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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Then you support Pakistan's enemies.

Guess what, every nation is hypocritical. Heck even individuals are hypocritical, including you and me.

Your logic is flawed.
I don't think most of Pakistanis support russians , i only find them on pdf..
On an interview, i were asked about the Russo Ukraine conflict and questioned where do i stand.. i replied why do you ask ? He said , just to understand your mindset, i said i stand with victims (Ukrainian) now tell me where do you stand ? He said, victim as the matter can be resolved on table. So that is the popular Pakistani narrative, rest is just few Pdf fanboyism.
Nobody is begging China you are seeing them try to act like a global power but only Putin will talk with them.
What an accomplishment 🙄

He said that to make China looks 'special'.

lol ... you guys are masters of denying reality it seems.

Only Putin will talk with China? So what was Ursula trying to do and Borrell will now go to China with his begging bowl out too since Ursula failed. Macron was just in China and Zelensky wants XJP to pick up the phone.

No need to "act" like a global power. Brokering an unprecedented KSA and Iran redirection is something the US has never managed to achieve. Not to mention KSA previously USA's spoiled preferred strategic ally has in recent years been openly defecating on the USA's global interests and now USA is beginning propaganda campaign against MBS and Saudi Arabia even though for the previous decades it was showered with gifts and preference ... and of course not a word out of place about muh human rights and all that.


No one wants to talk to China! says USA bots


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Do you really think Putin hadn't thought this through? Territorial integrity and sovereignty are the two biggest aspects of any nation. When these are threatened powerful nations react. Weaker nations are defeated. Russia didn't attack Ukraine because it suddenly woke up one day and decided to go bonkers. This was planned years in advance. Russia knew the consequences, but chose for territorial integrity and sovereignty. Some might argue this is a foolish move. Some might argue that this is more than necessary. Fact remains that Russia had a solid reason to take care of a major problem brewing in it's immediate vicinity. Ukraine is a bulwark of Western meddling against Russia. For years the Americans and Europeans have been ganging up against Russia in Ukraine. Propping up pro-Western leaders. If Russia had allowed this to go on a monster would have grown in years to come. This is how Western nations operate. They create hurdles and lackies in neighborhoods where their foes reside.

If you think that Russia is going to lie down now and accept defeat in Ukraine you are very badly mistaken. Russia has come this far and will finish the job. Whether it takes a decade or less. Russia is determined.
They quite didn’t finish the job in Afghanistan. Somehow this race of Russians is different and thought things through, I am sure

You don't even let your mouth lose. You couldn't defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan after 20 years. All you can do is blame others for your failures. You nurtered a bunch of warlords to fight your war against Pakistan. In the end they dropped their weapons and ran off.

The likes of Russia and China are way bigger challanges than the Taliban. Not in a million years are you going to win against these formidable powers.
As usual your timeline of history begins somewhere after 2000. Taliban’s predecessors also could not be conquered by these same Russians that had the whole might of the USSR, so somehow Russia is a formidable power that hasn’t even been able to reach the capital of a little neighbor
Did the babble-heads at WSJ and NYT tell you that Russia will win the war in three days? Because I can assure you that no one in the Russian Government made such a claim.

If you refute Russia's dominance, then why are the Ukrainians begging for more weapons? What's the matter, can't produce enough HIMARs and give to the Ukrainians so that they win the war?

Reality is that American military industrial complex is only business of making profits. The 4 star generals are only "Yes Men" at the Pentagon and this is why they were going around scavenging for 155mm artillery shells.

Firstly get your knowledge straightened out, Russia is a "Land Power" being the largest country on Planet Earth. Whereas America is a Maritime-Air Power, given the America is essentially an island flanked by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

Best comparison of present day America and Russia would be the France and Britain of the early 1800s, where britain was a maritime power, whereas the French under Napoleon was a land power.

Also, Russia NEVER gave a time table or deadline that it has to win the SMO in Ukraine by a certain date.

Facts on the "ground" are that Russia controls and has integrated Zaparodje, Kherson, Donetsk, Lughansk and Crimea. Another fact on the ground is that Atrimovsk (Bakhmut) has fallen and under the control of Russian Armed Forces.

You call that Russia performing poorly? This ain't a "Call of Duty" bud, this is real war and it is being won by Russia who has "Checkmated" the West.

Again, you are talking outta your hat, bud. Why? Because you have not got the sense let alone the intellect to make any distinction between Soviet Union and Russia. Soviet Union was run by Bolshevik Atheist Jews, whereas today's Russia has returned to its Orthodox Christian heart. Today's Russia wants to establish good relationship with the Islamic Civilization.
Not believing CNN: they came to Kiev and then withdrew within the week. No time in last 60 years has a military made it to the outskirts of a capital and then withdrew.

