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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

what are you talking , the only soviet plane they destroyed was an an-24 that turned out actually was defecting to Pakistan :undecided: , the rest were Afghan airforce fighters(excuse me bombers and some mil-8 that even were less in number than fingers of two hand) when faced with soviet fighters thy managed to shutdown their squadron leader.
and as you admit the training on stinger was done by Americans not Pakistan Army and they come from USA inventory not Pakistan and what really changed the tide of war were those stingers. and they exactly come into Afghanistan as I explained . a corrupt senate member and his lady companion.

and i don't recall i ever talked about Iran , if you want to knew Iran stand about Russia presence in Afghanistan at the time was it has nothing to do with us, we don't care we have our own problems.
There were multiple Su-22s and Su-25s shot down in air-to-air engagements after 1985. Afghanistan Air Force did not have this equipment. These were Soviet Air Force and flown by Soviet pilots. The most well known one is Alexander Rutskoy. He was shutdown by ground fire twice in the early 80s from his Su-25. Then finally by an F-16 over Pakistan where he ejected, was captured, and then returned to the USSR.

This is the most public case because he became Yelstin's VP in the 90s.

Also, you can look at stats, Soviet helicopters and Su-25s were getting shutdown by the dozens every year through the early 80s all the way up to Stingers.

You seem to be obsessed by Stingers and how they were the magic bullet that was the only reason war ended.

Stop being narrow minded and use google search to increase your knowledge: no single weapon system ended the war and Soviets progress was stalled before the Stingers. Ultimately the stingers had a role to play. But it wasn't the only thing
The NATO wants its members to raise the defense spendings to 3 percent of GDP from 2 percent. Ukraine will be invited officially to next the NATO meeting. Seems Ukraine is on the fast lane to join the NATO. it would get 500 million USD per year in assistance to meet NATO standards.

ukraine holds the big cities in zhaporizhia and retook the capital of cherson province.

Advance after russia poured in 300.000 fodder has been 0,1% ukraine land.

now even russian news outlet indicate ukraine is building up for counter offensive.

“great success comrades”.

Why not make it 800 to 1 if you are going to make up such a clearly ridiculous lie??

Most sources tally higher russian casualties. Very logical considering they are attacking fortified defensive positions.

But then again…defence analytics are lost on you.

The river adds a challenge. Pushing there would be costly and it is not like ukraine has that many extra troops to spare.

They go by data russia provides.
How reliable is russian data where many who do not tow the putin-line fall out of a window?

Even russian data however, shows high inflation and budget deficits in 2023

Soviet union had a lot of influence and allies that russia does not have.

Look at un vote.

Russia lost 25% territory after soviet collapse, much of that sided with Nato.

China only buys oil at huge discount and hasnt even recognised the annexed regions! Russia is quite isolated.
Speedrunning to a new north korea.

Yep. And some hardship is worth it to stop this agressor. Reliance of russian gas 45% is gone by the way.

Inflation russia 2022 was 15+ procent…
No one is saying west is not feeling any economic pain. But it sure as hell can handle more then russia. Economic fight is only starting.

Please. 1 wiki search can provide these readily available info.

Oryx uses photo evidence on russian losses. The best source we have to estimate russian lossez. Even if you half it it is massive.

so finland thinking to join Nato threathens russia so much it threathens nukes?

Its the boy cries wolf now. Nuclear brinkmanship. Luckily cooler heads lrevail in the west.

Americas second strike capabilities is massive and missile shield better as well. On top of that russia is massed around moscow. There will be no rus left standing. Maybe better for the world…

The more russia struggles tbe bigger mouth you guys Put on..

Lets see in autumn after the ukranian counteroffensive buddy. Time is not on russias side.

I am going wait till the end of this year and then come find, if you are still around for the end. Until that time, you can say what you want about the war, I say Russia is winning and will win the war in Ukraine.

The reason why Ukraine is so decisive, is because the bumbling idiots who are the Western leadership, have bet the ranch on this war. So when Ukraine is lost, it will mark the beginning of the end of Western dominance, period.
Ah Scott Ritter. A low iq propagandist. The reality is Bakhmut still standing. Ukraine army still fighting bravely. Lets the Russian zombies coming. Prigozhin, the hooligan chief himself says the battle is not over. He believes can take the city in 3 or 4 weeks. Lets wait.

He is a low IQ propagandist because he doesn't say the things you want to hear.
lol ... you guys are masters of denying reality it seems.

Only Putin will talk with China? So what was Ursula trying to do and Borrell will now go to China with his begging bowl out too since Ursula failed. Macron was just in China and Zelensky wants XJP to pick up the phone.

