilian structure is not. That is the main reason why you don't hear Ukrainian C&C or any military infrastructure get hits often, the Russian strategy is to exhaust Ukrainian air defence means so that they can use their air force with impunity, but at the same time, the Ukrainian is doing what the Brits does during Battle of Britain, which basically just ignore the civilian structure being hit.

At this rate, we will probably see until the end of hostility, Russia Airstrike is going to target more and more civilian infrastructure, while that no doubt will create hardship and civilian casualty, that wouldn't change the war dynamic one bit.

Spacecom: U.S. Has Tracked 11,000 Launches In Ukraine-Russia Conflict​

COLORADO SPRINGS—The U.S. military says it has tracked more than 11,000 missile launches since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022 and is working to bolster Kyiv’s real-time awareness of the fighting.

U.S. Space Command Gen. James Dickinson highlighted the figure during a speech at the annual Space Symposium here, showcasing how the young force is contributing to global, real-world operations.

“Since the beginning of the conflict, U.S. Space Command also has provided more than 11,000 indications and warnings of theater launches to the NATO allies as well as our U.S. partners,” Dickinson says. “So suffice it to say, we’re busy, but busy doing good things for folks and units around the world.”

There is a russkie propaganda that russians in Ukraine were getting killed by Ukrainian authorities russia infiltrated russian militias in Ukraine the russian militias in Ukraine were trying to annex Ukrainian lands and make it part of russia plus they were raping Ukrainian womens and girls plus russian militias were involved in organ theft of innocent Ukrainian children's and organ trade of Ukrainian children whose mothers or father's died in russian held Ukrainian villages its what you reap so shall you sow russians are getting what they sowed for their entire lives for thier failed policies and failed foreign policies and thier actions on world stage
Lying in order to justify an invasion and annexation is probably not justified by the UN charter.

When the hell the UN charter even mattered? Post 9-11 world has changed the meaning of legal agreements; please don't bring that bathroom tissue paper document out again. Trying to ruin a good war show with that piece of sh*t.
When the hell the UN charter even mattered? Post 9-11 world has changed the meaning of legal agreements; please don't bring that bathroom tissue paper document out again. Trying to ruin a good war show with that piece of sh*t.
I didnt bring it out.
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