Ask the Saudis and Iranians. You got sidelined in a humiliating fashion.
I think if the Saudis and Iranians stop fighting proxy wars and killing more Muslims in last decade than the Israelis, then it’s a good thing. Even if the devil himself got these two countries on a path not to fight. China made it happen, its good for muslims if it holds and egos don’t kick in.
Dmitry Medvedev on Twitter



1. Europe doesn’t need Ukraine. The forced support of the Nazi regime, by the American mentor’s order, has put Europeans into a financial and political inferno. All for the sake of bandera’s unterukraine, that even the snobby, insolent Polacks don’t take for a valid country, and time and again toss in the issue of its western areas anschluss. There’s a nice perspective ahead: to permanently put the nouveau-Ukrainian blood-sucking parasites on the decrepit EU’s arthritis-crippled neck. That’ll be the final fall of Europe, once majestic, but robbed off by degeneration.

2. The US doesn’t need Ukraine. True, the military and sanction campaigns are attempted for PR by political blabbermouths, who long ago attested to their impotence and imbecility. Average Americans don’t understand what “Ukraine” is, and where “it” is. Most of them won’t show this “power” on the map on the first take. Why won’t the US establishment focus on inflation and job issues, or emergencies in their home States, instead of a country 404, unbeknownst to them? Why does so much dough go across the ocean?
Sooner or later, they’ll ask for that. Then, storming of the Capitol in January 2021 would seem like scout games.

3. Africa and Latin America don’t need Ukraine. The hundreds of millions spent by US on pointless fights in Ukraine, could finance many development programmes for Latin American and African states.
Latin America is gringos’ backyard – that’s what they’ve been rubbing in for decades. Africa’s had its share of suffering from the genocide, and colonial dependence, imposed by former western slave traders. That’s why the people of African huts and Latin American favelas ask a very reasonable question: for their former suffering and present-day loyalty, why is somebody else rewarded – very, very far away?

4. Asia doesn’t need Ukraine. By Russia’s example, they see “colour” technologies at work to eradicate the largest competing powers. They understand what scenario the America-led collective West has for them if they disobey. “Help us to overcome Russia, and we’ll soon come to you”, the utterly brazen Western leaders tell them. Such gigantic countries as India, China, and other Asia-Pacific states face the big enough challenge of post-pandemic economic recovery, let aside the drugged clowns, with their whining for aid.
“We are not interested in you”, Asia tells their messengers, responding to the calls to support Ukraine and confine Russia. The country, geopolitically many times closer to Asian powers, the one that historically has proven itself a reliable strategic partner. Do Asian giants need such headache coming from former colonisers?

5. Russia doesn’t need Ukraine. A threadbare quilt, torn, shaggy, and greasy. The new Malorossiya of 1991 is made up of the artificially cut territories, many of which are indigenously Russian, separated by accident in the 20th century. Millions of our compatriots live there, harassed for years by the Nazi Kiev regime. It is them who we defend in our special military operation, relentlessly eradicating the enemy. We don’t need unterukraine. We need Big Great Russia.

6. Finally, its own citizens don’t need the Nazi-headed Ukraine. That’s why out of 45 million people there’re only some 20 million remaining. That’s why those who stayed want to leave for any place: the hated Poland, EU, NATO, to be America’s 51nd state. Joining the Antarctic with its pinguins will also be fine. As long as it’s quiet, and the food’s good. The ruling junta’s criminal ambitions forced Ukrainians to beg and roam around the countries and continents, searching for a better life. All that is for an obscure European perspective. Or rather, to let the harlequin in a khaki tricot and his band of thievish Nazi clowns to put the money stolen from the West into their offshore accounts. Would ordinary Ukrainians need that?

Nobody on this planet needs such a Ukraine.

That’s why it will disappear 👏👏👏😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣Olaf:
Just make ot flat and once a uear, some street cleaning teams

you need a J😎B. 👨‍🦽:
It must disappear

Why hasn't Russia decided to bomb all the administrative buildings and bust open the bunkers and otherwise try to decapitate the state of Ukraine yet?

totally, no go back to your heavily state funded western twitter troll farms and figure out your next meme post

Hikaru Kitabayashi:
Ukraine is headed for self-destruction, but, having lived in my formative years in the slave-owning southern part of the United States, I know from personal experience that taking out the poison that a failed society produces will take generations. Even if it is the only option available, I am not sure total absorption of all of Ukraine by the Russian Federation is a wise policy. I see no attractive solution to the Ukrainian problem. Whether it will be absorbed by the Russian Federation or not, the end result seems to me to be an inevitably messy one with after-effects lasting four to five generations.
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[10:56, 09/04/2023] g: ⚡🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Russian Defence Ministry Report on the Progress of the Special Military Operation (8 April 2023)⚡

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

💥 In Kupyansk direction, Operational-Tactical and Army aviation and artillery of the Zapad Group of Forces inflicted a fire damage on the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) close to Grigorovka, Sinkovka, Peschanoye (Kharkov region), and Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People's Republic).