No need to "act" like a global power. Brokering an unprecedented KSA and Iran redirection is something the US has never managed to achieve. Not to mention KSA previously USA's spoiled preferred strategic ally has in recent years been openly defecating on the USA's global interests and now USA is beginning propaganda campaign against MBS and Saudi Arabia even though for the previous decades it was showered with gifts and preference ... and of course not a word out of place about muh human rights and all that.

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No one wants to talk to China! says USA bots
I agree with this.
China is an fast rising power and unlike russia, actually becoming a near peer/competitor.

But for saudis/iran deal…it was never in USA interest to push for it. Having them at odds ensured the saudis were tied to USA (defense umbrella/material) and petro-dollar secure.

China cares nothing for “peace” ideology either. Brokering saudi-iran talks is strategic for them to get saudi out of UsA influence sphere.
I am going wait till the end of this year and then come find, if you are still around for the end. Until that time, you can say what you want about the war, I say Russia is winning and will win the war in Ukraine.

The reason why Ukraine is so decisive, is because the bumbling idiots who are the Western leadership, have bet the ranch on this war. So when Ukraine is lost, it will mark the beginning of the end of Western dominance, period.

Of course Russia is winning. They clearly have the upper hand.

I agree with this.
China is an fast rising power and unlike russia, actually becoming a near peer/competitor.

But for saudis/iran deal…it was never in USA interest to push for it. Having them at odds ensured the saudis were tied to USA (defense umbrella/material) and petro-dollar secure.

China cares nothing for “peace” ideology either. Brokering saudi-iran talks is strategic for them to get saudi out of UsA influence sphere.

Luckily the Chinese succeeded and the Americans stood their with a redface.
Dude, all in all - Poles, Russians, even Austrians are counted as "Foreigners" and all together are doing 20% of economy.
But with German passports about 50% of muslims live of social welfare.
It's a trend in every western country.
That's because too many low quality people got imported.
Not the good ones.
Europe should take advice from the UAE, they are doing it correctly.
One of the few good examples in the islamic world.
But you fail to answer one fundamental question?

How in their right mind will go to Europe if they have world class skill set already? Very few people..most will head to USA or stay in their country

Europe need people because of population collapse it doesn't mind it if the first generation is even on welfare due to situation of their migration (wars and extreme poverty) they are betting on the second and third generation
I agree with this.
China is an fast rising power and unlike russia, actually becoming a near peer/competitor.

But for saudis/iran deal…it was never in USA interest to push for it. Having them at odds ensured the saudis were tied to USA (defense umbrella/material) and petro-dollar secure.

China cares nothing for “peace” ideology either. Brokering saudi-iran talks is strategic for them to get saudi out of UsA influence sphere.

I agree with what you are saying about the Saudi Iran deal regarding China and US interests etc and why each did what they are doing or have been doing.

It was mostly to show the other two who were jerking each other off about how no one wants to talk to China when the reality was and is the exact opposite. That includes their own home of the so called free and brave. At every moment they love to demean and disparage China without any provocation so it's only natural some people eventually do the same and use the same.
The NATO wants its members to raise the defense spendings to 3 percent of GDP from 2 percent. Ukraine will be invited officially to next the NATO meeting. Seems Ukraine is on the fast lane to join the NATO. it would get 500 million USD per year in assistance to meet NATO standards.

After Ukraine is liberated and Russia is thrown out of Crimea - NATO really needs to fix the Belarus problem. Russia recognises that Belarus will next become a strategic problem for it - which is why it has moved nuclear weapons onto Belarusian soil as some kind of shield and why there are so many russian soldiers in belarus on "training..."

A peoples revolution in Belarus for democracy is required soon and then we will have a secure Europe... an Orange revoluion in Belarus..

It's coming - it is gonna happen.

"I have spoken..." ... lol ...
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But you fail to answer one fundamental question?

How in their right mind will go to Europe if they have world class skill set already? Very few people..most will head to USA or stay in their country

Europe need people because of population collapse it doesn't mind it if the first generation is even on welfare due to situation of their migration (wars and extreme poverty) they are betting on the second and third generation
Nah Dude.
Less people, more wealth for the few.
Look at Swiss, Austria.
Germany could perfectly survive with 40 million ethnic Germans/close-related foreigners.
Only some big bosses would make less money (Consumation).
Bro, Turks are (except small population of Bosnians) the most integrated Muslims.
And still, 50% are on social welfare.
So, kick out 50% of them.
I could bet the numbers would be higher if you count Turks with German passport who are social welfare recipants.
And yeah, you are right, most Western Europeans are taking the "youth bulge".
People who are mostly not in real need, people who won't integrate etc.
People like that are really annoying.
America took often bad apples too but not ***-open "borders" policy.
Good, skilled people, won't go to Europe where the OWN people are pressed out like an orange.

Zelensky's men 'run for life' as Russian Lancet drone strikes Ukrainian Howitzer​


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