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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Right. Killing defending infantry in an urban environment is such an easy task. Why even bypass the city, when a frontal attack through rubble and high rise building on all sides is possible.

The city is a tight packed dense target rich environment. Defenders are shelled and bombed and it's difficult to supply and evacuate wounded. Sun Tzu 101
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90% of Bakhmut has fallen which means basically the city has fallen and Ukraine is fighting in the remaining quarters which is the western side
You seem to be equating the West's inflation to the rest of the world. The "World" or at least a growing majority has seen the economic tsunami coming and is taking the necessary steps of de-dollarization to best protect their countries.

Those states that are either stuck due to Western grip on those State's sovereignty to make independent economic and political policies. Or those states have suffered from decades of Western economic sanctions or the IMF/WB/Petrodollar debt-trap. It is these countries that are facing food shortages.

Another major contributing factor to food shortages is how the West has siphoned off large chunks of grain shipments from Ukraine and Russia. Reports of the theft committed by the West have been lodged in the UNSC on multiple occasions in the past year. This is despite the West being aware of the famines, food shortages and humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and other poor states.

But then again, Karma came right on cue to punish the thieves as Western states like Slovakia have put ban on Ukrainian grain, citing fatal pesticides detected. Or Poland whose local production has taken damaging hits due to cheap (or free) Ukrainian grain shipments, calling for a pause in import of grain from Ukraine.

I am the least bit worried about billionaires, but they are getting gutted as the Federal Reserve Bank prints more and more paper. Billionaires are a good indicator on how deep the West's economies have sunk.

London is losing its capital market, as petro-dollar becomes weaker and weaker. London's precious property market is set to lose more than 10% in value. Any sensible business minded person will take their money elsewhere to invest.

In a state with a population of 300 million plus, even the minority elites or semi-elites can fill up Disneyland. Besides they aren't gonna be able to enjoy their "Big SUVs" or have disposable income, by the time they've in the middle of summer. As the U.S economy will take a powerful hit this year.

I look forward to searching you down when that happens. Be sure to be online at that time.

No country is like America, which has a fraudulent economic system, invades other countries who chose to exercise independent policies, employs mafia tactics and bombs other states who choose to de-dollarize.

Ah you're talking about the same F-16s that were shot down in Serbia? Yes?

So what about them?
London Lost its capital markets to Frankfurt and Paris Bc of brexit. Not because of some big game of de-dollarization.

Yes de-dollarization will occur, and it should. No single country in the world should have advantage over everybody else. But your characterization of whats going on is wishful thinking that only reads facts that favor your bias, not impact outcome of reality.

I think you are just bitter that you have not secured a visa to visit the west and your entire eco-system of friends do. But do go ahead quote half facts.

I don’t have the inclination to address your worthless points 1-1. I was going to and then you showed your IQ by reflecting the F-16 shot down in Serbia. That shows your lack of knowledge at worst or best waste everybody’s time scrolling through your points when you have nothing to do.

You equating the shoot down of one F-16 over Serbia where the pilot was not even captured and the entire Serbian force was wiped out and its leader prosecuted for war crimes as the example? You don’t even know the difference between a singular or a plural. There were NO F-16S shot down. Only ONE . It just shows at least this post is not worth responding to point to point since my job is not to educate you to improve your IQ When you can’t distinguish between singular or plural. This shows what sort of fake material you are reading . If this is fake so arenthe rest of your assertions

@waz. I sincerely apologise if I have broken forum rules. It wasn't my intention to make you look silly.

Also @Deino & @That Guy - I also apologise.

Going forward I'll conduct myself with professionalism, so long as I am not targeted for supporting the Russian position in this conflict. There should be a fair balance in the discourse going forward on both sides
And please stop using the word brown sahib. You have good arguments, make them stand. You get into name calling, nobody scrolls through your posts so the rest is all wasted
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