💥 The enemy suffered losses of up to 30 Ukrainian troops, two motor vehicles, and one D-20 howitzer.

◽️ In Krasny Liman direction, aircraft, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems of the Tsentr Group of Forces hit the enemy units close to Nevskoye (Lugansk People's Republic) and Yampolovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

💥 The enemy has suffered losses of up to 80 Ukrainian troops, one armoured fighting vehicle, one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and one D-20 howitzer in this direction in the past 24 hours.

◽️ In Donetsk direction, the Yug Group of Forces, aviation, and artillery have eliminated up to 370 Ukrainian troops and mercenaries, three infantry fighting vehicles, six armoured fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery gun over the past 24 hours.

◽️ In South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Vostok Group of Forces inflicted a fire damage on AFU units close Ugledar, Kamyshevakha (Donetsk People's Republic), and Yurkovka and Shcherbaki (Zaporozhye region)

💥 Total enemy losses in these directions amounted to 55 Ukrainian troops, one armoured fighting vehicle, and D-20 and D-30 howitzers during the day.

◽️ In Kherson direction, up to 60 Ukrainian troops, three motor vehicles, and one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery unit have been eliminated as a result of the fire damage.

💥 Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Group of Forces have engaged 92 AFU artillery units at their fire positions, manpower, and military hardware in 114 areas during the day.

💥Morevoer, three ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been obliterated near Konstatinovka (Donetsk People's Republic), Berislav (Kharkov region), and Orekhov (Zaporozhye region).

◽️ Air defence forces have intercepted seven HIMARS MLRS projectiles during the day.

💥 Moreover, seven Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down close to Stelmakhovka, Lisichansk (Lugansk People's Republic), Egorovka (Donetsk People's Republic), Mikhaylovka (Nikolayev region), and Zavetnoye (Kherson region).

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report
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[11:01, 09/04/2023] g: ⚡🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ Battle for #Bakhmut - Situation until 16:00 on 8 Apr 2023⚡

🔹In #Bakhmut, the Wagner PMC assault squads completely liberated the Avangard stadium, for which there had been fighting for the past few days, as well as the adjoining School No.7, the Pedagogical School and the Agrarian Lyceum on Kovalskaya and Blagoveshchenskaya Streets.

▪️ Slightly to the north, the "Wagnerians" advanced from the Atlantik Hotel to the southeast and the Church of All Saints to the northeast along the upper park, almost reaching the Saltovsky Meat-Packing Plant and Bakhmut Bus Station.

▪️ Fierce fighting now continues near the Bakhmut Railway Station, where AFU formations have moved an assault group to hold positions. To the north, after the liberation of the Police Station, the "Wagnerians" are attacking the areas near the Bakhmut Pre-Trial Detention Centre.

▪️ According to some reports, the PMC assault units successfully dislodged the formations of the 24th Separate Assault Battalion "Aydar" of the 53rd Mechanized Brigade from the vicinity near the MiG-17 stele in the southwest of the city. The enemy withdrew north of the plane.

📌 The Main Events of the Battle for #Bakhmut are developing in the city centre near the railway line. The importance of the positions near the Railway Station is quite high, as the liberation of this quarter will greatly facilitate the assault on the western edge of #Bakhmut and force the AFU to withdraw their troops behind Chaykovsky and Levanevsky Streets to save the lives of their militants.

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⚡🇷🇺🇺🇦🎯 Destruction of a Hangar with HIMARS in #Orekhov, #Zaporozhye Direction⚡

🗓 Today at 17:30 (8 Apr 2023), artillery units of the RF Armed Forces' 58th Army struck the hangars at the Orekhov Elevator near the railway station in #Orekhov, #Zaporozhye region.

The depots, located closer to the football field, contained two HIMARS MLRS launchers, one M777 155 mm towed howitzer, several armoured vehicles of unspecified type and artillery ammunition.

As a result of the attack, a 300-mm Smerch multiple launch rocket system and 20 shells of the 152-mm Hyacinth towed cannon completely destroyed the armament and equipment storage hangars, while the glow of the detonation could be seen many kilometres away from #Orekhov.

It is highly probable that the weapons and military equipment were transferred to #Orekhov in preparation for an offensive to provide fire support for ground forces in an assault on Russian positions, and their loss will significantly affect the combat capabilities of the AFU in the #Zaporozhye region.

High Resolution: 🇬🇧 MAP; 🇷🇺 MAP

📜 RYBAR in cooperation with @ZSU_Hunter_2_0

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Explosions in the vicinity of Bakhmut. Russian Defense Line. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.4.09

Ah Scott Ritter. A low iq propagandist. The reality is Bakhmut still standing. Ukraine army still fighting bravely. Lets the Russian zombies coming. Prigozhin, the hooligan chief himself says the battle is not over. He believes can take the city in 3 or 4 weeks. Lets wait.

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